Monday, January 10, 2022

My Ranking of All 16 Actors That Were Considered for the Role of Hades Ranked from Least Likely to Most Likely to Voice Him

 My ranking of all 16 actors that were considered for the role of Hades ranked from least likely to most likely to voice him 

16. Kevin Spacey

15. Robert Evans

14. James Corurn

13. Rob Steiger

12. Ron Silver

11. Phil Hartman

10. Jerry Lewis

9. Billy Crystal 

8. David Bowie 

7. Terrence Mann 

6. John Lithgow

5. Michael Ironside 

4. Martin Landau 

3.  Willem Dafoe 

2. Michael Keaton 

1. Jack Nicholson 

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My Ranking of All 3 Actors Who Have Played General Ross Ranked from Okay To Terrific

  My Ranking of All 3 Actors Who Have Played General Ross Ranked from Okay To Terrific 3. Sam Elliott 2. William Hurt 1. Harrison Ford