Monday, October 28, 2024

Top 20 Comic Book Characters That Javier Bardem Could Play/Voice

 Top 20 Comic book Characters That Javier Bardem could Play/Voice

20. The Matador

19. Doctor Fate

18. Mr. Sinister

17. Lex Louthor 

16. Gorilla Grodd

16. The Brain

15. Brother Blood

14. Brainiac

12. Maxwell Lord

11. The Abomination

10. Kilgrave 

9. The Thinker

8. Darkside

7. Mr Freeze

6. Black Mask

5. Galactus

4. Gorr The God Butcher

3. Nightmare

2. Sinestro

1. Dormammu 

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Here is My Villain Review of Captain Salazar


Here is My Villain Review of Captain Salazar

Now I am going to discuss the character of Captain Salazar who is the main villain in 2017's Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Men Town No Tales. Now I'm going to explain why he is one of the best villains in the franchise and one of the scariest as well. 

Origin- Now Captain Salazar's origin is really interesting because he was The captain of a royal Spanish Navy He declared his life to ridding the sea after his father and grandfather was murdered by Pirates. Later on he would eventually he joined west Captain jack Sparrow who led him and  his crew into the devil's triangle he would eventually he tossed off the ship and was left there to die a the rest of his crew you're the later he would eventually come back at the undead ghost pirate. I have to say the film does a terrific job of giving Captain Salazar a very tragic but very dark backstory because he didn't want to become a ghost pirate but Jack Sparrow tossed him in his crew into the devil's triangle So you can understand what drove him to be revenge driven because of what Captain Jack Sparrow did to him.

Character- Now Captain Salazar it's showing to be very menacing and really terrifying because you do not want to mess with this guy because he can really kill you without even touching you because When it happens is sword on the ground it causes what is crew mates to kill someone. Even when Captain Styles are doesn't talk and is just breathing even that is really scary because you can tell he's really either get a chop your head off or break your neck by choking you to death and then twist your head and it does just that with one of the British guards right in the beginning of the movie. So I think the film did an astounding job of making Captain Salazar really scary because he is the Grim Reaper of this movie because he would kill anyone That gets in his way. 

 Motivation- Now Captain Salazar's motivation is really interesting because he wants revenge on Captain Jack Sparrow for Killing him in the devil's triangle and making him be a ghost against his will so he wants to use the Trident to kill Captain Jack Sparrow and take over the sea and kill all the Pirates Because they were the ones responsible for the death of his grandfather. I think the film did a remarkable job of giving Captain Salazar a really powerful and very understandable motivation because he wants Revenge on the Pirates for what they did to him and his crew and for the death of his grandfather. 

Best Scenes- Now I'm going to say this right now it was actually really hard for me to pick my favorite scene with Captain Salazar because he has so many awesome and scary moments in the film. But if I had to pick my absolute favorite moment it'll be the theme where Captain Salazar walks on to the Dutchman and chokes one of the British guards death and Says to Henry Turner Find Sparrow for me, and relay a message from Captain Salazar. Salazar! Tell him i behold the daylight Again and on that day... Death...! will come straight for him. Will you say that to him?. Please. I wish I could do it myself but you know dead man tell no tail.Not only is it really scary but It makes sense because Captain Salazar is manipulating Henry Turner into giving Captain Jack Sparrow a message and it's all things too Javier Bardem scary and creepy performance. 

Evil Deeds- Now Captain Salazar has done a lot of evil things in this film for example he manipulated Captain Barbossa to join him and to help him find the trident. She also tried to kill Henry Turner and his Crow which included trying to kill Captain Jack Sparrow to get revenge on him to Avenge the death of his grandfather. He also killed a lot of Captain Barbarosas crew members on his ship was his ghost crew. So I think the film did a magnificent job of showing how cruel and disturbing Captain Salazar is as a character. 

