Friday, November 25, 2022

Here is My Movie Review of The Dark Tower


Here is My Movie Review of The Dark Tower

So basically what happened is that you have this kid named Jake Chambers. Who is having these strange visions about the  Tower being destroyed by this guy named Walter who is using a machine to generate light to destroy the Dark Tower piece by piece. Then Jake Chambers goes into a portal to another world and meets Roland Deschain. Who is the last gun swinger in this world and If you want revenge on Walter forehead father's death. It is  up to Jake Chambers and Roland Deschain to team up to take down Walter and save both of their worlds and to prevent the Dark Tower from being destroyed. That is  what the story is for this movie.

Now a lot of people say that the acting in this movie is really bad because the characters are really bland and one dimensional. But I just disagree with this statement because I don't think the acting is that bad. I think the movie that had the worst acting in 2017 is Surfs up 2 WaveMania because the acting in that movie was so bland and so boring. 

Idris Elba still does a tremendous job as the character of Roland Deschain. What makes Roland Deschain such an interesting character is that he really wants to help Jake Chambert prevent Walter from destroying the tower in order to protect both of their worlds. The bonding between him and Jake Chambert It's probably  the strongest aspect of the film. I still think this is Idris Elba's most underrated movie and his most underrated movie performance.Fun fact actors like Daniel Craig, Christian Bale, Viggo Mortensen, Mads Mikkelsen, Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Liam Neeson, Javier Bardem, Mads Mikkelsen Who are all considered to play Roland Deschain. The chemistry between him and Tom Taylor and Matthew McConaugh is still really spectacular. 

Now for this being Tom Taylor ´ s Very first film he did. I still think he does an extraordinary job as the character of Jake Chambert. What makes Jake Chambert such a remarkable character is that he desperately wants to help Roland Deschain to prevent the dark tower from being destroyed and to protect both of their worlds. Probably the darkest moment in this movie is where Jake Chambert find out that Walter killed his mother and He breaks down crying because he desperately misses his mother and you can understand why he wants revenge on Walter for killing his mother. It is probably one of the most underrated movie moments of 2017. The chemistry between him and Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey is still really terrific. 

However the absolute standout of this entire movie is Matthew McConaughey as the character of Walter. What makes Walter such an underrated and entertaining villain is that his motivation makes sense because he wants to destroy the Dark Tower so he can destroy both worlds and he almost wins  by using Jake Chambert to produce light to almost destroy the Dark Tower. Now Walter's abilities are  very similar to Kilgrave from Netflix's Jessica Jones in the sense that they could both verbally tell people what to do. Walter's death in this movie is probably one of the most underrated villain deaths of 2017. Also the voice that Matthew McConaughey puts on for Walter sounds just like how Two Face would sound great in a Batman movie directed by Matt Reeves. If Matthew McConaughey was cast in a Matt Reeves Batman movie as Two Face he would be perfect for that Batman Universe. Fun fact Matthew McConaughey actually was going to play Ego in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 but he passed on the role to star in this film. Here is another fun fact Tom Hardy were considered to play Walter. Fun fact actors Russell Crowe, Javier Bardem and Tom Hardy were considered to play Walter The chemistry between him, Idris Elba and Tom Taylor is still really incredible. The rivalry between him and Roland Deschain and  Jake Chambers is still really awesome

Now a lot of people do not like the directing by Nikolaj Arcel because they say that the directing is not really awful because the movie is a mess. However I didn't agree with that statement. I don't think the film is that hard to follow. I still think it's really easy to follow. I think of you while I see a movie with really bad directing. Go watch Batman versus Superman Dawn of Justice directed by Zack Snyder because that movie is way more hard to follow than this movie and the town was inconsistent throughout the whole movie. I think Nikolaj Arcel’s vision for the film is exactly what he wanted it to be. He wanted this movie to be as accurate to the books as possible and I think he did an outstanding job of doing that. 

So in conclusion I still do not think this is one of the worst movies of 2017 because I still think the worst movie of 2017 is Death Note 2017 because at least with this movie it was pretty accurate to the source material well Death Note was completely inaccurate to its source material. I still think it's one of the most underrated movies of 2017. I still think more people should give this movie a chance and watch it again before they call this movie garbage. I give this movie a 10/10. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Here is My Movie Review of Spirited


Here is My Movie Review of Spirited

So basically what happens is that you have this guy named Clint Briggs who is running this company that sells Christmas stuff so he  can boost his own ego essentially he designs to use social media to ruin people's lives essentially. Then he is visited by the ghost of  Christmas present and he takes him to the past, the present and the future In order to help Clint Briggs to and turn his life around. That is basically what the story is for this movie. 

