Saturday, August 31, 2024

Why Do I Think Mephisto Is Going to Be One of The Worst MCU Villains


Why Do I Think Mephisto Is Going to Be One of The Worst MCU Villains

Now when it comes The character of Mephisto Marvel has gotten him wrong Lots of times. Now he first appeared in 2007's Ghost Rider with Nicolas Cage. Now in the film Mephisto was the secondary villain in the film and he Really awful Because he didn't look like his comic book counterpart he wasn't red he didn't have the horns he wouldn't even gigantic Instead they make him an old man Who is from hell And cannot give the Exposition and that's not what Mephisto does in the comics Mephisto tortures his enemies both psychologically or physically. But in this film they just made it really boring and Uninteresting. Now Mephisto made his next appearance in the 2012´s Ghost Rider spear of Vengeance and in this film he was voiced by Ciaran Hinds. His performance Is so bad and so Uninterested to the point that I feel like he sleep walked throughout the film. Now even though they made him the main villain he was still just an old man who was a member of a cult and that was all Mephisto was as a character. To this because much like with Ultron the MCU is going to make Mephisto really silly and not intimidating at all but the worst thing Is  the actor they picked because they have picked Sasha Baron Colon because this is just fucking stupid because when people eventually see Mephisto in the MCU they're going to say oh wait that's not Mephisto that's just Borat in CGI because the actor they got is absolutely wrong choice for the character because they are essentially bringing to life Marvel´s most disturbing and sinister villains and you make him into a joke character just like they did with Ultron. By taking one of the most intimidating villains in Marvel Comics and make him into a joke. To be honest if you're going to use Mephisto In a movie. You'll need a really awesome actor to portray this character. Like you need either Ethan Hawke or Gary Oldman. Both of those actors would do perfectly, especially Gary Oldman because he can put on a very sinister voice like how he was and Lord Shen in Kung Fu Panda 2. Unfortunately The MCU just being the MCU they're not going to listen to the fans they're just going to take Mephisto and just make another Ultron by make him silly and I think it could be one of the worst comic to movie adaptations you will ever see because it's not hard to adapt Mephisto I mean to be honest it can't be that hard it's If a demon who is the devil you just need a good actor to do the voice like Ethan Hawk or Gary Oldman or even Bill Nighy I think that would have been a much better choice because Bill Nighy played a lot of scary villains like Davy Jones from the Pirates of the Caribbean films and General Fallin from Jack The Giant Slayer. But since Sasha Baron Is going to voice Mephisto He'll be one of the worst super villain casting choices of all time. I think he'll probably Even rival Colin Farrell's Bullseye from Daredevil 2003. So those are my reasons for why I think Mephisto is going to be a terrible MCU villain. 

Friday, August 30, 2024

Here is My Movie Review of Lisa Frankenstein


Here is My Movie Review of Lisa Frankenstein

So basically what happens is that you have this teenager named Lisa Swallow  who is very lonely because she is coping with the loss of her mother and she goes to her high school Halloween party But she is not really having the best time because she's not really into it  because she's been drinking a lot and she becomes really nauseous. So she decides   Bring the body who calls itself The Creature back to life and at first she is really scared of it. But then she start to form a Romantic tensions towards The Creature and she decides that  she wants to get revenge some of the students at our high school for mistreating her especially her crush Michael who cheated on her with  her sister Taffy Swallows and the two go On a revenge killing Spray both of them start To have legit romantic feelings towards each other. It is up to Lisa Swallows to get revenge on her high School friends and to fall in love with The Creature and that's basically what the story is for this film. Now the storyline Is really interesting because it is kind of a mix between Edward Scissorhands and a bit of The Shape of Water because both of the main characters fall in love with a creature. 

The acting in this movie is still marvelous because all the actors are giving really terrific and entertaining performances. I still think this film is up there with Abigail as one of the best acting films of this year.

However the absolute big standout on the entire film is Kathryn Newton as Lisa Swallows. Now Lisa swallows and the character and they really Tragic and interesting character because you feel really bad for because she is still coping with the loss of her mother she hates her stepmother because she wants to send her to a boarding in school and she doesn't feel like she high school friends so you can understand why she starts to fall in love with The Creature and starts to bond with him. Probably the best moment with Lisa Swallows is where she sees The Creature cunning her stepmother's ear off and tells her to put it on him. Not only was it really funny. But it made sense because the creature needed an ear To hear with. It is probably the funniest moment of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Cole Sprouse, Liza Soberano Is perfect. 

