Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Here is My Movie Review of The Fanatic


Here is My Movie Review of The Fanatic 

So basically what happens is that you have this guy Moose and hear they big fan of this actor named Hunter Dunbar and he wants him to sign him an autograph so he goes to the book signing to meet him but after Hunter Dunbar leaves. Moose is not really happy about that so he decides to go out of his way to stalk Hunter number so he can get his autograph from him. That is basically what the story is for this movie It is so laughably dumb but yet it is a really entertaining. 

The acting in this movie is horrible but yet it is really entertaining because it is so laughably terrible but yet it is really interesting. 

John Travolta gives a really laughable and horrible performance as Moose but yet it is so over the top and cheesy and it is actually entertaining. But the character of Moose is so laughably terrible that comes off as entertaining because he weird obsession with Hunter Dunbar To the point of stocking and harassing him in order to get his autograph He is probably up there with Eddie from dead fall as one of us over the top and weirdest characters. Probably the most laughably bad scene with moose is where he had an argument with His friend Leah And it gives her the middle finger and it supposed to be a very serious moment but because of how over the top move is at a character comes off as laughably terrible but yet one of the most entertaining part of the film. The chemistry between him and Devin Sawa is decent.

Devin Sawa gave a laughable bad performance as Hunter Dunbar much like John Travolta's laughable bad performance as Moose. It is also really entertaining. Also much like Moose as the character of Hunter Dunbar is also laughably terrible but yet very entertaining because he doesn't want Mooes following him around he doesn't want him to come on his property he just wants some time to himself. Probably Dumbest thing with hunter dumbbar is where he sees men's dress up as Jason Voorhees and pretends to kill him a screaming while he's freaking out and you're supposed to take the moment see everything because both actors are really over the top at that character that comes off as so laughably terrible to the point that's actually the most entertaining part in the film.

The directing by Fred Durst is not only really laughable but yet it is so entertaining because he tried to make this movie like a stalker thriller movie but yet it's more of a comedic comedy because the dialogue is so laughably bad but yet it is so funny. Now there's one thing I can actually give Fred Durst credit for: is that he really did an actual great job of tackling the subject of How fans can react to someone they look up to and they are obsessed with them to the point that they would actually stock them and it is really creepy so I think he did a great job of doing that really well. 

So in conclusion The Fanatic is a horrible movie. The storyline is so laughably terrible to the point that it's actually very entertaining. Also John Travolta gives a really bad but yet very entertaining performance as Moose. The tone of the film is so inconsistent it tried to be a horror movie but it's more like a stalker thriller comedy because of how over the top and laughably bad the dialogue is to the point dance very entertained to watch. This movie is right up there with a score to settle with Nicholas Cage I won the most laughably bad films of 2019. Now I do give this movie a 1/10 because of how bad the acting is but because of how laughably terrible the dialogue and character there are to the point that it is really entertaining to watch. Also of you like really laughably bad movies like unhinged with Russell Crowe then I'm sure you will enjoy this one. I give this movie a 10/10.

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