The acting in this movie is really excellent Because I think the actors give it their all. 

Ryan Reynolds does an awesome job as the character of Clint Briggs. Now Clint Briggs as a character is at first really unlikable; he uses social media to boost his own ego. He constantly ignores his niece. All he cares about is getting money and selling Christmas stuff. But then he starts to fix all the bad things that he has done and he starts to become a better person as the film goes on. Probably the funniest scene in this movie with Clint Briggs is when he is visited by Jacbo Marley trying to sing the song the story of your life. But every time he tries to sing the song Clint Briggs keeps interrupting him by asking him so many questions. But probably the saddest thing is where Clint Briggs has to go to the path to see his sister dying in the hospital. It is probably why the saddest scenes in the film The chemistry between him and Tracy Morgan and Will Ferrell is really tremendous. 

Tracy Morgan does a terrific job as the character of Yet-To Come. What makes Yet- To Come such a great character is He basically shows Clint Briggs what happens if he doesn't change his ways because in the future he has caused a little kid to end his own life. So in this movie Yet- To Come is essentially the grim reaper in the film. The chemistry between him and Ryan Reynolds is really spectacular. 

However the actor that really steals the show in this movie is Will Ferrell as  Present. What makes  Present such an extraordinary character and that all he wants to do is to help Clint Regions redeem himself so he could become mortal and have a family and live on earth. Also the twist reveal of  Present being the original Scrooge was really surprising. Probably the funniest moment in this film is where This guy says good afternoon and then Present hits the guy's car and he says what did you say?. It is probably the funniest moment in the entire film. The chemistry between him and Ryan Reynolds is really phenomenal. 

The soundtrack in this movie is really remarkable because I think it is up there with the soundtracks in Guide to the Galaxy and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 in terms of really great songs. My favorite songs in this movie are the opening song `` Christmas Feeling It,'' that  is the perfect way to start out the movie.  It's just a really great way to get in the holiday spirit of Christmas. But probably the funniest song is Good Afternoon because a long time ago good afternoon meant Fuck Off.

The directing by Sean Ander is really terrific. What I like about his directing is that he basically took the Christmas carol story and may into a modern day musical. I think it is really interesting how I did that. But I also like how he added a message in the movie and the message is that a person is not really nice but they could still change and be redeemed because some people are not really nice but they can change by just being happy and learning to be more kind. I think it is really amazing how he did that. 

So in conclusion. I really enjoyed this movie. I really enjoyed the unique take on a Christmas Carol by making it into a musical. I also like how the movie gives you a really good message at the end of the movie. Ryan Reynolds and Will Ferrell have really great chemistry in this movie. This is still one of the funniest movies of 2022. It is also up there with Cherry with Tom Holland as one of my favorite Apple TV Plus films. I think more people should watch it especially if you like a Christmas Carol with Jim Carrey. I give this movie a 10/10. 

Here is My Movie Review of The Fanatic


Here is My Movie Review of The Fanatic 

So basically what happens is that you have this guy Moose and hear they big fan of this actor named Hunter Dunbar and he wants him to sign him an autograph so he goes to the book signing to meet him but after Hunter Dunbar leaves. Moose is not really happy about that so he decides to go out of his way to stalk Hunter number so he can get his autograph from him. That is basically what the story is for this movie It is so laughably dumb but yet it is a really entertaining. 

The acting in this movie is horrible but yet it is really entertaining because it is so laughably terrible but yet it is really interesting. 

John Travolta gives a really laughable and horrible performance as Moose but yet it is so over the top and cheesy and it is actually entertaining. But the character of Moose is so laughably terrible that comes off as entertaining because he weird obsession with Hunter Dunbar To the point of stocking and harassing him in order to get his autograph He is probably up there with Eddie from dead fall as one of us over the top and weirdest characters. Probably the most laughably bad scene with moose is where he had an argument with His friend Leah And it gives her the middle finger and it supposed to be a very serious moment but because of how over the top move is at a character comes off as laughably terrible but yet one of the most entertaining part of the film. The chemistry between him and Devin Sawa is decent.

