Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Here is My Movie Review of Replicas


Here is My Movie Review of Replicas

So basically what happens is that you have this guy named William Foster Who is that scientist who is trying to transfer human consciousness into a computer. Then he decides to Take his family out on a vacation however during a storm they And to this car accident which kills his wife and kids. So after that he decides to have his friend Ed help him bring his family back to life by cloning them into replicas and that is basically what the story is for this movie.  The story to this movie is really bad the way I can summon up it  Is a lazy rehash version of the storyline in the movie Chappie. But the only difference being that with chappie I was very entertained and I like the story. But with this movie I just didn't really care about the story. I just thought it was really bland and not really entertaining at all. 

The acting in this movie is probably up there with the movie Polar as one of the worst acted movies of 2019 Because This movie, much like that movie, has good actors. It's just that the acting from the actors is so boring and not really entertaining at all.

Now the only positive I do have about this movie is that I did think the actors do have great chemistry with each other. All of the acting is really bad. 

 The worst performance in the entire movie. I'm sorry to say Keanu Reeves is very bland and boring and not really entertaining in this movie. He plays the main character William Foster In this movie and I have to say This is probably my pick for The worst performance he has ever given. What's really disappointing is that Keanu Reeves is a fantastic actor. If you watch him in stuff like the Matrix and Speed you could tell he is having fun in the movies such as Neo and Jack Traven. Watch him and I just think he's really boring in this movie. Also I still think speed is one of Keanu Reeves's best movies. I have ever seen one before. But I have to say replicas is probably the worst movie I have ever seen. The character of William Foster is really bland because I didn't really care for either character because  his family did die in a car accident. Also that's why I cared more about Iron Man From the Infinity Saga than  I care about any of the characters in this movie because the Marvel Cinematic Universe was building up to Iron Man's death. Well in this movie it just suddenly happens with no buildup. The chemistry between him and Alic Eve, Thomas Middleditch, John Ortiz, Emjay Anthony Is really good. 

Alic Eve Plays William Foster's wife Mona In this movie. I have to say her performance is so bland and so average that The even forgot she's even The main character's wife that's how forgettable she was in this movie. Mona as a character. All she does in this movie is Question if William Foster is going crazy and that's all she does throughout the whole movie.  The romance between her and William Foster I just thought was really bland and probably one of the most foreign relationships in a 2019 movie. I much prefer the relationship between Jack Traven and Annie Porter From speed because only that's the way I actually bought their relationship throughout the entire film.  Also I still think Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock had excellent chemistry with each other in the film. The chemistry between him and Alice Eve Is  really decent. 

Thomas Middleditch Plays William Foster's friend Ed in the film. I have to say it much like I said With Keanu Reeves. Thomas Middleditch Is not really great in this movie. I Just think he is very stiff and very flat in the role. The character of Ed is rather boring because all he does in this movie is help William Foster with whatever he needs to do in this movie and it is just very generic and very repetitive to watch. Also the friendship between him and William Foster I just didn't really care about. In the film to be honest I actually bought Harry's and Jack Traven´s Friendship and Speed because they add to  spend time together in the film. The Twist reveal with Ed working with the villain In this movie it was very dumb and very cheesy and just came out nowhere. Also the chemistry between him and Keanu Reeves is okay. To be honest I much preferred the chemistry between Keanu Reeves and Jeff Dennis In the movie Speed because it was real and  I could tell the two actors had fun together in the film.

Emjay Anthony Plays William Foster's son Matt Foster In the film. I have to say much like the rest of the acting in the movie Emjay Anthony  is so Generic and so flat and the character of Matt Foster. Matt Foster as a character is rather flat and unmemorable because he is just there to be William Foster's son and he doesn't really have much of a personality. The father son relationship in this movie is not strong at all. I just did not believe them as father and son. To be honest I much prefer the father-daughter always except in the Ant-Man movies between Scott Lang and Cassie because I  actually bought them as family members. But  with William Foster and Matt Foster I just simply didn't care for their family or relationship. The chemistry between him and Keanu Reeves is fine. However I prefer the chemistry between Paul Rudd and Abby Ryder Fortson in the Ant-Man movies because I bought them as a real father and daughter relationship. 

