Sunday, April 17, 2022

Here is My Movie Review of Green Lantern


Here is my Movie Review of Green Lantern 

So basically what happens is that it tells the origin story of how  Hal Jordan became Green Lantern and that is basically what the story is for this movie. 

Now the acting in this movie yes it is bad but I don't think it is as bad as a lot of people say it is. 

Now let's talk about Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordan / Green Lantern. Now a lot of people know him as Deadpool from the X-Men movie franchise. Now I don't think he is doing that bad of a job playing the character. I think when he takes the character really seriously he does a good job. But when he is cracking jokes it just seems really weird. Now a lot of people say that this is the worst superhero casting choice of all time. But I don't agree with that statement because I think George Clooney as Batman from Batman and Robin was a lot worse because at least Ryan Reynolds was trying to give a good performance. Also I think his origin story is pretty decent for the most part it is pretty accurate to the comics. The chemistry between him and Blake Lively, Geoffrey Rush, Peter Sarsgaard, Michael Clark Dunkin', and Mark Strong is pretty good for the most part. Fun fact actors like Justin Timberlake, Chris Pine, Bruce Campbell, Sam Worthington, Jared Leto, Bradley Cooper, Ryan Gosling, Channing Tatum, Common, Eddie Murphy, Henry Cavill, John Hamm, Nathan Fillion, and Jack Black were all considered to play Green Lantern.

Now Blake Lively as Carol Ferris I don't think she is that bad in the role. Now her character is pretty bland for the most part she just serves as Hal Jordan/Green Lantern´s love interest. But I do think her and Ryan Reynolds have decent chemistry. Fun fact she and Ryan Reynolds started dating after this movie came out. 

 Now Geoffrey Rush as Tomar-Ray I think he does a good job as this character. The scenes where he interacts with Hal Jordan / Green Lantern aren't that bad and I do think he and Ronald do have decent chemistry in the movie. 

 Now Michael Clarke Duncan as Kilowog. Now I do think he actually does a pretty decent job as this character. The scenes where he trains Hal Jordan / Green Lantern aren't that bad and I do think he and Ryan Reynolds do have decent chemistry in the movie. 

Now Peter Sarsgaard probably gives the most laughable and over the top performance as Hector Hammond. But I don't care. He Is so overly funny and really entertaining to watch.  It felt like they were trying to cast Nicolas Cage as Hector Hammond and the chemistry between him and Ryan Reynolds isn't that bad. 

Now Mark Strong as Sinestro. I think he does a great job as this character. I like how in the beginning of this movie he starts being like a mentor figure to  Jordan / Green Lantern. But then as the film goes on. He starts  going down a dark path and you can see it because he kind of argues with the guardians of the universe and questioning their authorities. But I wish he was the main villain throughout the entire movie. Just have him as the villain and the movie would have been a little bit better. Fun fact actor Arsenio Hall Was considered to play Sinestro.

The special effects for the most part I don't think they're as bad as a lot of people say they are because I do think the effects with the Green Lantern ring are pretty decent. The effects on Oath look pretty decent as well and also all the other Green Lanterns look pretty decent except for the Hot Wheels scene. I just think that scene is so stupid and so goofy. But I have to agree with everyone that the worst effect in this movie has to be the green lantern suit. I don't get why they made it out of CGI. I think what they should have done is have Ryan Reynolds wear the suit on set. The suit was so bad that Deadpool literally makes fun of it when Wade Wilson tells Ajax please don't make it super green or animated. 

The action scenes for the most part aren't that bad. Also the final battle in the movie is not that bad either. 

The directing by Martin Campbell. Now I do have next feelings about the directing I do like how he gets Green Lanterns origin story right because it is basically accurate to the comics. I also think he does a great job developing Sinestro but the problem is that he doesn't make him the main villain of the film. but what I don't like about his directing is that he makes Greenland turn crack jokes and it is just really weird because Greenland turned should never crack any jokes He is supposed to be really serious.

So in conclusion I do think it is a bad superhero movie. But I don't think it is as bad as Batman versus Superman Dawn of Justice. I think it was really disappointing so that's why I give this movie a 6/10. 

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