Friday, March 14, 2025

Here is My Movie Review of Captain America Brave New World


Here is My Movie Review of Captain America Brave New World

Now when this film was announced I was really suspicious about this film so I went to see it in theaters with the lowest of expectations and after watching this film I thought it was entertaining. Now I don't think it's great but I think it was a good enough movie. Now I will say I like it better than Black Widow. I will say it's way better than Thor Love and Thunder. 

So basically what happens is that it takes place after the Incredible Hulk left off and Avengers end game left off. You have Sam Wilson who is the new Captain America and he is destined to protect and serve his country. But then you have General Thaddeus Thunderbolt Roth who is now known as president that is Thunderbolt Ross Because he just won the election and he had the present of the United States And he invites Sam Wilson and his new friend Joaquin Torres And Isaiah Bradley To meet him at the White House where he is giving this speech about the giant celestial that was found in the Indian Ocean now houses Adamantium. But unfortunately a song plays which causes isaiah Bradley to go crazy and start shooting at President Ross so he gets arrested by the police and Sam Wilson / Captain America wants to figure out what is what caused his friend to go crazy. Then you have this mystery character who wants Revenge on President Thunderbolt Ross for what he did to him many years ago. So it's up to Sam Wilson / Captain America to take down the mysterious figure and President Roth improve that I'm there Bradley is innocent and that's basically what the story is for this film. I have to say the storyline this movie wasn't that bad I actually enjoyed it though to be perfectly honest I don't think it was as incredible as the previous Captain America films because I think those ones had way better and more interesting storylines but I will say that this movie had the better storyline than Black Widow Because the storyline that film just wasn't that interesting was a storyline in this one is sort of interesting. 

Now the acting in this movie is incredible because I think all the actors do a terrific job as their characters. Now I will say I do think the acting in Avengers: Endgame is  better. But I will say that the acting in this movie is way better than the acting in Captain America 1990 although that's not saying much because that film has no redeeming qualities. 

Anthony Mackey comes back as Sam Wilson/Captain America and his performance is incredible. I still believe that he does a glorious job as this character. Now the character of Sam Wilson/captain America is brilliant because he wants to represent his country he wants to deal with right but most of all he wants to figure out what caused Isaiah Bradley to go rogue. The the scene where Sam Wilson/captain America is visiting Isaiah Bradley in jail and he's questioning him of what was called him to go crazy is probably one of the month nail binding and suspenseful moments of the entire film because he wants to prove that Isaiah Bradley did it intend on shooting President Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross. It is probably one of the month's suspenseful and shocking moments of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Danny Ramirez, Giancarlo Esposito, Tim Blake Nelson, Sebastian Stan, Carl Lumbly,  and Harrison Ford is perfect. 

Danny Ramirez Plays Joaquin Torres/Falcon In the film and his performance is terrific because you can tell that he is having a lot of fun as this character and that he does a glorious job with this performance. Now the character of Joaquin Torres/Falcon Is really interesting because she wants to help Sam Wilson/Captain America figure out what caused Isaiah Bradley to accidentally shoot President Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross. The scene where Joaquin Torres/The Falcon and Sam Wilson/ captain America are flying through the skies fighting off the Japanese Pilots is probably one of the best action sequences on the entire film Because they are trying to prevent them from taking over the US and this was really accurate to realize because back then the Japanese wanted to take over the US during World War II. It is probably one of the most intense and interesting moments of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Anthony Mackey is terrific. 

Sebastian Stan comes back at Bucky Barnes in the film and his performance was terrific even though he was owing in one scene it was really fun to see him and Sam Wilson/captain America reunite after all these years and the scene where he says to Sam Wilson that He was always believe To serve his country if they really powerful and emotional moment between the two characters. 

Carl Lumbly Comes back as Isaiah Bradley in the film and his performance it's probably one of the most powerful and emotional performances in MCU because he put so much heart and emotion into the character. Now the character of Isaiah Bradley is really incredible because you really feel bad for him because he knew that he wasn't the one that caused himself to shoot President Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross. The scene where Isaiah Bradley get arrested is pretty brutal because it is really accurate to realize because police officers brutally arrest minorities because of their race so the cops in this movie are corrupt and it's really scary because there are Corrupt cops. It is probably one of the Brutal sequences of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Anthony Mackey is terrific.

Now when it was announced that Gain Carlo Esposito was joining the MCU a lot of people were thinking that he was going to play Magneto in an X-Men movie but that was not the case instead they cast him as Sidewinder in this film and I got to say I don't think Gain Carlo Esposito Is bad I think he does a decent job as Sidewinder but I have to say he is the weakest performance in the film Because he's just not playing a memorable character. Now the character of Sidewinder i think he the weak villain I think he does well with the story of what he is to do but she's just not as interesting I mean he has some cool lines here and there and the theme where he fights Sam Wilson/captain America for the first time what they cool action sick with but I really think he's kind of similar to Mr. Paradox from Deadpool and Wolverine in the scent that They or just disposable villains. Although  I will say that Mr Paradox is a better villain because he has a personality and he does have some funny moments so I think he is  better than Sidewinder. The chemistry between him and Anthony Mackey is remarkable. I do think they have decent chemistry with each other. 