Conclusion- Captain Salazar is a really terrific villain because his backstory is really tragic but also really disturbing just how dark and unstable he became after the death of his grandfather and he went so far as to murder his own father because he was trying to  bride a pirate. His motivation of using the Trident to kill all the Pirates to avenge the death of his grandfather and wanting to kill Jack Sparrow because of what he did by leaving him and his crow in the devil's triangle to die. The scene where he goes up onto the Dutchman and kills one of the British guards and that monologue that he gives to Henry Turner is really dark and really scary and it's all thanks to Javier Bardem´s terrifying and creepy performance. I am going to give Captain Salazar a 10/10. 

Here is My Movie Review of Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Men Tell No Tales


Here is My Movie Review of Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Men Tell No Tales

So basically what happens is that it takes place right after the fourth movie left off and you have this guy named Henry Turner who is the son of Will Turner and Elizabeth Swan And he is approached by Captain Salazar who tells him to find Captain Jack Sparrow and tell him that he is coming vengeance and he wanted to find the Trident to kill Jack Sparrow so it's up to Henry Turner team up with Jack Sparrow and his crew to take down Captain Salazar and that's basically what the story is for the film. I have to say the storyline in this movie is much better than the storyline in the forest film because the storyline in Pirates of the Caribbean on stranger Tides Just wasn't really interesting and didn't really make a lot of sense but the storyline this one's actually really interesting because and about Henry Turner trying to Take down Captain Salazar and prevent him from finding the trident. 

Now the acting in this movie is not that bad I still think everyone does a terrific job as their characters and I have to say i feel like they are giving more than effort in this movie than they were in the fourth film because well they did a great job as their characters it just feels like the writing for the characters just wasn't really good at all. 

Johnny Depp plays Captain Jack Sparrow in the film. I have to say he still did a terrific job and  even in the fourth film even in parts where that film is not working he still gave a really entertaining performance as the character. Now the character of Captain Jack Sparrow is relatively the same as he was in the other four movies because he has to help Henry Turner prevent Captain Salazar from getting the Trident to rule the sea and kill everyone. Probably the best moment with Captain Jack Sparrow is when he first meets Carina Smyth and he tries to rescue her from the British Gardens and not only was it a really awesome scene but it makes sense because they think that they share their witch and it also sets up their relationship as the film goes on. It is probably the most important moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Geoddrey Rush, Brenton Thwaites, Javier Bardem and Kaya Scodelario Is still perfect. 

Now for this being Geoddrey Rush´s final performance as Captain Barbosa. I have to say he probably gives his best performance as the character. You can tell he is having a lot of fun as this character, just giving one of the most powerful and emotional performances of the entire film. Now Captain Barbosa has come a long way from the first Pirates of the Caribbean because he was actually the first  villain in this franchise and he wouldn't the main villain in Pirates of the Caribbean the curse of the Black Pearl but after that he did redeem himself and became one of Captain Jack Sparrow's allies throughout the rest of the series. Now in this film Captain Barbosa is relatively the same, he still is very grumpy, he still argues with Captain Jack Sparrow and their moments are probably the highlight of the entire film. Also unlike the fourth movie stranger Tides Captain Barbosa actually has a little bit more to do in this film than they did in that film because in this film he wants to help Captain Jack Sparrow take down Captain Salazar and prevent him from getting the trident and rule over the thieves.  Probably the best moment with Captain Barbosa is during the climax where he actually sacrifices himself to kill Captain Salazar and  save everyone and what makes it so sad is that it's kind of similar to Iron Man's death in the MCU where were essentially watching a beloved character that being Captain Barbadosa ending his own life to save everybody else's and it's probably the saddest moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Johnny Depp is still perfect just like how it was in the other movies. 

