Sunday, October 13, 2024

Why Do I Think Ultron Is a Terrible Villain


Why Do I Think Ultron Is a Terrible Villain

Now this is going to be a really interesting because I am not going to talk about Avengers Age of Ultron that much I will discuss it briefly But I am going to mainly be talking about why I think Ultron is one of the worst MCU villains. 

Now when it comes to Avengers Age of Ultron there's nothing I can say that I haven't been sent. I thought the jokes were really terrible. I thought It was just overly silly. There were a few good things about this movie but This is one of my least favorite MCU films as a matter of fact it is the worst Avengers film of all of the MCU. No, it seems to be agreed upon that the somewhat redeeming quality is Ultron At face value. Yes he was James Spader he did a good job with his performance he's a job with his performances some of his scenes were the best parts of the film. But the more I thought that Not only did I learn that Ultron Lackluster update from Loki from the first Avengers film but he is actually be a horrible villain. I´m going to go through all the reasons as to why. 

5. His motivation was barely developed and didn't make much sense. Ultron is  trying to wipe out all of humanity and fix it he essentially thinks of killing every human on Earth that way he Everything he wants it to be and I'm just  thinking that  not particularly a good idea Wanda even states that he's just doing this for Revenge It's very it's  toned In a very explicit and weird way. Now his motivation had ignorance of goodness in it but it feels incomplete and not thought out like how Xu Wenwu from Shang Chi. With Xu Wenwu You clearly see a guy that's broken because his wife is dead and he wants to bring her back so Him and his son can be a family again. But with Ultron I just see a psychopath and I don't see the tragedy and the sympathetic side to him. He's just a crazy lunatic who  wants to commit murder like an unstable psycho. A psychopath It's pulling someone as unstable but in reality he is not Ultron's flaws big and normally they just come off as a generic MCU the only reason why he doesn't fall into that category is James Spader´s performance. But from a writing point of view he is no different from all the other terrible MCU villains. Also on the page he is not even in same league as Xu Wenwu. 

4. The violence for Ultron Was massively pulled back. The scene where he is attacking the Avengers that didn't look very dark and disturbing at allI mean Even I, Robot  Robots that came after the main character. Even Chappie had robots killing people. But the way Ultron delivers his robots to The Avengers to try and kill them came up very cheap. Not scary at all. It makes this Avengers film the least violent Avengers film Out of all of them because this movie is  PG-13 but Ultron just kind of makes it like a PG comedy film. I sort of see that with the heroes like Ant-Man and Spider-Man but you should not do that with your big villains. Especially who is supposed to be the next big threat in the second Avengers film. 

3. Why is Ultron even here?. Why does this Overly comedic movie have a serious  villain that's like putting Mephisto in Ant-Man or introducing Magneto in Ant-Man 2? They should have saved Ultron for a different movie, specifically one that had  higher States and maybe One that was consistent with the comic book.  That is a stain on this MCU's former villain that will never leave him.  The next Loki. Loki made his first debut in Thor. Ultron made his In Avengers Age of Ultron. 

2. The false marketing. Now Avengers Age of Ultron was marketed as a serious horror film and when you saw Ultron in the trailer he looked really Scary. Also James Spader surprisingly gave a better performance than he did in the actual movie. You would think this would be the MCU movie you'll get a horror movie But no they didn't. They turned Avengers Age of Ultron into a generic MCU comedy film and that really took away from Ultron's intimidating presence and fear factor. 