However the biggest standout on the entire film is Harrison Ford as President Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross/Red Hulk because his performance is so entertaining because he that I don't give a shit attitude he's like whoever I'm Harrison Ford I'm the Red Hulk let's do this and that's what makes his performance so fantastic and really fun to watch. Now the character of President Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross/ Red Hulk it really incredible because you really feel bad for him because you find out that dr Samuel Stearns/The Leader has been manipulating him into turning Into the Red Hulk now he did accept the experiment to keep himself healthy but now he have to be careful of how much anger he gets because if it gets out of control he turns into the Red Hulk and he have to prevent that from happening. The scene where  President Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross/Red Hulk says to Sam Wilson/Captain America You are not Steve Rogers It's not only a really powerful and effective line of dialogue but it makes sense because he doesn't believe that Sam Wilson/ captain America can figure out a way to solve the problem that Isaiah Bradley is going through he doesn't believe that he can protect and serve our country. I also like the same scene where President Thaddeus  Thunderbolt Ross says You tried to stop Isaiah Bradley, he shot and almost killed me. It is probably one most incredible in one of the most intense moments of the entire film. The scene where President Ross turns into the Red Hulk was really cool and the CGI doesn't look that bad. I thought it looked really great and to be fair I am not that familiar with Red Hulk in the comics so I prefer this version to the comics version. I think Red Hulk is up there with Xu Wenwu from Shang Chi as one of the most sympathetic villains in MCU I also find it really interesting that this is the six actor from the Indiana Jones franchise to join the MCU because you had Alfred Marina, Ray Winstone, Cate Blanchett, Mads Mikkelsen, Ke Huy Quan and now you have the main character himself Indiana Jones AKA Harrison Ford joining the MCU. The Rivalry between him and Sam Wilson/Captain America is really excellent because you can see how much president Ross is against him being Captain America. The chemistry between him and Anthony Mackie is brilliant. 

Now let's talk about the mystery villain the main villain  this entire film who is turned out to be none of the Dr Samuel Sterns/The Leader and to be perfectly honest i think he was better than Sidewinder because he was actually more interesting than that character because dr Samuel Stearns/The Leader is more of a puppet master he is manipulating the characters behind the scenes and I thought that was a really great and interesting concept and for the most part they executed it really well. Really the only thing I hate about The Leader is the design first of all he doesn't even look like the leader he looks like Brainiac from Superman like he looks like cabbage in the comics the leader It's about to look like a string being head very tall although they do get his personality right and how smart he is unstable is actually really interesting how he wanted control and torture President Thunderbolt Roth/Red Hulk well he succeeded in turning him into the Red Hulk he didn't really succeed in corrupting him. The scene where Dr Samuel Stearns / The Leader says remember me Ross the one you rot  away in a prison Just let it out, let out all your emotions don't bottle it all up just let out your inner anger because if you do your daughter Betty Ross will despise you even more. Not only was it a really dark and disturbing scene but it makes sense because he wants President Ross to turn into Red Hulk so he can show how easy it is to become a monster in a matter of minutes with just a hint of anger and stress. It is probably the darkest moment of the entire film. Now Dr Samuel Stearns / The Leader is played by Tim Blake Nelson in his performance ed Terrific because you can tell that he is having a lot of fun As this character. Now I don't think the leader is the best MCU villain. I will say it's better than Taskmaster from Black Widow because The Leader had a personality. Now there is one moment with The Leader that came off unintentionally hilarious. He's wearing a coat and a baseball cap and he starts screaming and when I saw that I just laughed because of how over the top and silly it was. The chemistry between him and Anthony Mackey is pretty great. I do think they have terrific chemistry with one another. 

Now the directing by Julius Onah It's interesting because I think he does a few interesting things like the story the character arg that he gives Sam Wilson/ captain America is really interesting because he wants to figure out what is wrong with his friend Isaiah Bradley a want to prove that he is innocent because it wasn't his intention to shoot the president Ross was a the mistake. I think he developed President Thaddeus Thunderbolt Roth/Red Hulk really great. I do like how he made him sympathetic because you know he and the dad he wants to make things right with his Daughter Betty Ross. I think he did a decent job developing Dr Samuel Stearns/ the leader by giving a really interesting motivation but I think he did a really bad job of designing the character not like the one from the comics. So I think he did a decent job directing this film.

So in conclusion I enjoyed this movie. I think the storyline for the most part was actually really interesting but I do think the first three Captain America films had better storylines. The performances were really great, the two standouts being Anthony Mackie and Harrison Ford. I think those two were really entertaining to watch. Also I think Red Hulk works at a sympathetic thought because you feel bad for him because I thought he was doing all the bad stuff. It is The Leader controlling him. I did the action sequences were really awesome my favorite one is actually the final balance sam Wilson/ captain America going against Red Hulk it was really intense and really fun but I do wish it went on a little bit longer it felt a little short that's why I think the battle between Captain America and Red Skull from Captain America the First Avenger was better because that one went on for a little bit longer than this one. I do think Gaen Carlo Esposito was very underutilized. He did a good enough job with Sidewinder but I felt like that the character could have been played by any other actor so I think his performance is the weakest in the film. I did think the political stuff was actually interesting. Having the Japanese get involved with President Ross was a really interesting concept and it worked really well for the story. I get the other problem I do have in the CGI for The Leader. I think it looks really bad. I mean I will stay until they work as badly as the CGI in The Flash. I think that movie looked a lot worse than the CGI in this film. But I just felt like The Leader’s design looked really weird and not that interesting. But to be honest it is a minor issue with the character so I can look past it. I will say this is the weakest out of the Captain America movies but i will say it's fun but fond. I highly recommend you watch this film especially if you like the first three Captain America films with Chris Evans. I give this movie a 7/10. 

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