Brenton Thwaites plays Will Turner's son Henry Turner In the film. I have to say he still does a remarkable job as the character. Now The character of Henn Turner is really interesting because In this film he has to help Captain Jack Sparrow take down Captain Salazar and prevent him from harnessing the power of the Trident so it doesn't kill every pirate on Earth. Probably the best moment with Henry Turner it's when he's confronted by Captain Salazar and not only is it a very Showing scene but it makes sense because even he couldn't utter many words because of how nervous he was confronting him. It is probably the scariest moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Johnny Depp is still remarkable. 

Kaya Scodelario  plays Henry Turner's girlfriend Carina Smyth In the film. I have to say she still does a spectacular job as the character. Now the character of Carina Smithy Is a really interesting character because throughout the movie the Pirates believe that she is in which but she keeps telling them that she's not and she said that she's there to help them take down Captain Salazar and prevent him from having the Trident to wipe out all of the Pirates on Earth. The twist reveal that Carina Smithy learned how to read Stars from our father is probably a very surprising twist of this entire franchise.  Probably the best moment with Carina Smyth  is Is where she Means Captain Salazar for the first time and not only is it really disturbing but it makes sense because he'll do anything and his power to kill her along with Jack Sparrow's crew and it is probably the most nail biting moment of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Johnny Depp is fantastic. 

However the actor who steals the entire movie is Javier Bardem as Captain Salazar. Now when comes to the Pirates of the Caribbean movie villains they are for the most part really good I think captain Barbosa from the first movie where they really fun because he also had a very fun and tragic backstory and he does redeem himself start to like Captain Jack Sparrow as friend and as a part of his Crow. Then there was Davy Jones from the two sequels and he had the best villain in the whole franchise because he had a very dark backstory and you really feel bad for him but at the same time he is very scary and it is all thanks to Bill Nighy's powerful and creepy performance. Then is Blackbeard from Pirates of the Caribbean on Stranger Tides which I didn't really care for him as the villain I thought he was very boring and uninteresting and well Ian McShane did try to do with his performance it was that we not enough to redeem the character also I think his villain motivation that did not make sense because he wanted to have the fountain of Youth to become younger and that just did not work out at a proper villain motivation. But I have to say in this film  fixed that problem because Captain Salazar is buy doubt the scariest villain in the entire franchise because this guy will do anything to get where he wants and his backstory is very interesting because his grand father was killed By other Pirates and also Jack Sparrow trapped him in the devil's triangle along with his crew and he died but then he came back at the ghost pirate so you can actually feel bad for him and you can also understand why he has such a burning hatred toward them why he wants to use the trident to kill all the Pirates because he views Pirates as The definition of pure evil because he believed that all the Pirates are bad because all they do is kill and steal from people. Also out of all the villains in this franchise he came the closest to actually killing Captain Jack Sparrow because he literally stabs him in the chest with the trident. Probably the best moment with Captain Salazar is were he transfers his entire body into Henry Turner's body and not only that really scary but it actually felt like it came out of a horror movie because he essentially wants to use Henry Turner's body to kill Captain Jack Sparrow it's probably the most disturbing and Prime the messed up moment of the entire film. The Rivalry between him and Captain Jack Sparrow is perfect because you understand how much he had a burning hatred towards it because he had the one that is responsible for his father's death and he'll do anything it's power to straight up kill him and his entire crew. Also I can tell that Javier Bardem had a lot of fun as this character just relishing the definition of evil and cruelty for this character and the voice he puts on is Really creepy and really disturbing it works extremely well and not to mention it really remind me of the way Gary Oldman voice Lord Shen in Kung Fu Panda 2 because in that film Gary Oldman does put on his very creepy and raspy voice. I think Captain Salazar is up there with Hela from Thor Ragnarok and one of the best villains of 2017. Fun fact actors like Ian McShane, Geffrey Rush, and Christopher Waltz were all Considered to play Captain Salazar. The chemistry between him and Johnny Depp is astounding. 