1. What did Ultron do? Just think about what Ultron do because we all know what Cassandra Nova do well she manipulated Mr. Paradox into giving her the time riper she tried to destroy the Multiverse. She also manipulated Deadpool and Wolverine to help her get access to the time ripper so she can get them home. Well what a way to Introduce your really really threatening villain. So what does Ultron do with his first true appearance well he Tells the Avengers that he wants want to kill off all the humans he manipulate The maximum twins to join him and he also try to crash the city of the Sokovia back down  and kill Everyone and that's all he does he couldn't even get the vibranium so he can list Klaw´s help to do it. He also tried to fear himself as God and that's all he does. Honestly, what is it? They put Cassandra Nova in a Deadpool movie, a movie worthy of a threatened presence to the entire Multiverse and meanwhile Ultron, supposed to be more powerful than Cassandra Nova, is put in an Avengers film and gets his ass kicked by the Avengers. Also I think putting Ultron in this movie makes him look dumb actions speak louder than words and the film can tell you about all of it at once. Heck even Ultron can tell you which he sure  loves doing but at the end of the day he still got his butt kicked by the Avengers, a more powerful team than him. I honestly think Ultron is a poor man's Xu Wenwu Shang Chi developed really well. They actually made you feel sorry for him and even though he was evil you actually kind of sympathized with him because he lost everything. But with Ultron I can care less because I didn't care about his motivation and I didn't care about Him trying to kill the Avengers not to mention when Ultron  meets Tony Stark later on he cracks the generic MCU joke. There wasn't anything big for Ultron to do this was just another MCU movie that was here to set up the next one And not to mention Ultron didn't put up a good fight with Thor and all the other Avengers and even Vision just blasted him with a laser and that killed him. They should have made Him like how he was in the trailer would have killed all the Avengers. But no they defeated him In a easy way. That really ruined his chance of being a Great villain. So all these reasons are why I think Ultron is such a terrible villain. James Spader is the saving grace of this character and that is the reason why Ultron is being praised at all but the storyline is not equal to his performance.  The way He was built by Iron Man was just really stupid and Ultron as a character  think of Tommy Lee Jones´s Two-faced From Batman Forever mixed with Paul Giamatti's Rhino From The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and you get this movie´s Ultron he'll go down to one of the worst comic to movie activities you will ever see and off the the best scene in the movie is his introduction scene where he mentioned that he wants to kill off all humanly  was a rip off to the scene in Avengers Infinity War where Thanos said the same thing. Not demanding what they're going to do with Dr Doom is not going to be perfect and also the only good use that Ultron has been in the MCU is in  Marvel's What if…? what made him somewhat comic book accurate. 

Here is My Movie Review of Oxygen


Here is My Movie Review of Oxygen

So basically what happens is that you  have this woman named Elizabeth Hansen Who is in outer space And she is trapped in this oxygen Chamber and she's slowly losing oxygen so she has to do everything or power to try to escape the oxidant tank because if she doesn't she'll run out of air she will die and is up to Elizabeth Hensen escape the oxidant tank and survive. That is basically what the story is for this film. Now the storyline of the film actually reminds me of a similar movie called buried where in that film Ryan Reynolds's character Paul Conroy gets kidnapped and get stuffed in a coffin and he has to do everything And if power to get out and with this it is very similar but the only difference being that this one takes place in outer space well Buried takes place in the desert. 

Now the acting in this movie is still brilliant because even though it only has two actors for the entire film. It's still surprising the way it works because both actors play off each other perfectly. I think this movie is up there with the acting in Antlers as one of the best acted films of 2021. I also think this movie is up there with the acting in Thick at one of the best acted films of the 2020s. 

However the absolute big standout of the entire film is Melanie Lauent as Elizabeth Hensen. Now Elizabeth Henson as a character is really interesting because you can just see the stress and panic on her face because she is petrified that she will be stuck in this oxon  tank forever and if she runs out of oxygen she might die so she's actually tried to prevent that from happening. Probably the best moment with Elizabeth Hensen Is where she  sees Robotic arm trying to injector with something to destroy her ability too Breathe and she decide to dismantle it and not only they really suspenseful and nail by and scene but it makes sense because you don't want to lose all her oxidants that she had to do everything power to destroy that robotic arm. It is probably the most chilling moment of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Mathieu Amalric Is remarkable.

Mathieu Amalric voices the robot M.I.L.O In the film. I have to say he still does a spectacular job as the character. Now the character of M.I.L.O Is really terrific because he has shown that he really cares about Elizabeth Hensen and wants her to survive in the oxygen tank without losing her ability to breathe. Probably the best moment with Milo is where he tells Elizabeth Henson that she has to calm down because if she doesn't she would eventually go into a panic attack which causes the heart rate to go up which would cause there to lose even more Oxygen. Not only Is it really intense and showing but it makes sense because in real life When people get stressed Out and can cause them to go through a hugePanic attack which called the heart rate to go up and it causes them to breathe Intensely so if they don't relieve stress they will eventually get a heart attack due to all the stress that they're having to dance to control their emotion so that doesn't happen. It is probably the most chilling moment of the entire film. The chemistry between Him and Melanie Lauent is magnificent. 