 John Ortiz plays The main villain Jones in this movie. I have to say his performance is so Flat and so uninteresting that I actually forgot he was even the villain in this movie. That's how unmemorable Jones is as a character. He is probably the most forgettable villain of the 2010s. I'm going to say that Scar from The Lion King 2019 is a much more memorable villain because he actually has a lot to do in that film. Also Scar was really irritating and very dark as a villain. But Jones in this movie is so one-dimensional and really forgettable that He is probably up there with Kurse from Thor the Dark World as one of the most forgettable villains of the 2010s. The rivalry between him and William Foster is not very strong at all. I have to say the rivalry between Jack Traven and Howard Payne From Speed was a much better rivalry between two characters in a film because you understood why they hate each other in the film. The chemistry between him and Keanu Reeves is okay. But I have to say the chemistry between Keanu Reeves and Dennis Hopper in speed was much better executed because I actually bought their chemistry in the film. 

The directing by Jeffrey Nashmanoff Is really bad because he tried to make you feel sympathy for the main character William Foster but it just doesn't really work very well at all. Also I don't know what he wanted this  film to be, did he wanted it to be an action movie or does he want This to be a sci-fi thriller film. This is probably my pick for one of the worst directed movies of 2019 dare I say the worth directed at a movie of the 2010s.

So in conclusion I did not like this movie. I just think it is very boring and very generic. Keanu Reeves in this movie Is just really bad and very boring and again he is great actor I just think this is probably my pick for one of the worst Keanu Reeves movies I have ever seen and did it probably my least favorite performance from him. And what's worst of that this movie feels like a Netflix movie and I think it's probably up there with some of the worst Netflix original movies like Polar, TAU and The Open House as one the worst movies of the 2010s. Also I'm actually surprised this movie wasn't a Netflix original movie due to how bad it was. Just skip this movie Go watch Speed or any of the John Wick movies you'll have a much better time with those films. I give this movie a 1/10. 

Monday, January 30, 2023

Top 10 Actors Who Could Play the Scarecrow

 Top 10 Actors Who Could Play the Scarecrow

10. Ian McShane

9. David Thewlis 

8. Robert England

7. Richard Madden 

6. Michael Fassbender 

5. Jeffrey Combs 

4. David Tennant

3. Alec Baldwin 

2. Cillain Murphy 

1. Gary Oldman 

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Top 20 Actors Who Could Voice the Silver Surfer

 Top 20 Actors Who Could Voice the Silver Surfer 

20. Keanu Reeves

19. Ken Watanabe

18. Liam Neeson

17. John Boyega

16. Andy Serkis

15. Ben Kingsley

14. Chiwetel Ejiofor

13. Jeffrey Wright

12. Chris Pine

11. Ethan Hawke

10. Michael Fassbender

9. Ewen McGregor

8. Jake Gyllenhaal

7. Chris Evans

6. Edward Norton

5. Idris Elba 

4. Patrick Stewart

3. Ian McKellen

2. Laurence Fishburne

1. Jude Law 

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Here is My Movie Review of The Black Phone


Here is My Movie Review of The Black Phone

So basically what happens is that you have this 13-year-old boy named Finney Who gets kidnapped by this serial killer named the Grabber who locks him in his soundproof basement. Then he eventually receives calls from all the children that The Grabber had killed and he has to do everything as power to take down the Grabber and escape the basement. That is basically what the story is for this movie. I have to say the storyline in the film is incredible because the idea of of a kid getting locked in a soundproof basement and has to talk to The Grabber´s dead victims to help him find out how to get out of the basement and take down the Grabber has a lot of potential in the film executes it perfectly. It is probably up there with the storyline in the Northman as one of the best story lines of 2022.

The acting in this movie is still terrific because all of them are doing a terrific job with their performances and I can tell that everyone is having fun at their characters to be honest the acting in this movie is probably up there with Everything Everywhere All At Once as one of the best acted films of 2022. This movie is probably up there with Furious a Mad Max Saga as one of the best acted films of the 2020s.

Now for this Mason Thomas ´ s very first film did I have say he still does an excellent job as Finney Blake. Now Finney Blake as character is that he wants to do everything in his power to escape the Grabber´s basement and you can see how scared he is because he is worried that he will never escape from The Grabber. The scene of Finny Blake Is when he is fighting The Grabber near the end of the film Because he wanted to get revenge on him for kidnapping him and lock him in his basement a literally beats him to death which kills him. It is probably the most nail by name moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Madeleine McGraw, Miguel Cazarez Mora, and Ethan Hawke is still really spectacular. 