The directing by Joachim Ronning and Espen Sandberg It's really interesting because why I like about their directing and that they kind of fixed most of the problems I had with that fourth movie because that one was not really interesting the villain was very Bland and quite frankly a very terrible villain but in this film they actually make the storyline a lot better and a lot more fun. They also did a terrific job of developing Captain Salazar because they give him a very tragic backstory in a very powerful and very interesting motivation. I also like how they gave Captain Barbara a very powerful and emotional send-off for him. I think it is really terrific of how they did that. 

So in conclusion I still really enjoy this film because it actually fixes the problems I had with the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movie on Stranger Times because that one did not have an interesting story and the villain Blackbeard was not really interesting and not that scary but luckily in this film it had a much better storyline because it is focusing on Henry Turner trying to find the Trident before Captain Salazar. Also the Action sequences  were really interesting, Especially that final  battle against Captain Salazar and his Crow that took place underwater. Also Captain Salazar is a really intimidating and interesting villain because his motivations are very understandable and personal because he wants revenge on Captain Jack Sparrow for trapping him and his crew in the devils triangle and letting him die which caused him to come back as a ghost pirate. Also Javier Bardem’s performance is the thing that makes this character so fun and Incredible. Now I will say I do think the first three Pirates of the Caribbean movies are better because of the story and writing. But this one is a big Improvement over the forth film because I had a much better storyline and way better villain. I think Captain Salazar is up there with Dreyfus from Dawn of the planet of the Apes as one of the best villains of the 2010s. I still think that this movie is probably the most underrated film of 2017. I highly recommend you watch this film especially if you like Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. I give this movie a 7/10. 

My Ranking of All 5 Pirates of the Caribbean Movies Ranked from Worst to Best

 My Ranking of All 5 Pirates of the Caribbean Movies Ranked from Worst to Best

5. Pirates of The Caribbean On Stranger Tides

4. Pirates of The Caribbean Dead Men Tell No Tales

3. Pirates of the Caribbean At The World's End

2. Pirates of The Caribbean Dead Man's Chest

1. Pirates Of The Caribbean The Curse of the Black Pearl

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Ranking of All 29 DC Films That I Have Seen Ranked for Worst to Best

 Ranking of All 29 DC Films That I Have Seen Ranked for Worst to Best

29. Batman Versus Superman Dawn of Justice

28. Batman and Robin

27. Suicide Squad

26. The Flash

25. Green Lantern 2011

24. Batman Forever

23. Justice League

22. Man of Steel

21. Teen Titans Go To The Movies

20. Zack Snyder's Justice League

19. Constantine 

18. Black Adam

17. Birds of Prey

16. Wonder Woman 1984

15. Jonah Hex

14. Aquaman

13. Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom

12. Joker

11. Shazam Fury of the Gods

10. The Suicide Squad

9. Shazam

8. Batman 89

7. Superman The Movie

6. Batman Returns

5. Wonder Woman

4. The Dark Knight Rises

3. Batman Begins

2. The Batman

1. The Dark Knight

Top 20 Actors Who Could Play John Constantine

 Top 20 Actors Who Could Play John Constantine

20. James McAvoy 

19. Idris Elba

18. Nicholas Halt

17. Tom Holland

16. Daniel Craig

15. Pierce Brosman

14. Ian McKellen

13. Tom Hiddleston

12. Will Poulter

11. Patrick Stewart

10. Ralph Fiennis

9. Oscar Isaac

8. Ben Kingsley

7. Paul Bettany

6. Peter Capone 

5. Gary Oldman 

4. Michael Fassbender

3. Anthony Hopkins

2. David Tennant

1. Jude Law

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Top 54 Movies That I Would Like to Discuss On My Podcast

