Saturday, March 22, 2025

Here Is My Movie Review Of Beau Is Afraid


Here Is My Movie Review Of Beau Is Afraid 

Now when I saw the trailer for this movie I legitimately thought I was high  because of all the weird stuff that happened in the trailer so I watched this film and I absolutely enjoyed it. It's one of the most trippy films of 2023. 

So basically what happens is that you have this guy Named Beau And he is coping with the lost of his mother Mona And he gets free of like garbage by everyone in town people just walk all over him and see him like shit so he decided to retrieve back to his tower home to pay his mother some respect and that's basically what the story is for this film it's about Beau trying to get back to his childhood home to stay his file words to his dead mom. Now the storyline of this movie is really weird because a lot of stuff happens and it works perfectly for the film. 

However the absolute big standout of the entire film is joaquin Phoenix as Beau because his performance is one of the most disturbing and one of the best performances he has ever given in his career it's disturbing because he does a lot of weird shit at the character but it works for the film's benefit because the whole film is weird but it was his best performances of 2023 and one of the best performances in his the career because Joaquin Phoenix is it terrific actor. But as weird as the performance and that is nothing to the character of Beau because this guy is really not well he goes through a lot crazy stuff you get tree and white garbage and he gets attacked and run over while he's naked he meets this weird couple this house he Is in the play and he goes through a lot of weird stuff. The same where Beau finds out that his mother capped his dead father in the Attic and it is one of us fucked up moments of the entire film because he always thought that his father left him. But no he was stuck in the attic. He became this demon that's a running corpse. It's one of the most disturbing moments of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Amy Ryan, Nathan Lane, Patti LuPone, Kelly Rogers Is terrific. 

Nathan Lane plays Roger In the film and his performance is so Intense and chilling and you can tell that he is having a lot of fun as the character. The character of Roger is really interesting because at first he really cares about Beau but as the film goes on he starts to become more creeped out of Beau’s methods and what he does to the point that he doesn't want to help him get home. The scene where Roger meets Beau for the first time and it's house it's not only really creepy but it makes sense because he mentions to him that he got hit by a car. It is probably one most  disturbing scene of the entire film because it sets up there are eventual hatred for each other as the film goes on. It is probably one of the most important moments in the entire film. The chemistry between him and Joaquin Phoenix is fantastic. 

Amy Ryan plays Roger’s wife Grace in the film. Her performance is magnificent. She does such a glorious job as this character you can tell she puts in a lot of effort in her performance. The character of Grace is really interesting because much Like her husband Roger at first she really cares about Beau. But  she slowly starts to question if he is very trustworthy or if he's just a crazy psychopath. The thing where she finds her daughter Toni covered in pain and not only that really disturbing but it makes sense she's freaking out because she thinks that Beau sexually abused her. It is probably the most disturbing moment of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Joaquin Phoenix is amazing. 

Kelly Rogers plays Grace and Rogers' daughter Toni In the film and her performance is brilliant. You can tell that she is having a lot of fun in the film as this character. Now Toni as a character is really incredible but really disturbing because she enjoys Torturing Beau enjoy the raping him and just suggesting him into a lot of weird and disturbing situations the same when she's like drinking blue paint and then kisses Beau on the mouth and just smearing the paint all over him really fucking disgusting and it shows just how unstable this character is in the film. It is probably the most messed up but Important moment of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Joaquin Phoenix is perfect. 

Patti LuPone plays Beau's mother Mona In the film and out of all the performances in the film her performance is probably the scariest and one the most nail biting performances in the entire film. Now well the performance is disturbing that is nothing compared to the character of Mona because this character is a fucking  bitch she hates her son and she literally says to her  son Beau he was always a piece of shit and was so ungrateful towards her that her life became shit when he was born and  she also mentioned that it's his fault that no one likes her at all and see even said that she was sick of him giving her the same present over and over again She also enjoyed punishing Beau by stuffing in the Attic wherever he didn't listen to her The scene where Mona revealed to her son Beau that see the line it was the scariest moments of the entire film because he believes that his mother is dead she died but it's surprisingly twist she was fine the entire time and the twist reveal that she was alive the whole time and never wanted to pay any more attention to her son it's probably the most disturbing twist of 2023. I think Mona Is up there with The High Evolutionary from Guardians to the Galaxy volume 3 as one of the most disturbing villains of 2023. The chemistry between her and Joaquin Phoenix is magnificent. 