Cole Sprouse Plays The Creature in the film. Even though he has no dialogue in this film, Cole Sprouse still gives a really powerful and entertaining performance as the character. Now the creature as a character is really interesting because He is shown that he really cares for Lisa Swallows because he wants to be with her Be her lover for the rest of his life. Probably the best moment with The Creature is where he is watching Lisa wallows sing well. He is playing the piano and not only is it a really powerful and beautiful scene. But it makes sense because it shows how much the creature really cares for her. Is probably one of the most emotional and beautiful moments of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Kathryn Newton Is still remarkable. 

Liza Soberano plays Lisa swallows´s Stepsister Taffy Swallows In the film. I have to say she still does a spectacular job as the character. Now Taffy Swallows as a character is really interesting because she has shown to be really caring about her step sister Lisa Swallows and wants them to be happy. Probably the best moment with Taffy Swallows  Is where she sees The creature with an ax and she starts To freak out because The creature is attacking her boyfriend Michael. Not only was it really funny, But makes sense because the creature brutally Attacked Michael with an ax. It is probably one of the funniest moments of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Kathryn Newton Is marvelous. 

The best thing about this movie is the directing by Zelda Williams. Now for this being her directorial debut. I have to say she still does a glorious job directing this movie because what I love about her directing is that she makes it kind of like a Tim Burton movie with the setting and the bizarre and interesting storyline. Along with all the crazy and interesting costumes in the film. I think it is really Incredible of how she did that. I Also like how she put an  interest in spin on the Frankenstein story because the original story went without a guy who made a Monster. But in this film  It is the girl who makes the monster and falls in love with it. I think it is really awesome of how she did that. I'm really looking forward to what movies she is going to direct in her career. I think she had a bright future as a director. 

So in conclusion I still really enjoyed the film because the storyline That revolved around Lisa Swallows falling in love with The Creature and getting revenge on People who have mistreated her Is really an interesting idea and the film executes it flawlessly. Also Kathryn Newton and Cole Sprouse play off each other perfectly.  Also the romance between Lisa Swallows and The Creature is the strongest aspect of the entire film. I have to say this film is probably up there with Jackpot as one of the funniest movies of 2024. This movie is also up there with Deadpool and Wolverine and one of the best films of the 2020s. I have to say if you enjoy Cobweb with Woody Norman. Then I'm sure you're going to enjoy this one. I give this movie a 10/10.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Top 20 Movies That Should Be Turned Into Streaming Shows

 Top 20 Movies That Should be Turned Into Streaming Shows

20. A Cure for Wellness

19. Shutter Island

18. Jonah Hex

17. Elysium

16. I,robot

15. Spider-Man Across The Spider-Verse

14. The Suicide Squad

13. Love & Monsters

12. Ghost Rider

11. Blade

10. The Menu 

9. Mad Max

8. Hellboy

7. Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters

6. Minority Report

5. Inception

4. Everything Everywhere All At Once

3. Ready Player One

2. Oppenheimer

1. X-Men

Here is My Movie Review of Jackpot


Here is My Movie Review of Jackpot

So basically what happens is that you have this woman named Katie Kim And she lives in La In 2030 and sees when's the lottery. But then she finds out that there are all these other people who want the money for themselves so they all try to kill her. So then she made this guy named Noel who is her Protector And driver and then you have this guy named  Louis Lewis Her find out that Katie Kim has won the lottery so he tried to kill her Herself and some too Katie Kim to survive the entire day and win the money and that's basically what the story is for the film. Now the storyline in the film is really interesting because the way I can describe it, it's been really a gender swept version of the unbearable weight of massive Talent with Nicolas Cage  because both movies have actors playing exaggerated interpretations of themselves. But the difference is that Nicholas Cage plays himself in the film well, Awkwafina In the film plays a character that is an actress. But the Dang that they haven't called me is that both movies have the main character trying to survive against people that are trying to kill them. 

The acting in this movie is terrific. I still think everyone does a fantastic job with their performances. This movie is probably up there with Deadpool And Wolverine best acted films of this year. 

Now let's talk about Awkwafina. I really like her. I really liked her in Shang Chi  as Kitty. Also her performance in The Farewell as Billi it's probably one of the more powerful and one or more emotional performances  she has ever done in her career. Now in this film I have to say she still does a spectacular job as Katie Kim. Now Katie Kim as a character is really interesting because she's very similar to Nicolas Cage from The unbearable weight of Massive of Talent because both of them acknowledge they are both characters who have to team up with someone that they first meet in order to survive not being killed by random people. Now Katie Kim has to survive the entire day without being killed by someone because If somebody kills her they get all the money that she has won. Probably the best moment with Katie Kim is where she mentions that she is an actress, not only was Really funny.  But it makes sense because in real life Katie Kim Is played by her real life actress Awkwafina. It is probably One of the funniest moments of the entire film. The chemistry between her and John Cena, Ayden Mayeri, and Simu Liu Is still perfect. 