Devin Sawa gave a laughable bad performance as Hunter Dunbar much like John Travolta's laughable bad performance as Moose. It is also really entertaining. Also much like Moose as the character of Hunter Dunbar is also laughably terrible but yet very entertaining because he doesn't want Mooes following him around he doesn't want him to come on his property he just wants some time to himself. Probably Dumbest thing with hunter dumbbar is where he sees men's dress up as Jason Voorhees and pretends to kill him a screaming while he's freaking out and you're supposed to take the moment see everything because both actors are really over the top at that character that comes off as so laughably terrible to the point that's actually the most entertaining part in the film.

The directing by Fred Durst is not only really laughable but yet it is so entertaining because he tried to make this movie like a stalker thriller movie but yet it's more of a comedic comedy because the dialogue is so laughably bad but yet it is so funny. Now there's one thing I can actually give Fred Durst credit for: is that he really did an actual great job of tackling the subject of How fans can react to someone they look up to and they are obsessed with them to the point that they would actually stock them and it is really creepy so I think he did a great job of doing that really well. 

So in conclusion The Fanatic is a horrible movie. The storyline is so laughably terrible to the point that it's actually very entertaining. Also John Travolta gives a really bad but yet very entertaining performance as Moose. The tone of the film is so inconsistent it tried to be a horror movie but it's more like a stalker thriller comedy because of how over the top and laughably bad the dialogue is to the point dance very entertained to watch. This movie is right up there with a score to settle with Nicholas Cage I won the most laughably bad films of 2019. Now I do give this movie a 1/10 because of how bad the acting is but because of how laughably terrible the dialogue and character there are to the point that it is really entertaining to watch. Also of you like really laughably bad movies like unhinged with Russell Crowe then I'm sure you will enjoy this one. I give this movie a 10/10.

Here is My Movie Review of Women In Gold


Here is My Movie Review of Women in Gold

So basically what happens is that you have this woman named Maria Altmann and she was this famous painter. But then during World War II her paintings were stolen by the Nazis. So then she need this guy's help named Randy Schoenber so they decide to hold a trial to fight against the German government so that they can win back Maria Altmann's paintings. That is basically what the story is for this movie. It is based on a true story. 

The acting in this movie is really great Because I think every actor in this movie gives it their best to tell that these actors are having fun in their roles. 

Daniel Bruhl Is not in the movie a whole lot but I do think he does a tremendous job as the character of Hubertus Czernin. What makes Hubertus Czernin such a interesting character is that he really wants to help Maria Altmann when the trial and get back her famous paintings That were taking away from her from the Nazis. Probably the best scene is where Hubertus Czernin tells Maria Altmann about her family´s well. It is probably the strongest moment in the movie. The chemistry between him and Ryan Reynolds and Dame Helen Mirren is really awesome. Fun fact Daniel Bruhl would go on to play the main villain Baron Zemo in Captain America Civil War from 2016. 

Dame Helen Mirren Does a spectacular job as the character of  Maria Altmann. What makes Maria Altmann such a excellent character is that feed desperately wants this trout to succeed so she can win back her paintings from the Nazis. Probably one of the best scenes in the movie is where Maria Altmann Is in the courtroom and she is listening to Randy Schoenberg making a speech about the reasons why Maria Altmann deserves to have her paintings. It is probably one the most emotional scenes in the film. The chemistry between her and Daniel Bruhl and Ryan Reynolds is really terrific. 

However the actor that really stole the show in film is Ryan Reynolds as the character of Randy Scoenberg. What makes Randy Schoenberg such an extraordinary character and that he desperately wants to help Maria Altmann win the trial and get her paintings back from the Nazis. Probably my favorite scene is where Randy Schoenberg is giving this really great speech in the courtroom about why Maria Altman deserves to win this trial and get her paintings back. It is probably one of the best scenes in the entire movie. I think this is one of Ryan Reynolds's most underrated movies and one of his most underrated movie performances. The chemistry between him and Daniel Bruhl and Dame Helen Mirren is really excellent. Fun fact Ryan Reynolds would eventually go on to play Deadpool in Deadpool from 2016. 