 Top 54 Movies That I Would Like to Discuss On My Podcast

54. Constantine

53. 1922

52. Antlers

51. Don's Plum

50. Eternals

49. Mank

48. Tim Burton's Planet of The Apes

47. Unhinged

46.  The Fanatic

45. Minority Report

44. The Outsiders

43. Inside

42. Mute

41. Inception

40. Ready Player One

39. Ant-Man

38. Ant-Man And The Wasp

37. Ant-Man And The Wasp Quantum Mania

36. The Mummy 2017

35. Shang Chi and Legend of The Ten Rings

34. Gotti

33. Edge of Tomorrow

32. Batman Begins

31. The Dark Knight

30. The Dark Knight Rises

29. The Bikeriders

28. Deadpool

27. Deadpool 2

26. Deadpool and Wolverine

25. Love & Monsters

24. Everything Everywhere All At Once

23. The Boogeyman 2023

22. The Greatest Beer Run Ever

21. The Mosquito Coast

20. The Unbearable Weight of Massive of Talent

19. The Adam Project

18. The New Mutants

17. The 5th Element

16. The Goonies

15. Deadfall

14. Spider-Man 3

13. Goodfellas

12. Arctic

11. The Black Phone

10. Misery

9. Killers of The Flower Moon

8. Dune 

7. The Town

6. The Devil All The Time

5. The Indiana Jones Trilogy

4. Indiana Jones and The Dial of Destiny

3. Shot Caller

2. The King

1. The Power of The Dog

Here is My Movie Review of The Mummy 2017


Here is My Movie Review of The Mummy 2017

So basically what happens is that you have this guy named Nick Morton who is the US agent Sergeant and he finds out that there is this ancient Mummy named  Ahmanet II Who has been awakened from a tomb so Nick Morton has to team up with his archaeologist named Jennifer Jenny Halsey who tell them that they have to find the ancient tomb and stop Ahmanet II  from destroying the world. That is basically what the story is for this film.  To be honest storyline in the film is just not that interesting because when you think of a movie that it's about the mummy you would think it's something awesome and really intense and scary but with a lot of entertaining aspects about it but in this film did nothing much entertaining about this entire film because nothing much happens. 

The acting in this movie is really bad aside from one performance in the film that is somewhat entertaining. I had to say this movie is off there with The Circle as one of the Worst acted films of 2017. 

Tom Cruise plays Nick Morton in the film. I have to say well he is trying to give a good performance overall I just feel like he did not do a great job in the film because well there are moments of him almost giving a good performance. Overall I just think this is one of the most boring performances that Tom Cruise has ever done in his career. What's really Disappointing is that Tom Cruise is a tremendous actor because if you watch him in The Outsiders and Minority Report. But the character of Nick Morton is terrible because he is so unlikable because all he does is just argue with Jennifer Jenny Halsey And they're the thing where he died and then he wakes up a bag naked in this facility it's just does not make any sense he said they horrible character and the romance between him and Jennifer Jenny Halsey does not make a sense because they don't get along at all. The chemistry between him and Annabelle Wallace, Jake Johnson, Russell Crowe, Sophia Boutella Is okay. 

Annabelle Wallace plays Jennifer Jenny Halsey  In the film. I have to say she does a terrible job as this character because she is just over the top and not entertaining at all. Now the character of Jennifer Jenny Halsey Is awful because she is just there to be rescued by Nick Morton and that's all she does. She just gives Exposition and she's just there to be saved by Nick Morton and that is it she doesn't have any character development whatsoever. The thing where they start to like each other it's just so terrible because even when they kind of like each other Nick Martin still comes off as an asshole to her because of the way he treats her. The chemistry between her and Tom Cruise is okay.

Now there is only one good performance in this entire mess of a movie and that is Russell Crow as Dr Henry Jekyll/Edward Eddie Hyde. Now even though he Is only in two scenes of the entire film I actually do think he is the best thing about this entire movie. Also I like the idea of Dr Henry Jackal / Edward Eddie Hyde being a Monster Hunter. To be on that does have a lot of attention but the problem in the movie barely focuses on the idea it only focuses around that like 5 minutes and it's never mentioned again. The scene where dr Henry Jackal turns  into Edward Eddie Hyde Is probably the only best part of the entire movie because it is really disturbing and the transformation is actually really scary and it kind of works with the film to be honest like I wish  Dr Henry Jackal / Edward Eddie Hyde What the main villain to be like I don't know it would redeem the movie but it will make it slightly more entertaining. Fun fact actors like Javier Bardem, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tom Hardy, and Eddie Redmayne were all considered to play Dr Henry Jackal / Edward Eddie Hyde. The chemistry between him and Tom Cruise is decent. 