Now the directing is really interesting because this film is directed by Alexandra Aja Who is the same director who directed Crawl from 2019 and I really liked it because he nailed the suspense of trying to avoid being eaten  by alligators and trying to survive a hurricane. Now the waking directs this film however is more interesting because this one he discussed at the topic of trying to relieve your stress and more specifically how to prevent a panic attack if you get all nervous because in real life people do get nervous they start to breathe heavily their heart rate start to go up due to all the stress and you have to try to Prevent that from happening because if you don't you would eventually have a heart attack and possibly pass out because of that and I am happy that he took The subject really seriously because being stressed out in a very scary thing and it can also cause death if you get too stressed out and you don't like relieve it it can really lead you to either die or go straight to the hospital. I think it is really terrific of how he did that. 

So in conclusion I still really enjoy this film because the Storyline revolving around Elizabeth Hensen trying to survive and get out The oxygen tank is really suspenseful but really interesting because you are routing for her to get out of the oxygen tank and Survive.  I also like how this movie tackled the topic of stress and what stress Still tea eventually and physically I think it is really terrific of how the film handles that. I think this is up there with The Humans as one of the most underrated films of 2021. I think this film is also up there with Sick as one of the most underrated films of the 2020s. I highly recommend you watch this film especially if you like The Invisible Man 2020 with Elizabeth Moss. Then I'm sure you're going to like this one. I give this movie a 10/10. 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Here is My Movie Review of Come Play


Here is My Movie Review of Come Play

So basically what happens is that you have this kid named Oliver who is autistic So he uses his Iphone as a coping mechanism to make him happy and Relieve all the stress but then one day he find out that there is  this demonic entity known as Larry who wants him to be His friend and take Oliver to his world. So in order to do that Larry Haunt Oliver and his family wanted to take him away from the real world and  up to Oliver and his family to take down Larry and prevent him from taking him to his world and that's basically what the story is for this film. Now The storyline InIt is really interesting because Idea of a demonic entity possessing your technology and wants to take you to their world is an interesting concept and the film executes that concept perfectly.

Now the acting in this movie is still remarkable. I still think everyone does a terrific job and the characters. I think the acting is up there with Run as one of the best acted films of 2020. I think the film Is up there with Sick as one of the best acted films of the 2020s. 

However the absolute big standout of the entire film is Ahy Robertson as Oliver Because even though Oliver does not talk in the film Ahy Robertson gives a really powerful and spectacular performance as the character. Now Oliver as a character is very interesting because he has autism and you can understand why he uses his iPad as a coping mechanism to make himself happy. But he also wants to prevent Larry from taking him to hit the world. Probably the best moment with Oliver is when he sees Larry for the first time and you can see the stress and petrified look on his face and not only is it really disturbing but it makes sense because He doesn't want Larry to take him to his world. It is probably the most nail biting moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Gillian Jacob, John Gallagher Jr. is still perfect. 

Gillian Jacob plays Oliver's mother Sarah In the film. I have to say she still does a glorious job as the character. No Sarah and the character is really incredible because you could tell She really cares for her son Oliver and doesn't want anything bad to happen to him. But she also wants to help him survive against Larry and prevent him from going to his world. Probably the best moment with Sarah is when she is telling Larry not to talk to her son and not only is it really disturbing and really creepy but it makes sense because Larry is possessing the house in order to have all of her come to his world. It is probably the most suspenseful moment of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Ahy Robertson Is remarkable. 

 John Gallagher Jr Plays Oliver's dad Marty in the film. I have to say he still does a magnificent job as the character. Now the character of Marty is really interesting because, much like his wife Sarah, he also cares for his son Oliver and wants him to be happy. But he also doesn't want Larry to take him to his world and he'll do everything in his power to protect him. Probably the best moment with Marty is where He sees Larry Trying to attack him and not only is it a really Creepy moment But it makes sense because Larry wants to kill Oliver's family though he can take Oliver to his world. It is probably the most suspenseful and creepy moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Azhy Robertson Is brilliant. 

Now let's talk about Larry. Now Larry is a very interesting villain because he essentially wants to take Oliver to his world and wants him to be his friend. Probably the best moment with Larry is where he tells Oliver to shake his hand and not only is it really shocking and very scary but it makes sense because Larry wants Oliver to be his friend. It is probably one of the most disturbing moments of the entire film. I think Larry is up there with the invisible Man from The Invisible Man 2020 as one of the best villains of 2020. 