Madeleine McGraw Plays Finney Blake´s younger sister Gwan Blake. I have to say she still does an amazing job as this character. Now Gwan Blake as character is Incredible because she has shown that she really cares for older brother Finney Blake And just wants to be reunited him The scene Gwen Blake Where she is reunited with her brother Finney Blake Is one of the most powerful moments of the entire film because she wanted her older brother to get out of the basement and be reunited with her. It is probably the most powerful and one of the most emotionally beautiful moments of the entire film. The chemistry between  her and   Mason Thomas is still really astonishing. 

Miguel Cazarez Mora plays Finney Blake's friend Robin. I have to say he still does a fantastic job as this character.  Now The character of Robin Is incredible is that he really cares about Finney Blake and he wants him to escape from the Grabber.  The friendship between him and Finney Blake  is probably the strongest aspect of the film. The Scene Robin  is when  he calls Fanny Blake over the phone and teaches him how to fight It is probably the most powerful moment of the entire film because Fanny Blake need to learn how to defend himself in order to take down The Grabber. It is probably the most important moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Mason Thomas is  phenomenal.


However the absolute standout of this entire movie is Ethan Hawke as The Grabber. Now The Grabber is astonishing villain because is very disturbing and very crazy in the head because what he basically does is he  kidnaps children and put them in his van and then kills the children and then he puts their bodies in another house where he keeps all the other dead bodies of the children.  Also The Grabber is  a villain that you just love to hate because  he is so cruel and evil they just want this lunatic to die and he eventually gets what's coming to him when Finney Blake chokes him to death with the phone cord. The scene where The Grabber is where he lures Finny Blake into the van and knocks him out and puts them in his soundproof basement. It is probably the most disturbing scene of the entire film. I still think of the two performances that Ethan Hawke gave in 2022. I think this is a better performance. I think The Grabber is up there with Jean Jacket from Nope as one of the best villains of 2022 But I still really enjoy him in Moon Knight as Arthur Harrow. It is probably the most underrated Marvel Cinematic Universe villain performances.  This is in my top 10 of my top 50 favorite  performances.  The rivalry between him and Finny Blake is still really  marvelous.  The chemistry between him and Mason Thomas is still really  awesome. 


However the best thing about this movie is The directing by Scott  Derickson Because what I love about his directing is that he does a terrific job of developing all of the characters especially the character of Finney Blake Because she wants to get out of the Grabber's basement and be with his sister Gwen and at first he doesn't know how to fight he gets mistreated at school but once he wants home to defend himself he usually that to get revenge on the grammar and beats him to death and he escapes from the basement. I also like how he made this movie really disturbing and what makes this film so disturb me that he did the tremendous job of making the grab her a very creepy and disturbing villain Because he enjoys kidnapping children and locking them in his basement. I like how he doesn't give the Grabber a backstory because he sort of liked the Joker both of them are shrouded in mystery. I think it was really terrific of how he did that.

 So in conclusion i still really enjoy the film big head the storyline revolving around Finney Blake learning how to survive in the Grabber's basement will also getting advice of how to get out by using the phone to talk to The Grabber's previous dead victims that he has killed and the film executed that concept of being locked in a soundproof basement and talking to dead victims over a phone perfectly. But the strongest thing about this movie is the bonding between Finny Blake and his sister Gwen Blake because he really cares about her he also enjoys spending time with her. I think that is the strongest aspect of the entire film. Also the Grabber is such a tremendous villain his motivation for kidnapping children and locking them in his soundproof basement is really interesting and really disturbing Because there is no reason of why he doesn't he just enjoys doing it. Also Ethan Hawke gives one of his best performances he has ever given in his career. Also I think The Grabber is probably up there with Warlord Dementus from Furiousa a Mad Max Saga as one of the best villains of the 2020s. I highly recommend you watch this film especially if you enjoy the Northman with Alexander Skarsgard then i'm sure you're going to like this one as well. I give this movie a 97/10.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Here is My Movie Review of Ambulance


Here is my Movie Review of Ambulance

So basically what happens is that you have this guy named Well Sharp and he has to find a way to pay for the wife's medical bills so he decides to join his brother Danny Sharp to rob a bank in LA But the bank highest goes Wrong where they find that injured police officer and  they decided to Take the police officer and Still an ambulance and Kidnap a doctor named Cam Thompson and they have to do everything their power to  put run the police and that is basically  what the story is for this movie. 

The acting in this movie is phenomenal. I still think everyone does a traffic job playing their characters. I can tell everyone was having fun and the characters in this movie. 