John Cena plays Noel In the film. I have to say he still does a remarkable job as the character. Now Noel as a character is really incredible because he wants to Help Katie Kim survive the entire day and avoid being killed so she can keep the money that she won from the lottery and you can tell that he really cares for Katie Kim. Probably the best moment with Noel Is where he tells Katie Kim to punch him in the face and not only is it really funny but it makes sense because he wanted to know if Katie Kim can fight. It is probably one of the funniest moments of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Awkwafina Is brilliant. 

Ayden Mayeri plays Katie Kim's friend Shadi In the film. I have to say she still does Marvelous job as the character. Now Shadi as a Character is really interesting because she starts off as Katie Kim's friend but once he finds out That she has won the lottery. She decides to kill her so she can have the money onto herself.  Probably the best moment when Shadi Is where She seeds the phones explode And her face gets slightly burned and she starts to freak out. Not only is it  really funny. But it makes sense that the phones were about to self-destruct. It is probably one of the most over the top moments of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Awkwafina  Is astonishing. 

However the absolute big standout of the entire film is Simu Liu as Louis Lewis. Now the character of Louis Lewis is shown to be very greedy and selfish To the point that he will kill Katie Kim So he can have all the money to himself. He also threatened to kill Noel if Katie Kim didn't give him the money. Probably the best moment with Louis Lewis Is where He told his team to go Go after Kenny Kim then he says  ¨Fuck my Balls.¨ Not only is it really Funny but it makes sense because Kenny Kim punched him in the balls. It is probably one of the funniest moments of the entire film. Also you can tell that Simu Liu and having a lot of fun in this movie you can tell he is not taken it seems so many just hamming it up the entire time. The Rivalry between him and Katie Kim Is Incredible because he wants to kill herself he can have all the money that she won from the lottery all to himself. I also think  Louis Lewis Is probably up there with Proximas Caesar from Kingdom of Plant of the Apes. As one of the best villains of this year. The Chemistry between him and Awkwafina is perfect

The directing by Paul Feig Is really incredible because why I like about his directing is that he doesn't take the film seriously at all he knows exactly what type of film he's making a really over the top in hilarious meta action comedy  because literally Katie Kim walks into her studio she says to one of her friends that she is an actress and it is really funny. I think it is really brilliant of how he did that. 

So in conclusion I still really enjoy the film because the storyline is really  interesting because It revolved around people living in this universe where you win the lottery. But you have to avoid being killed In order to keep your money. Also I think all the characters are really Fun and over the top they are not taking it seriously they are all just overreacting and hamming it up the entire time and just having fun. I have to say if you enjoy The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent with Nicolas Cage then I'm sure you're going to like this one because it is very similar to that because both characters are actors trying to survive against people who are trying to kill them. Also I think  is probably up there with Louis Lewis Is probably up there with Ikaris from Eternals and one of the best villains of the 2020s. I have to say if you like Deadpool and Wolverine with Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman then I'm sure you are going to like this one. I give this movie a 10/10. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Here is My Movie Review of 10 Cloverfield Lane


Here is My Movie Review of 10 Cloverfield Lane

So basically what happenes is that you have this woman named Michelle and she is driving in her car then she suddenly gets into a really bad car accident and she wakes up in this bunker when she meets this guy Howard Stambler tells her can't leave the bunker because the air is contaminated and Starts to take care of of her but then she's starts see that Howard Stambler is becoming more unstable but the last straw for him is when she tried to escape and he tried to kill her. So it is up to Michelle to escape the bunker and survive against Howard Stambler and that is basically what the story for this film is. Now the way I can describe this Story Is that an essentially misery but with the rules reverse because in that film The guy Paul Sheldon get into a car accident and Annie Wilkes has to take care of him But then she starts to go crazy and trys to kill him and in this film Michelle gets into a car accident and Howard Stambler has to take care of her and at first he comes off really nice to her but as the film goes on he starts to become more unstable more derange.

Now the acting in this movie is still Terrific because Even though there are only three characters in this entire film all three of the actors do a perfect job as the character then you can tell that they are having a lot of fun In the film. 

Mary Elizabeth Winston plays Michelle in the film. I have to say she still does a spectacular job as the character. Now Michelle add a character is very incredible because she knows there's something wrong with Howard Stambler because he refuses let her leave the bunker and not too much she doesn't make any stupid or terrible decisions  because she is a very smart character she knows how to get out of the bunker she knows how to survive against Howard Stambler. Probably the best moment with Michelle is where she is crawling through the air vents to try to get out of the bunker and you can just see how scared and petrified she is because Howard Stambler is trying to kill her. It is probably the most disturbing moment of the entire film. The chemistry between her and John Gallagher Jr and John Goodman Is remarkable. 