The directing by Jacob Chase is remarkable Because what I like about his directing is that much like Tony Goldwyn who directed Ezra from this year. He also did the glorious job of discussing autism because they realize there are some people Who have autism that use stuff  like a coping mechanism to relieve their stress or to keep them happy. I also like how he also took the situation really seriously because autism is a very touchy subject. I think it is really incredible how he did that. 

So in conclusion I still really enjoyed the film. The storyline was actually really interesting revolving around Oliver using an iPad and smartphone as a coping mechanism to relieve himself from stress and trying to make himself happy but he also wants to protect his family from the evil demand entity known as Larry. So he Doesn't get taken by Larry. I think Larry is up there with Sarah from Cob Web as one of the best villains of the 2020s. I think this is up there with Run as one of the most underrated films of 2020. I think this movie is also up there with Antlers as one of the most underrated films of the 2020s. I highly recommend you watch this film especially If you like the movie Sick with Jane Adams. I'm sure you'll like this film as well. I give this movie a 8/10.  

Here is My Movie Review of Sick


Here is My Movie Review of Sick

So basically what happens and that it takes 1 month after the covid-19 pandemic always started and you have these two friends named Parker Mason and Miri Woodlow and they decide to rent out a cabin in a pandemic but they so in real and they're in this mask killer on the loose so they have to do everything In their power to survive against the killer and escape and that's basically what the story is for this film. I have to say the storyline revolve Two people trying to survive against  a killer during the covid-19 pandemic actually does work for the film and  they do explore some themes about quarantine and they do it in a very powerful and entertaining way. 

The acting in this movie is really incredible because even though there's not many characters in the film the actors do a tremendous job With their performance and you can tell that they are having a lot of fun in this film. I think the acting is right up there with the acting Cobweb and one of the best acted films of 2023. It is also up there with The Menu as one of the best acted films of the 2020s. 

Gideon Adlon plays Parker Mason In the film. I have to say she still does a spectacular job as the character. Now Parker Mason as a character is incredible because she wants to survive against the killer but also wants to spend time with her friend Miri Woodlow. Probably the best moment with Parker Mason Is where she is getting chased by the killer and trying to start the car and not only they really awesome and nail biting moment but it makes sense because she didn't want to be killed by the mysterious killer and you could just see the stress on your face how she just wants to survive and not be killed. It is probably the most chilling moment of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Beth Million, Dylan Strawberry, Marc Menchaca, and Jane Adam Is perfect. 

Now for this being Beth Million´s very first film she has starred in. I have to say probably give the biggest standout performance in the entire film as Miri Woodlow. Now the character Miri Woodlow Is tremendous because much like her friend Parker Mason She also wants to survive against the killer and escape. Probably the best moment with Miri Woodlow Is where She is pouring gasoline on Pamela In order to kill her.  Not only was it a really disturbing scene but it makes sense because she wanted to prevent Parker Mason from being killed by the killer. It is probably the most creepy moment of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Gideon Adlon Is terrific. 

Dylan Strawberry Plays DJ Cole in the film. I have to say he still does a remarkable job as the character. Now DJ Cole Is it really interesting character because he wants to help  Miri Woodlow and Parker Mason escape from the killer and avoid being killed. Probably the best moment with DJ Cole is where he is fighting off the killer and telling them to go to the car and not only was  a very chilling scene but it makes sense because he didn't want them to be killed by the mask figure. It is probably the most suspenseful moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Gideon Adlon Is spectacular. 

Now let's talk about the killer in this film and I got to say he is a really interesting character because at first you don't know who is under the mask and he is this random guy with a knife wearing a surgery mask and who is trying to kill Miri Woodlow Parker Mason  and Miri Woodlow. But when you find out who the killer is actually really interesting because it is revealed that its guy named Jason who was working with the main villain of the film Pamela. Now Jason is played by Marc Menchaca In the film. I had to say he still did a fantastic job as this character. Probably the best moment with Jason is when he Reveals himself too Parker Mason and Miri Woodlow That he was the one trying to kill them. Not only was it really chilling but it made sense because he is the one chasing them In their cabin with a knife trying to kill them. It is probably the most suspenseful and shocking moment of the entire film. It is the most disturbing moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Gideon Adlon  Is outstanding. 