Yahya Abdul- Mateen II plays Will Sharp. I have to say he still does a tremendous job as this character. What makes Will Sharp such an interesting character is that he wants to do everything in his power to get the money to provide payment for his wife's medical bills. Probably my favorite scene with Will Sharp is where He and his brother Danny Sharp are trying to outrun the police. It is probably one of the best moments in the film. The chemistry between him and Eiza Gonzalez, Jake Gyllenhaal, and Garret Dillahunt Is still really excellent.

Garret Dillahunt  plays Captain Monroe. I have to say he still does a great job as this character. What makes Captain Monroe Such a excellent character and that all he wants to do is to bring Will Sharp and Danny Sharp to justice for all the crimes that they have committed. Probably my favorite moment with Covenant Monroe is when he tells all the other police officers to chase after the ambulance. It is probably one of the best Moments in the film. That chemistry between him and Jake Gyllenhaal, Yahya Abdul- Mateen II, and Eiza Gonzalez Is still really amazing. 

Eiza Gonzalez Plays  Cam Thompson In this film. I have to say she does an excellent job as this character. What makes Cam Thompson such an awesome character is that she wants to do everything In our power to prevent the police officer from dying. Probably my favorite moment with Cam Thompson is at the beginning of the film where she rescued a little girl from a car accident. It is probably the strongest moment in the film. The chemistry between her and Yahya Abdul- Mateen II and Jake Gyllenhaal is still really extraordinary.

However the absolute standout of this entire movie is Jake Gyllenhaal as the character of Danny Sharp. What makes Danny sharp such a wonderful character is that He wants to help his brother get the money to pay his brother's wife's medical bills. Probably my favorite moment with Danny Sharpe is where he threatens to kill Cam Thompson. If she doesn't help them get the money it is probably where the darkest moments of the entire film. Now is this my favorite Jake Gyllenhaal performance well it's my second favorite my favorite Jake Gyllenhaal performance is Mysterio from Spider-Man far from home. Danny Sharpe is probably up there with The Grabber from the Black Phone as one of the best villains of 2022. The chemistry between him and Yahya Abdul- Mateen II and Eiza Gonzalez Is still really spectacular. 

The directing by Michael Bay is decent because well it's not bad it's just the same old directing style that he's been doing for a lot of his movies. Now I would say he still does a tremendous job of tackling the subject of being a medical ambulance driver because in real life a lot of doctors need to get to one place or another really fast In order to help if the patient  is sick or injured. I still think it's really Cool how he did that.

So in conclusion i still think this is one of the most underrated films of 2022. The storyline revolving around Will Sharp and his brother Danny Sharp is probably the strongest aspect of the entire film. Cam Thompson is one of my favorite characters of the film she really wants to help this injured police officer get back to health the relationship that she has with real shark is the strongest aspect of the entire film. This is still in my top 20 favorite movies of 2022. Danny Sharpe is up there with The Chameleon from Kung Fu Panda 4 as one of the best villains of the 2020s. I still think more people should watch this film especially if you like Speed with Keanu Reeves. I give this movie a 10/10.

My Ranking of All 45 Actors That Were Considered for the Role of Lenny Ranked from Least Likely to Most Likely to Voice Him

 My Ranking of All 45 Actors That Were Considered for the Role of Lenny Ranked from least likely to Most Likely to Voice Him

