Sunday, October 13, 2024

Why Do I Think Ultron Is a Terrible Villain


Why Do I Think Ultron Is a Terrible Villain

Now this is going to be a really interesting because I am not going to talk about Avengers Age of Ultron that much I will discuss it briefly But I am going to mainly be talking about why I think Ultron is one of the worst MCU villains. 

Now when it comes to Avengers Age of Ultron there's nothing I can say that I haven't been sent. I thought the jokes were really terrible. I thought It was just overly silly. There were a few good things about this movie but This is one of my least favorite MCU films as a matter of fact it is the worst Avengers film of all of the MCU. No, it seems to be agreed upon that the somewhat redeeming quality is Ultron At face value. Yes he was James Spader he did a good job with his performance he's a job with his performances some of his scenes were the best parts of the film. But the more I thought that Not only did I learn that Ultron Lackluster update from Loki from the first Avengers film but he is actually be a horrible villain. I´m going to go through all the reasons as to why. 

5. His motivation was barely developed and didn't make much sense. Ultron is  trying to wipe out all of humanity and fix it he essentially thinks of killing every human on Earth that way he Everything he wants it to be and I'm just  thinking that  not particularly a good idea Wanda even states that he's just doing this for Revenge It's very it's  toned In a very explicit and weird way. Now his motivation had ignorance of goodness in it but it feels incomplete and not thought out like how Xu Wenwu from Shang Chi. With Xu Wenwu You clearly see a guy that's broken because his wife is dead and he wants to bring her back so Him and his son can be a family again. But with Ultron I just see a psychopath and I don't see the tragedy and the sympathetic side to him. He's just a crazy lunatic who  wants to commit murder like an unstable psycho. A psychopath It's pulling someone as unstable but in reality he is not Ultron's flaws big and normally they just come off as a generic MCU the only reason why he doesn't fall into that category is James Spader´s performance. But from a writing point of view he is no different from all the other terrible MCU villains. Also on the page he is not even in same league as Xu Wenwu. 

4. The violence for Ultron Was massively pulled back. The scene where he is attacking the Avengers that didn't look very dark and disturbing at allI mean Even I, Robot  Robots that came after the main character. Even Chappie had robots killing people. But the way Ultron delivers his robots to The Avengers to try and kill them came up very cheap. Not scary at all. It makes this Avengers film the least violent Avengers film Out of all of them because this movie is  PG-13 but Ultron just kind of makes it like a PG comedy film. I sort of see that with the heroes like Ant-Man and Spider-Man but you should not do that with your big villains. Especially who is supposed to be the next big threat in the second Avengers film. 

3. Why is Ultron even here?. Why does this Overly comedic movie have a serious  villain that's like putting Mephisto in Ant-Man or introducing Magneto in Ant-Man 2? They should have saved Ultron for a different movie, specifically one that had  higher States and maybe One that was consistent with the comic book.  That is a stain on this MCU's former villain that will never leave him.  The next Loki. Loki made his first debut in Thor. Ultron made his In Avengers Age of Ultron. 

2. The false marketing. Now Avengers Age of Ultron was marketed as a serious horror film and when you saw Ultron in the trailer he looked really Scary. Also James Spader surprisingly gave a better performance than he did in the actual movie. You would think this would be the MCU movie you'll get a horror movie But no they didn't. They turned Avengers Age of Ultron into a generic MCU comedy film and that really took away from Ultron's intimidating presence and fear factor. 

1. What did Ultron do? Just think about what Ultron do because we all know what Cassandra Nova do well she manipulated Mr. Paradox into giving her the time riper she tried to destroy the Multiverse. She also manipulated Deadpool and Wolverine to help her get access to the time ripper so she can get them home. Well what a way to Introduce your really really threatening villain. So what does Ultron do with his first true appearance well he Tells the Avengers that he wants want to kill off all the humans he manipulate The maximum twins to join him and he also try to crash the city of the Sokovia back down  and kill Everyone and that's all he does he couldn't even get the vibranium so he can list Klaw´s help to do it. He also tried to fear himself as God and that's all he does. Honestly, what is it? They put Cassandra Nova in a Deadpool movie, a movie worthy of a threatened presence to the entire Multiverse and meanwhile Ultron, supposed to be more powerful than Cassandra Nova, is put in an Avengers film and gets his ass kicked by the Avengers. Also I think putting Ultron in this movie makes him look dumb actions speak louder than words and the film can tell you about all of it at once. Heck even Ultron can tell you which he sure  loves doing but at the end of the day he still got his butt kicked by the Avengers, a more powerful team than him. I honestly think Ultron is a poor man's Xu Wenwu Shang Chi developed really well. They actually made you feel sorry for him and even though he was evil you actually kind of sympathized with him because he lost everything. But with Ultron I can care less because I didn't care about his motivation and I didn't care about Him trying to kill the Avengers not to mention when Ultron  meets Tony Stark later on he cracks the generic MCU joke. There wasn't anything big for Ultron to do this was just another MCU movie that was here to set up the next one And not to mention Ultron didn't put up a good fight with Thor and all the other Avengers and even Vision just blasted him with a laser and that killed him. They should have made Him like how he was in the trailer would have killed all the Avengers. But no they defeated him In a easy way. That really ruined his chance of being a Great villain. So all these reasons are why I think Ultron is such a terrible villain. James Spader is the saving grace of this character and that is the reason why Ultron is being praised at all but the storyline is not equal to his performance.  The way He was built by Iron Man was just really stupid and Ultron as a character  think of Tommy Lee Jones´s Two-faced From Batman Forever mixed with Paul Giamatti's Rhino From The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and you get this movie´s Ultron he'll go down to one of the worst comic to movie activities you will ever see and off the the best scene in the movie is his introduction scene where he mentioned that he wants to kill off all humanly  was a rip off to the scene in Avengers Infinity War where Thanos said the same thing. Not demanding what they're going to do with Dr Doom is not going to be perfect and also the only good use that Ultron has been in the MCU is in  Marvel's What if…? what made him somewhat comic book accurate. 

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Why Do I Think Ultron Is a Terrible Villain

  Why Do I Think Ultron Is a Terrible Villain Now this is going to be a really interesting because I am not going to talk about Avengers Age...