However as exquisite as the acting is the best thing about this film is the directing by Air Aster Because what I love about his direct date I can do the glorious job of disgusting the subject of wife like to suffer through anxiety because it can happen to anybody and it can lead to a lot of panic attacks I think it did really tremendous of how can you takes it really seriously because dealing with anxiety is really scary and very nerve-wracking. I also like how he develops all the characters, especially Beau because Beau is a character that has suffered a lot, his mother training him like shit and everybody around him treats like garbage and he just wants to be respected and you can really feel bad for him. I think he did a glorious job of doing that.

So in conclusion I still really enjoyed this film. The storyline is really weird but really incredible because of how messed up and disturbing it is, like having this guy who has had a horrible childhood trying to look for his childhood home so he could pay his respect to his mother. Also all the performances are tremendous especially from Joaquin Phoenix and Patti LuPone who give the best performance in the film. This is  in my top 20 favorite films of 2023. I think this film is up there with Everything Everywhere All At Once with Ke Huy Quan as one of the most trippy A24 films and one of my favorite A24 films of all time. I highly recommend you watch the film especially if you enjoy Color Out in Space with Nicolas Cage. I give this movie a 10/10.


Wednesday, March 19, 2025

My Ranking All 10 Actors Who Have Played Captain America Villains Ranked from Worst to Best

 My Ranking All 10 Actors Who Have Played Captain America Villains Ranked from Worst to Best

10. Erin Kellyman

9. Giancarlo Esposito

8. Daniel Bruhi

7. Frank Grillo

6. Tim Blake Nelson

5. Toby Jones

4. Robert Redford

3. Sebastian Stan

2. Harrison Ford

1. Hugo Weaving 

My Ranking Of All 13 Post Endgame Films Ranked From Worst to Best

 My Ranking Of All 13 Post Endgame Films Ranked From Worst to Best

13. Black Widow 

12. Thor Love and Thunder

11. Eternals

10. The Marvels

9. Black Panther Wakanda Forever

8. Ant-Man And The Wasp Quantum Mania

7. Captain America Brave New World 

6. Doctor Strange In The Multiverse of Madness

5. Spider-Man Far From Home

4. Shang Chi And The Legend of The Ten Rings

3. Spider-Man No Way Home

2. Deadpool and Wolverine

1. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Here is My Movie Review of Nefarious


Here is My Movie Review of Nefarious

Now when it comes to this movie I never saw a single trailer. I didn't even know the film existed so I watched it twice and I was blown away by it and this is one of the most underrated films of 2023. 

So Basically what happens and that you have this guy named Edward Wayne Brady to get interrogated by this guy named Dr James Martin Who is task to interview him but Edward says that he thinks he is being possessed by the demon called Nefariamus/Nefarious and he's about to be brutally executed so Dr James Martin has to determine if he deserved to be executed or if he is telling the truth that he is getting taken over by another personality and that's basically what the story is for this film. The storyline in this movie is essentially if you took the scene of Batman and The Joker talking in the Dark Knight and made it into a full-length film by just having Christian Bale and Heath Ledger talking to each other for a whole hour and 30 minutes. I have to say the film executes the story brilliantly because you think that a film about two people just talking to each other in an interrogation room might sound really boring but somehow this film takes that concept and makes it perfect. 

Now the acting in this movie is magnificent because all the actors do a glorious job as their character and to be honest it only focuses around two people in the entire film. I think this is up there with Guardians the Galaxy Vol 3 as one of the best active films of 2023. 

However the absolute big standout of the entire film is Sean Patrick Flanery as Edward Wayne/Nefariamus Nefarious because Sean Patrick Flanery  is essentially playing three characters in the film. You have Edward Wayne who is this normal guy who said that he is possessed by a demon. But then you have Nefariamus and Nefarious who is his darker side and they torture and manipulate Dr Jason Martin in the film and Sean Patrick Flanery  does such a glorious job of playing all three of these characters. Now the character of Edward Wayne Is it really incredible and dark character because he believed that he is possessed by a demon and he wants to try to tell Dr Jason Martin what is going on but his two evil sides Nafariamus and Nefarious Enjoys playing mind games with Dr Jason Martin and want to break him as much as possible. The scene where Edward Wayne tells Dr Jason Martin that  he is possessed by a demon and not only is it really dark and disturbing but it shows how unstable and crazy Edward Wayne is as a person. The scene where his evil personnel in Nefarious comes out to try to attack Dr Jason Martin is a really dark and nail binding scene because It shows that Edward may not be that normal as he claims he is. It is probably the most shocking moment of the entire film.The scene where his other personality Nefariamus  takes over a starts crying and begging the police not to send them to the electric chair if they really dark and disturbing and creepy moment because this personality is the nervous and scared side of Edward because Edward has so much disturbing things about him that he can't control his personalities It is one of the creepiest moments of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Jordan Belfi Is terrific because both actors play off each other perfectly In the film because it's just them talking in a room together. 