Jane Adam plays Pamela In the film. I have to say she still does a wonderful job as the character. Now Pamela as a character is really interesting because she's the sensory this old woman who wants revenge on  Parker Mason for giving her son Tyler covid at this party which killed him and I dig her motivation actually works because she really cared about her son so her idea of giving Parker Mason Covid to kill her and it is really interesting villain motivation. Probably the best moment with Pamela It's where she gives Parker Madson a covid test and she says it is positive and It is really dark because she wants to give her covid to kill her and She also tried to suffocate her with a plastic bag and it is probably the most freaky moment of the entire film. I think Pamela Is up there with Dracula as one of the best villains of 2023. The Rivalry between her and Parker Mason and Miri Woodlow  Perfect. The chemistry between her and Gideon Adlon Is brilliant. 

The directing by John Hyams Is exquisite because What I like about his directing is that a movie like scream and applies a quarantine spin on it by having it takes place during the 20/20 pandemic and he also gets a lot of stuff about the pandemic right because In those times people rush to the store to try and get toilet paper only to find out that it was all gone and Everyone had to do social distancing and being in quarantine and I think he does a tremendous job of Taking it really seriously But also keeping it completely accurate because back then during the covid-19 pandemic if they really dark time for everyone so I think It is really excellent of how he did that. 

So in conclusion I still really enjoyed the film Because the storyline was really interesting how it focuses around two people trying to survive against a killer during the covid-19 pandemic and it was really interesting Because it does a remarkable job of discussing about how quarantine What happened to everyone doing the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic because we all had to do quarantine for the whole year. I think this Is up there with Cobweb as the most underrated films of 2023. I think Pamela Is up there with Ikaris from Eternals as one of the best villains of the 2020s. I highly recommend you watch the film especially if you like The Invisible Man 2020 from 2020 with Elizabeth Moss. Then I am sure you  are going to like this one as well. I give this movie a 10/10. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Here is My Movie Review of Wolfs


Here is my Movie Review of Wolfs

So basically what happenes is that you have this girl named Margaret who find out that her boyfriend has been mysteriously killed So she enlist these two gangsters Jack and Nick to help her and and they agreed to help her If The kid can help them find the drugs and give it to the drug kingpin And it is up to them up to them to figure out who might have killed Margaret's boyfriend and  that this storyline for this film and is really bad because it rips off not only good fellas but all the rips off knives out in terms of who command the murder but I think those movies handled their storylines a lot better.

    Now the acting in this movie is really horrible and it is probably up there with Infinite as one of the worst acted films of the 2020s Now there are two good performances in this entire film. Also it feels like most of the actors are just sleep walking throughout their performance and it just feels like They are not very happy doing the film That's how bored they are In the film.

However, the absolute worst performance of the entire film is George Clooney as Jack. I have to say his performance  is probably up there with his performance as Batman as one of the worst performances he has ever given in his career. But the character of Jack is nothing character he is this grumpy gangster who agrees to help Margaret out figuring out who killed her boyfriend and Get the drug money back to the Kingpin and basically his entire Character because nothing much interesting happens to him throughout the film The chemistry between him and Brad Pitt, Austin Brams, and Amy Ryan is decent. 

Brad Pitt plays Jack's partner Nick in the film. I have to say he did a decent job as the character. I think he did an okay job with the material he is given but that being said I think this is up there with his performance in War Machine as one of the more boring performances he has ever given. But the character of Nick is so boring because all he's just there to do is tag along with Jack to get the money back and to figure out who killed Margaret's boyfriend and that's all he is there to do and my wife Jack he doesn't get any character development the film doesn't explore anything about him we don't get a backstory or how they have met each other. The chemistry between him and George Clooney is decent. 

Austin Abrams Plays the kid in the film. I had to say all of the performances in the film. I think he was the one that gave The most effort in his Performance because I sort of tell he was having fun in this film. Now the kid as a character on the hand that is a completely different story because this character is really weird all he said is a lot of dirty things he runs around in underwear a few times in the movie it's just so weird and just I guess about to be a joke like he's very raunchy but it's just not funny he's just there to crack a couple jokes In the film is just not funny. The chemistry between him and George Clooney is decent. 