45. Adam Sandler

44. Kevin Costner 

43. Steve Burton

42. Kevin Kline

41. Timothy Hutton

40. Vincent D'Onofrio

39. Michael J Fox

38. Jason Flemny 

37. Zach Braff

36. Sylvester Stallone

35. Josh Hartnett

34. Casper Van Dien

33. Albert Brooks

32. Steven Seagal

31. Dave Foley

30. Cheech Martin

29. George Clooney

28. John Leguizamo 

27. John Goodman

26. Nicolas Cage

25. Jay Mohr

24. Christians Slater

23. Michael Dudikoff 

22. Ardal O´Hanlon

21. Owen Wilson

20. Cary Elwes

19. Jerry Seinfeld

18. Billy Crystal

17. Ioan Gruffudd

16. Brad Pitt

15. Peter Weller

14. Hank Azaria

13. Nathan Lane

12. Pierce Brosnan 

11. Scott Bakula 

10. Tom Guiry

9. David Duchovny 

8. Ray Romano

7. Dan Shor

6. Jim Carrey

5. Ewen McGregor

4. Mike Myers

3. Keanu Reeves

2. Leonardo DiCaprio

1. Will Ferrell

Top 50 Favorite Performances

 Top 50 Favorite Performances 

50. David Dasrmalchian as Kurt from The Infinity Saga

49. Liev Schreiber as the Kingpin from Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse  

48. Khristian Wig as the Cheetah from Wonder Woman 1984

47. Kiefer Sutherland as the Caller from Phone Booth

46. Robert De Niro as Don Lino from Shark Tale 

45. Ryan Reynolds as Jerry Hickfin from The Voices

44. Danny DeVito as the Penguin from Batman Returns 

43. Jared Leto as Morbius from Morbius 

42. Robert England as Anti-Pops from Regular Show A Regular Final Battle

41. Abby Ryder Fortson as Cassie from the Infinity Saga 

40. Jamie Foxx as Electro from Spider-Man No Way Home

39. Kelsey Grammer as Beast from X3 X-Men The Last Stand 

38. Mark Strong as Sinestro from Green Lantern

37. Mark Strong as Dr Sivana from Shazam  

36. Hugh Jackman as Vincent Moore from Chappie 

35. Keanu Reeves as Jack Traven from Speed

34. Zachary Levi as Shazam from Shazam 

33. Edward Norton as the Hulk from The Incredible Hulk 

32. William Shatner as Kazar from The Wild 

31. David Harbor as Hellboy from Hellboy 2019 

30. David Harbor as the Red Guardian from Black Widow

29. Steve Martin as Mr Chairman from Looney Tunes Back in Action 

28. John Krasinski as Mr Fantastic from Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

27. Thomas Haden Church as Sandman from Spider-Man 3 and Spider-Man No Way Home

26. Laurence Fishburne as the Silver Surfer from Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer

25. Laurence Fishburne as Thrax from Osmosis Jones 

24. Corey Stoll as Darren Cross/Yellow Jacket / M.O.D.O.K from Ant-Man and Ant-Man and The Wasp Quantum Mania

23. Chiwetel Ejiofor as Scar from the Lion King 2019

22. Bill Nighy as Rattlesnake Jake from Rango

21. Pierce Brosnan as Dr Fate from Black Adam

20. Jake Gyllenhaal as Jimmy Livingston from Bubble Boy 

19. Jake Gyllenhaal as Dr Johnny Wilcox from Okja 

18. Jake Gyllenhaal as Mysterio from Spider-Man Far from Home

17. Ned Beatty as Tortoise John from Rango 

16. Matthew McConaughey as Walter from the Dark Tower 

15. Josh Brolin as Jonah Hex from Jonah Hex

14. Josh Brolin as Cable from Deadpool 2 

13. Leonardo DiCaprio as Calvin Candie from Django Unchained

12. John Malkovich as Quentin Turnbull from Jonah Hex 

11. Ethan Hawke as Arthur Harrow from Moon Knight

10. Ethan Hawke as The Grabber from the Black Phone

9. Chris Evans as Captain America from The Infinity Saga

8. Michael Shannon as Colonel Richard Strickland from the Shape of Water

7. Robert Patrick as The White Dragon from Peacemaker 

6. Pedro Pascal as Maxwell Lord from Wonder Woman 1984 

5. Jude Law as Pitch Black from Rise of the Guardians 

4. Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man from the Infinity Saga

3. Paul Rudd as Ant-Man from the Marvel Cinematic Universe 

2. Gary Oldman as Lord Shen from Kung Fu Panda 2

1. Josh Brolin as Thanos from the Infinity Saga 

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Here is My Movie Review of The Catcher Was A Spy


Here is My Movie Review of The Catcher Was A Spy

So basically what happens is that it tells the real life story of the The Major League Baseball player Moe Berg and how he lived a double life as a spy of the office of Strategic services and how he became a soldier to fight for the Nazis in World War II and that is basically what the story is for this movie. 

    The acting in this movie is amazing. I still think everyone gives it their all and their characters. I can tell that everyone was having fun in this movie.

However the absolute standout of the entire film is Paul Rudd as Moe Berg. What makes Moe Berg such a interesting character is that he is tasked to kill a physicist named Walter Heisenberg who is trying to get the German Nazis to build the atomic bomb so they can kill millions of people And when the war. Probably the best moment with Moberg is where he is waiting his trips into the war to fight the Nazis and not only is it really intense but it may sense because in real life he was tasked to do that he was forced to retire from baseball so he can go into the war and fight against Germany. It is probably the most powerful moment of the entire film. This is probably Paul Rudd's most underrated performance He has ever done. The chemistry between him and Guy Pearce, Paul Giamatti, Sienna Miller, and Jeff Daniels is still really excellent. 