The directing by Simon Courtis is phenomenal. What I like about his directing is that he got most of the stuff right from the story because this really did happen back during World War II and six months after World War II. I think it's really great how he did that. Now when it comes to biopic movies most of them get most of the stuff in the true story completely wrong or not as accurate. 

So in conclusion. I really enjoyed it. I think this is a really underrated Ryan Reynolds movie because I don't think a lot of people watch this movie enough. But I bet if they did. I think much like Rush Chris Hemsworth and Daniel Bruhl, people would appreciate this movie more. especially if you like World War II or biopic drama films like the Catcher Was a Spy with Paul Rudd. I give this movie a 10/10.  


Saturday, November 19, 2022

Top 10 Movies That look Interesting That I Would Like to Watch

 Top 10 Movies That look Interesting That I Would Like to Watch.  

10. Fall 

9. Zoolander 

8. Dog 

7. This is the End 

6. After Yang 

5. Women in Gold 

4. Glass Onion A Knives Out Mystery

3. The Son 

2. The Whale

1. All is Lost

Sunday, November 13, 2022

My Ranking of all 52 Phase 4 Villains of the Marvel Cinematic Universe Ranked from Worst to Best

  My ranking of all 52 Phase 4 Villains of the Marvel Cinematic Universe Ranked from Worst to Best 

52. The Wrecking Crew from She Hulk

51. The Flag Smashers from the Falcon and the Winter Soldier

50. Karli Morgenthau from The Falcon and The Winter Soldier 

49. The Intelligencia from She Hulk

48. Hulk King from She Hulk

47. Sharon Carter from the Falcon and the Winter Soldier

46. The Deviance from Eternals

45. Taskmaster from Black Widow

44. The Abomination from She Hulk  

43. Tyler Hayward from Wanda Vision

42. Eleanor Bishop from Hawkeye 

41. Kro from Eternals

40. The Clandestines from Ms. Marvel

39. Erik Killmonger from Marvel´s What if...?

38. Camerman  from Ms. Marvel

37.  Najma from Ms. Marvel

36. General Drakov from Black Widow

35. Echo from Hawkeye

34. Kingpin from Hawkeye 

33. Artem Zola from Marvel's What If...?

32.  Baron Zemo from The Falcon and The Winter Soldier 

31. U.S. Agent from the Falcon and the Winter Soldier

30.  Death Dealer from Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings 

29. Giganoto from Doctor Strange in the Multiverse Madness

28. Verussa Bloodston from Werewolf by Night

27. The Dweller in Darkness from Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings

26. Razor Fist from Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings 

25. The Collector from Marvel ´ s What If…? 

24. Hank Pym from Marvel´s What If…?

23. Arishem The Judge from Eternals

22. Dr Steven Vincent Strange from Marvel´s What if…?  

21. Sinister Strange from Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

20. White Vision from Wandavision 

19.  Earth 838 Baron Mordo from Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness 

18. the Lizard from Spider-Man No Way Home

17. Electro from Spider-Man No Way Home

16. Dr Octopus from Spider-Man No Way Home

15. Sandman from Spider-Man no Way Home

14. K.E.V.I.N from She Hulk 

13. Namora from Black Panther Wakanda Forever

12. Sylvie from Loki

11. Attuma from Black Panther Wauconda Forever

10. Arthur Harrow from Moon Knight

9. Ikaris from Eternals 

8. Infinite Ultron from Marvel ´ s What If...? 

7. Gorr the God Butcher from Thor Love and Thunder

6. He Who Remains from Loki

5. Xu Whenwu from Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings

4. Agatha Harkness from Wanda Vision

3. Namor the Submariner from Black Panther Wakanda Forever

2. Green Goblin from Spider-Man No Way Home

1.  Wanda Maximoff from Doctor Strange in The Multiverse of Madness 

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Top 10 Phase 4 Moments of the Marvel Cinematic Universe

 Top 10 Phase 4 Moments of the Marvel Cinematic Universe

10. Trevor Slettery's return- Shang and the Legend of the Ten  Rings

9. Miss Marvel revealing to be a mutant- Ms.Marvel 

8. Jimmy Woo´s return- Wandavision 

7. Wanda Maximoff versus Agatha Harkness- Wanda Vision 

6. Ikaris betrayed the Eternals- Eternals 

5. Green Goblin kills Aunt May- Spider-Man No Way Home 

4. Namor Invades Wakanda- Black Panther Wakanda Forever 

3. Gorr the God Butcher sacrifices himself to bring back his daughter- Thor Love and Thunder 

2. Xu Wenwu getting  revenge on the gang that killed his wife- Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings

1. Wanda Maximoff becoming the Scarlet Witch- Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness


Here are my Top 10 Predictions for the Future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe

 Here are my Top 10 Predictions for the Future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe

10. I predict in Daredevil Born Again that we're going to see Daredevil go up against the Purple Man

9. I think in Captain America New World Order the Leader is going to make Hulk angry again 

8. I believe we're going to see Reed Richards in Ant-Man and the Wasp QuantumMania in a post-credit scene. 

7. I think Yellow Jacket is going to seek revenge on Ant-Man from their last battle in the first film. 

6. I strongly believe that Kang The Conqueror is going to mutate Darren Cross into M.O.D.O.K. In Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantum Mania

5. I think That Doctor Doom is going to brainwash  Namor the SubMariner in  Avengers Secret Wars 

4. I think Shang Chi ´ s sister Xu Xialing is going to be the new Leader of the Ten rings and become Lady Mandarin

3. I bet in Avengers the Kang Dynasty Kang The Conquer and He Who Remains will battle each other

2. I bet in the third Doctor Strange movie that Dormammu will  come to Earth 

1. I strongly believe that Namor The Submariner will eventually join the Avengers 

Friday, November 11, 2022

My Ranking of All 56 DC Villains Ranked from Worst to Best

 My Ranking of All 56 DC Villains Ranked from Worst to Best

56. Lex Luthor from Batman Versus Superman Dawn of Justice

55.  Selena from Supergirl 

54. Enchantress from Suicide Squad 

53. Laurel Hedare- Catwoman

52. General Zod from Man of Steel

51. Lucifer Morningstar from Constantine

50. Doomsday from Batman Versus Superman Dawn of Justice

49. Ross Webster from Superman III 

48. Joker from Suicide Squad

47. Parallax from Green Lantern

46. Nuclear Man from Superman 4 the Quest for Peace

45. Bane from Batman and Robin

44. Poison Ivy from Batman Robin 

43. Mr Freeze from Batman Robin 

42. Nathaniel Burke from  Steel

41. Dr Anton Arcane from Swamp Thing 

40. Two-Face from Batman Forever

39. Black Mask from Birds of Prey

38. Dr Hector Hammond from Green Lantern

37. Victor Zsasz from Birds of Prey

36. Lex Luthor from Superman Returns

35. The Riddler from Batman Forever

34.  Subbac from Black Adam

33. Two-Face from the Dark knight

32.  Carmine Falcone from Batman Begins 

31. Carmine Falcone from the Batman

30. Talia Al Ghoul from the Dark Knight Rises 

29. Starro the Conqueror from the Suicide Squad

28. Burke from Jonah Hex

27. Quentin Turnbull from Jonah Hex 

26. Sinestro from Green Lantern

25. Dr Poison from Wonder Woman 

24.  Erich Ludendorff from Wonder Woman 

23. Cheetah from Wonder Woman 1984  

22. Maxwell Lord from Wonder Woman 1984 

21. Aries from Wonder Woman

20. Max Shreck from Batman Returns 

19. Ocean Master from Aquaman 

18. Dr Sivana from Shazam

17. Scarecrow from Batman Begins

16. Black Manta from Aquaman

15. Bane from The Dark Knight Rises 

14. Amanda Waller from Suicide Squad and the Suicide Squad 

13. Steppenwolf from Justice League and Zack Snyder's Justice League 

12. General Zod from Superman II 

11. The White Dragon from Peacemaker

10. Catwoman from The Dark Knight Rises

9. The Joker from Joker

8. The Penguin from Batman Returns

7. Catwoman from Batman Returns

6. Ra's Al Ghul from Batman Begins 

5. The Joker from Batman 1989 

4. Lex Luthor from Superman the Movie 

3. The Penguin from the Batman

2. The Joker from the Dark Knight

1. The Riddler from the Batman

Here Is My Movie Review Of Beau Is Afraid

  Here Is My Movie Review Of Beau Is Afraid  Now when I saw the trailer for this movie I legitimately thought I was high  because of all the...