Jordan Belfi  plays Dr Jason Martin in the film and his performance is tremendous. He does such a glorious and exquisite job of playing this guy who is very intelligent and doesn't take nonsense from anybody and takes his job extremely seriously.b now the character of Dr Jason Martin is they really tremendous and Incredible character because he wants to try to help Edward Wayne figure out if he's really possessed by a demon and try to get him to control all of his personalities before he gets brutally executed by the police. The scene where Dr John Martin first meets Edward wayne and he asked if he's really telling the truth if he's possessed by a demon it's not only really dark and really disturbing but it makes sense because he wants to figure out what is going through Edward's mind To believe if he's telling the truth or if he's just going crazy. It is probably the most disturbing and chilling moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Sean Patrick Flanery  Is magnificent because you can tell that both actors were having a lot of fun while making this film.

However the best thing about the film is the directing by Cuke Konzelman and Cary Solomon because you will think that a movie about just two people talking an interrogation room is really boring and not interesting but somehow these two managed to take that concept and make it both disturbing and Incredible at the same time because again this is a movie where you have just two people question one another if one of them is possessed by a demon or just going completely insane. I also like how they discuss the subject of multiple personality disorder because of the really scary and really disturbing mental illness because the person has so many voices in their heads that they take on different Personas and can leave them to do crazy or disturbing stuff and I'm super happy that they take the subject super seriously. I think it is really incredible how they did that.

So in conclusion I was really surprised by the film because of the really entertain storyline revolving around this police detective trying to help this guy Edward trying to balance all of his personalities which again you think a concept of just two guys talking to each other in interrogation room will be boring but somehow this movie makes it  scary and entertaining at the same time. Also Sean Patrick Flanery and Jordan Belfi  play off each other perfectly because they have such tremendous and spectacular chemistry. I have to say this movie is up there with Ant-Man the Wasp Quanta Mania as one of the most underrated films of 2023. I also like how it discussed multiple personality disorder and took it really seriously because it is really scary and a really sensitive subject. I also think that this movie is up there with The Electrical State Ke Huy Quan as one of the most underrated films of the 2020s. I highly recommend you watch the film especially if you like really suspenseful drama films like Killers of The Flower Moon with Robert De Niro. Then I'm sure you're going to like this film as well. I give this movie a 10/10.

Saturday, March 15, 2025

My Ranking of All 3 Actors Who Have Played General Ross Ranked from Okay To Terrific

 My Ranking of All 3 Actors Who Have Played General Ross Ranked from Okay To Terrific

3. Sam Elliott

2. William Hurt

1. Harrison Ford

My Ranking of All 6 Indiana Jones Actors That Appeared In The MCU Ranked from Good to Terrific

 My Ranking of All 6 Indiana Jones Actors That Appeared In The MCU Ranked from Good to Terrific

6. Ray Winston

5. Mads Mikkelsen 

4. Cate Blanchett

3. Alfred Molina

2. Ke Huy Quan 

1. Harrison Ford

My Ranking of All 10 Captain America Villains Ranked from Worst to Best

 My Ranking of All 10 Captain America Villains Ranked from Worst to Best

10. Karly Morganthal from The Falcon And The Winter Soldier

9. Sidewinder from Captain America Brave New World 

8. Baron Zemo from Captain America Civil War and The Falcon And The Winter Soldier

7. Crossbones from Captain America The Winter Soldier and Captain America Civil War

6. The Leader from Captain America Brave New World

5. Arnum Zola from Captain America The Winter Soldier

4. Alexander Pierce from Captain America The Winter Soldier

3. Red Hulk from Captain America Brave New World

2. The Winter Soldier from Captain America The Winter Soldier

1. Red Skull from Captain America the First Avenger

Here Is My Movie Review Of Beau Is Afraid

  Here Is My Movie Review Of Beau Is Afraid  Now when I saw the trailer for this movie I legitimately thought I was high  because of all the...