But the worst performance of this entire film is Jake Johnson as Chris Vail Because all he does is just make a lot of bad jokes and just goes over the top as possible and that is his entire performance for the film. But the character of Chris Vail Is terrible because all he does is just crack a lot of bad jokes and argue with Nick Morton and that's it that is his entire character although the two of them don't get along for the entire film because all they do is argue with each other throughout almost the entire film. The scene where they find Ahmanet II Just comes off as feeler heavy and is not that interesting. The chemistry between him and Tom Cruise Is okay. 

Sophia Boutella plays Ahmanet II  In this film. I have to say she is really bad in the film because she just over acts for the entire film that goes completely way over the top. Now I'll give her credit for one thing: her performance is not as bad as Gerard Butler's performance as Set from Gods of Egypt. That one was super offensive because Gerard Butler is Scottish and he was playing an Egyptian character well at least with Sophia Boutella who was born of South African descent. But the character of Ahmanet II Is very boring because her backstory is very boring Really weird because her dad was the king of Egypt and she loved her father but she wanted to be queen of Egypt so she killed him and took his place and she wants to to send darkness across the world and that is her entire character. Also the way she kills people in this movie is so dumb she kisses them and she died and that is not only really stupid but it's kind of a rip off too poison ivy from Batman because she does the same thing but the only difference being is that she is injected with plant and animal toxins in her bloodstream so that's how she got that ability. But with this it just does not make any sense. It comes off as very weird. Oh you want to know how Ahmanet II dies in this movie Nick Martin kisses her and that's how she dies and I am not even kidding that's how they kill her off in this film is so dumb.  It is the dumbest villain death since Ezekiel Sims in Madam web. I think Ahmanet II Snoke from Star Wars: The Last Jedi as one of the worst villains of 2017. The rivalry between her and Nick Morton is not really interesting because the movie doesn't really develop their rivalry at all because the movie doesn't explore their relationship in the film at all. The chemistry between her and Tom Cruise is decent. 

The directing by Alex Kurtzman Is awful because it feels like he's trying to make this like MCU movie because this movie tried it  up so many things for a dark universe movie monsters but failed because this movie flop really hard at the box office it didn't make that much money also feel like you don't know what this film is does he want this to be a horror movie or an action  comedy film. So overall I think he did a terrible job directing this film. 

So in conclusion I did not like this film. The storyline was so terrible it was not interesting. Not to mention this film is really boring because nothing much happens it's all just Expedition and arguing that's it. Well Tom Cruise does try to give a good performance in the film unfortunately it's not enough to redeem that film so in all honesty this is truly his worst performance he has ever given in his career.  To be honest  the only thing I actually enjoyed was Russell Crowe as Dr Henry Jackal / Edward Eddie Hyde  because I think he was the actor that had the most amount of fun in this film. His character was the best character in the movie despite him only having two scenes.  Also Ahmanet II is a really terrible  villain and is not really interesting at all. Her backstory is bland and the way she died is really dumb. Also I think she is up there The Enchantress from Suicide Squad add one of the worst villains of the 2010s. I have to say this movie is up there with Flatliners 2017 as the one the worst films of 2017. I think this movie is up there with Polar one of the worst films of the 2010s. I said just skip this movie and go watch the original Mummy movies with Brendan Fraser because they are a lot better and are actually entertaining. I give this movie a 2/10. 

Here Is My Movie Review Of Beau Is Afraid

  Here Is My Movie Review Of Beau Is Afraid  Now when I saw the trailer for this movie I legitimately thought I was high  because of all the...