Guy Pearce plays the character of Robert Furman. I have to say he still does an amazing job as the character. What makes Robert Furman such an intelligent character is that he believes that there is a way to take down the Nazis in the war. Probably my favorite moment with Robert Furman is where he introduces himself to Moe Berg and he explains to him about his plan to take down the Nazis. It is probably one of the strongest moments in the film. The chemistry between him and Paul Rudd is still really terrific. 

Jeff Daniels Plays the character of William J Donovan. I have to say Jeff the dentist does an awesome job as the character. What makes William J Donovan such an outstanding character is that  much like Moe Berg he also wants to take down the Nazis in the war. Probably the best moment with William J Donovan He had questions Moe Berg about killing professor Eduardo Amaldi. Not only was it really intense but it made sense because in real life Moe Berg was tasked to kill a Nazi scientist It is probably the darkest moment of the entire film The chemistry between him and Paul Rudd  is still very astonishing. 

Sienna Miller plays Estella Huni In the film. I have to say she still does an extraordinary job as the character. What makes Estella Huni such a sympathetic character and that she doesn't want Moe Berg to go to war because she really loves him. Probably the best moment with Estella Huni Is when she had to say goodbye to Moe Berg not only was really powerful but it made sense because in real life she was tasked to go to Japan to Play in a baseball game It is probably the most powerful moment of the entire film/ The chemistry between her and Paul Rudd is still really great.

Paul Giamatti plays Samuel Goudgmit In the film. What makes Samuel Goudsmit such a spectacular character is that he really wants to help Moe Berg fight the Nazis in the war.  Probably the best moment with Samuel Goudgmit Is when he first meets Moe Berg And not only was it a very incredible end perfect moment but it made sense because in real life they teamed up during World War II to try to stop the Nazis from making the atomic bomb it is probably the Strongest moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Paul Rudd is still really terrific. 

The directing by Lewin is still really remarkable Because why I like about his directing is that he pretty much got everything about the life of Moe Berg completely accurate because in real life he was a former baseball player who is recruit to join World War II to kill Walter Heidenberg and prevent the Nazis from making the atomic bomb and killing millions US soldiers during that time and they had to lead his troops into the war too fight against not the Germany. I think it was very exquisite of how he did that.

So in conclusion I don't think this movie is bad as a lot people say it is to be honest there for worse movies like Slender Man and Mile 22 those two movies are way more unwatchable than this. I still think the movie does a tremendous job of depicting World War II and the life of Moe Berg how he went from an ornate baseball player to a World War II soldier. This is definitely one of the most underrated movies of 2018 and it's one of the most underrated Paul Rudd films. I think more people should watch the film before calling it the most boring movie of 2018. If you want to watch a really boring movie then go watch A Wrinkle In Time that film is a lot more boring to the point that nothing really much happens in that film. I think if you enjoy the movie Oppenheimer with Cillian Murphy then I'm sure you're going to like this one. I give this movie a 10/10.

Monday, January 16, 2023

Top 10 Marvel Movie Blonders

 Top 10 Marvel Movie Blonders 

10. Making David Banner the Absorbing Man Hulk 2003 

9. Miss using Venom Spider-Man 3

8. Casting Paul Giamatti as The Rhino The Amazing Spider-Man 2 

7. Casting Oscar Isaac as Apocalypse X-Men Apocalypse

6. Making the Taskmaster a hunch woman Black Widow

5. Making Magneto funny X3 X-Men The Last Stand

4. Making Galactus just a giant cloud fantastic 4 Rise of the Silver Surfer

3. Making Ultron funny Avengers Age of Ultron

2. Wasting Jude Law Captain Marvel 

1. Getting Dr Doom completely wrong almost every Fantastic 4 film 

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Top 20 Actors Who Could Voice Arishem The Judge

 Top 20 Actors Who Could Voice Arishem The Judge 

20. Oscar Isaac

19. Keanu Reeves

18. John Boyega

17. Will Poulter

16. Anthony Hopkins

15. Joaquin Phoenix

14. Paul Dano

13. Ben Kingsley

12. Jude Law

11. Patrick Stewart

10. Josh Brolin 

9. Liev Schreiber

8. Ewan McGreger 

7. Benedict Cumberbatch

6. Ciaran Hinds 

5. Gary Oldman 

4. Ben Mendelsohn

3. Alec Baldwin 

2. Ian McKellen

1. Idris Elba 

Here Is My Movie Review Of Beau Is Afraid

  Here Is My Movie Review Of Beau Is Afraid  Now when I saw the trailer for this movie I legitimately thought I was high  because of all the...