Monday, November 1, 2021

Here is My TV Show Review of Regular Show


Here is  my review of Regular Show. so vividly what the plot and for this show is that you have Mordecai and  Rigby and they work at a  Park. You  have this gumball machine named Benson who wants to fire Mordecai and Rigby and in every episode something crazy happens. That is basically what the show is about.  

The characters are still great. 

Now Mordecai is a character that I enjoy the most part because even though there are times one Mordecai of kind of rude to Rigby but the same time he have kind of the voice of reason of the two of them. and there are times where he owns up to his mistakes like for example in Rigby is graduation special he invented that he was jealous that Rigby accomplished more than him and you can understand why he doesn't talk to him that much in the episode and the scene where he confessed that he was jealous of him It's probably the most powerful moment in the show. no it comes to his relationship with Margaret It is really stupid because for a while he really liked her but then by season 5 he started to fall in love with this other woman named C.J and I'm going to go out and say this he cannot hold the relationship at all because he goes back and forth of does he want to date Margaret or did he want to date C.J And it's just a stupid as the romance between Mary Jane and Peter Parker / Spider-Man in Spider-Man 3 where it's a when they or won't they ship and that is still dumb

Then there is Rigby. Now Rigby is the character that is probably the character that got the most character development because in the earlier seasons Rigby with the irresponsible one who refuses to do is work you just likes to slack off but bye the later seasons he actually owned up to his mistakes he actually fell in love with Eileen and probably the best moment with Rigby in the show is where he makes this graduation speech and he says if you believe in yourself you can do anything when you put your mind to it. is probably the most powerful moment in the show. On top of being like the most developed character Rigby is also really funny for example In the episode Journey to the bottom of the crash pet him, and Mordecai, Muscle Man, and High Five Ghost Are driving a car near the Crash Pit and Rigby doesn't want to deal with and then he gets so scared that he jumps out of the car and not only was it really funny but it made sense because he wanted to get out of the car. It just probably the funniest moment in the entire show.

Then there is Skips Who is probably the most responsible character in the show because he's like the voice of reason and likes to help work with their problems. Now his backstory is really sad because he used to date this girl name Mona back in high school until she was killed by a collapsing ceiling and he goes to the Guardians of Youth to make him immortal and it is probably one of the most saddest moment of the entire show Because you really loved and cared for her. He is voice is by Mark Hamill and he still does a terrific job as the character.

Then there is Pops now Pops in the show is probably the most sweetest and the most down to earth character Because he really cares for the people around him and his backstory is also really sad because he was born on Lolly land and he would eventually find his evil twin brother Anti Pops and probably the saddest moment of the entire series is where pops sacrifices himself to save the universe Not only was it really sad but it made sense because he needed to prevent his evil brother from destroying all life in the universe. 

Then there is Muscle Man. Now Muscle Man as a character wasn't the most developed character in the earlier seasons he was the one that cracks a lot of jokes and doesn't really Respect Mordecai and Rigby but as the show went on he started to hang out with them and Started to like them. He also started a relationship with his girlfriend Starla. Probably the best moment with Muscle Man is where he mad at Mordecai and Rigby for spelling soda in his face and he Squeals like a pig and not only is it really funny but it makes sense because he didn't like getting sprayed with soda. His voice by Sam Marin and he still does an excellent job at the

However the character that stands out in this entire show is Benson. Now what makes Benson really funny is that he takes everything way too serious because he wants everything to go away he doesn't like Mordecai and Rigby slacking off he wants them to do their work and it wherever he yells it is just really funny and really understandable because he wants everything to go perfectly. Now when the show started Benson was very unhappy and very strict but as the show goes on he starts to like Mordecai and Rigby a little bit more and he actually starts to spend time with them and he even opens up a little bit about his home life about his dad not appreciating him as much as he should always yelled at him because he couldn't speak up or stand up for himself. So you kind of feel bad for me because he has such a pretty terrible and horrible home life that you can understand why he lashes out to Mordecai and Rigby because he wants to be respected. But the best scene with Benson is where they go in space and he is freaking out and says We're ghana to die.¨ drifting in space no way of communicating with Earth.¨ Thanks for getting stuck in space.¨ Then Rigby says You push that button too Your hand was on top of mine. Not only was it funny. But. it made sense because he just wanted to go back home to Earth. It is probably the funniest moment in the entire show. He is voiced by Sam Marin and he still does a remarkable job at the character.

so In conclusion this is still one of my favorite shows of all time I still think all the characters are really entertaining. I like how this show develops all the characters from the start of the show all the way to the end of the show and this show still does a great job of being funny but also really emotional at the same time because skips have a very tragic origin and pops actually sacrifices himself too same thing universe which was also a really powerful and emotional moment. I was like that how the show develops the relationship between Rigby and Eileen because that first he does it like her but add the sugar though he starts to really enjoy her as a friend and they also start to become husband and wife at the end of the show. Also Benson at the character is still one of my favorite characters in this entire show he's funny you feel bad for him and he is just really entertaining to watch. I have to say if you enjoy Teen Titans then I'm sure you're going to enjoy this show. I give this show a 10/10.

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