But the worst performance of the entire film in Abby Ryan as Margaret because she goes completely over the top. But the character of Margaret is terrible Because literally when the film starts She literally screams her head off that they're they dead person in her hotel room and the moment you're supposed to take seriously But you all have to wake him because of how terrible Amy Ryan's performances throughout this entire film and she's just there to be Jack's love interest that's it that's her entire character. The chemistry between her and George Clooney is okay. 

The directing by John Watts is really bad and that's really disappointing because he is the one that directed the MCU Spider-Man trilogy and he did Tremendous job Directing the film he got the tone completely accurate because Spider-Man in the light-hearted character But he also knew when to Incorporate drama in those films and he actually flushes out all of the characters and make them all memorable. But with this I don't know what he was thinking so it starts out as a murder mystery because Margaret's boyfriend dies in front of her then it goes to a action comedy and that's it so it's barely a mystery all the jokes are not funny To be honest I feel like this is one of those A really bad movie from the 2010s like Seventh Son from 2015 from Death Wish from 2018 That's not bad John wants directed the stuff so overall I think he did a terrible job directing this film. 

So in conclusion I did not like this movie the storyline was completely uninterested that they generic murder action thrower comedy film that was not funny most of the acting were really bad the only two actor that gave okay Performance says where Brad Pitt and Austin Abrams Because they were the only two after that after we gave somewhat effort in there performances. But but aside from those two Everyone else was really terrible because George Clooney was just sleepwalking throughout his performance as Jack. Also Jack as character did not get any character development it felt like George Clooney was playing Harrison Ford in the film get the way he was acting is being all grumpy throughout the film and to be honest I think it would make more sense if They did cast Harrison Ford at the Jack I think it wouldn't been a little bit better because he'll be like whenever I don't give a shit and that is the one thing I like about him Harrison Ford is that even in a not so good movie like if you seen him in an interview with Marvel they were excited that he was coming to the MCU but he like I don't give a shit like he doesn't care he is going to be the Red Hulk because even the trailer when you look at Harrison Ford It feels like he is just being all monotone with his voice and it works completely for the film. This is definitely in my top 30 least favorite films of all time. Also this movie is probably up there with Atlas with Jennifer Lopez as one of the worst Films of 2024. This movie is also up there with Infinite as one of the worst films of the 2020s. I say Just skip this film, go watch Goodfellas with Robert De Niro.  Or even go watch Knives Out with Chris Evans because those two movies are a lot more entertaining than this film. I give this movie a 2/10. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Top 20 Villains With The Best Backstories

 Top 20 Villains With The Best Backstories

20. Namor The  Submariner from Black Panther Wakanda Forever

19. Mysterio from Spider-Man Far from Home

18. Gorr The God Butcher from Thor Love and Thunder

17. Kilgrave from Jessica Jones

16. Sarah from Cobweb

15. Howard Clifford from Pokémon Detective Pikachu 

14. Maximus Boltagon from Marvel's The Inhumans

13. The White Dragon from Peacemaker

12. The Joker from Batman 89

11. Starro The Conqueror from The Suicide Squad

10. Chef Slowik from The Menu

9. M.O.D.O.K from Marvel´s The Avengers

8. Arthur Harrow from Moon Knight

7. Queen Gudrun from The Northman

6. Cassandra Nova from Deadpool and Wolverine

5. Lord Shen from Kung Fu Panda 2

4. Dreyfus from Dawn of Planet of the Apes

3. Koba from Dawn of The Planet of The Apes

2. Tai Lung From Kung Fu Panda

1. Magneto from X-Men

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Top 21 Underrated Films of 2023

 Top 21 Underrated Films of 2023

21. Shazam Fury of The Gods

20. 65

19. Silent Night

18. Haunted Mansion

17. Five Nights at Freddy's

16. Tetris 

15. Indiana Jones and The Dial of Destiny

14. Strays 

13. Sick

12. Cob Web

11. Guy Ritchie´s The Covenant

10. Missing

9. Gran Turismo

8. Renfield

7. The Little Mermaid 2023 

6. Inside

5. Wish

4. A Haunting In Venice

3. Extraction 2

2. The Marvels

1. Ant-Man and The Wasp Quantum Mania

Why Do I Think Ultron Is a Terrible Villain

  Why Do I Think Ultron Is a Terrible Villain Now this is going to be a really interesting because I am not going to talk about Avengers Age...