John Gallagher Jr. Plays Emmett In the film. I have to say he still does a terrific job as the character. Now Emmett is the character who is really incredible because right from the start he really cares about Michelle and really wants her to escape. Probably the best moment with Emmett is when It's where he first meets Michelle and He wants to help her and skip the bunker and all the way there is a really powerful scene but it makes sense because Emmett wants to help Michelle get out of the bunker and survive against Howard Stambler. It is probably one of the most suspenseful moments of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Elizabeth Winston is outstanding. 

However the actor that steals the entire movie is John Goodman as Howard Stambler. Now Howard Stambler as a character is someone you don't want to mess with because he will just Kill you because he is really tough. But the thing that makes Howard Stambler Really scary  Is that he starts off really nice to Michelle. But as the film goes on he starts to become more unstable and more Sinister. He is very similar to Annie Wilkes from Misery because in that film she start off very nice to Paul Sheldon because she wants to take care of him and see is his biggest fan But once he tries to leave she decide to break his legs so he won't  leave her House and after he burns her book She starts to go crazy and tries to kill him. Probably the best moment with Howard Stambler Is when he sees Michelle trying to escape and he starts to chase her. Not only is it really suspenseful but it makes sense because Howard Stambler Doesn't want her to leave the bunker. And probably the most nail by name scene of the entire film The Rivalry between Him and Michelle is excellent. Also Howard Stambler Is probably up there with Kel From Kung Fu Panda 3 as one of the best villains of 2016. The chemistry between him and Mary Elizabeth Winston is perfect. 

But the best thing about this movie is the directing because for this being Dan Trachtenberg´s Directing debut is brilliant because what I love about his directing and that he doesn't make The main character Michelle stupid he actually Makes Really smart Because she knows what she's doing she knows how to get out of certain situation then The problem with modern horror movies that a lot of A lot of really Dumb main characters But luckily in this film the main character and this phone actually really smart she's actually really likable. I also like how he takes the simple concept of being trapped in a bunker and makes it really creepy and really disturbing. I also like how he developed Howard Stambler because he know they terrific job of making him really mystery than the one stuff you don't really know about Howard Stambler because there are points in the movie where you think he is telling the truth or sometimes he's make it up and he very similar The Caller from Phone Both. I think it is really awesome of how he did that.

So in conclusion I still really enjoyed this movie. The storyline was Interesting because about  three people stuck in a bunker for the entire film. It works extremely well because it makes you feel very claustrophobic when you are watching the film. This is easily in my top five favorite movies of 2016. This movie is off of there with Doctor Strange as one of my favorite movies of 2016 Also Howard Stambler Is probably up there with Mysterio from Spider-Man Far From Home as one of the best villains of the 2010s. I highly recommend you watch this film especially if you like 1922 with Thomas Jane. I give this movie a 10/10. 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Top 15 Planet of The Apes Villains

 Top 15 Planet of The Apes Villains

15. Carver from Dawn Of the Planet of the Apes

14. Steven Jacobs from Ries on The Point of The Apes

13. Limbo from Tim Burton's Planet of The Apes

12. Dodge from Rise of The Play of The Apes

11. Atter from Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes

10. Red from War for The Planet of the Apes

9. General Thade from Tim Burton's Planet of The Apes

8. Sylva from Kingdom of The Planet of The Apes

7. Lightning from Kingdom of Planet of the Apes

6. Winter from War of Point of the Apes

5. Proximas Caesar from Kingdom of the Planet of The Apes

4. Dreyfus from Dawn of the Point of The Apes

3. The Colonel from War for the Plan of the Apes

2. Koba from Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

1. Dr. Zaius from Planet of the Apes

Saturday, August 24, 2024

My Top 50 Favorite Movies of All Time

 My Top 50 Favorite Movies of All Time

50. Eo 

49. Spaceman

48. Poison 

47. Tetris

46. 65

45. Inside

44. Searching

43. Uncharted

42. Finch

41. Free Guy

40. Run

39. Red White and Blue

38. The Devil All The Time

37. First Cow

36. If

35. Abigail

34. Shang Chi 

33. Boy Kills World

32. Love & Monsters

31. Murder On The Orient Express

30. Knives Out

29. The Menu

28. Nope

27. Ambulance

26. Copshop

25. Rush

24. Ex Machina

23. Inception

22. Whiplash

21. Cyrano

20. Jonah Hex

19. Ready Player One

18. Togo

17. Mad Max The Road Warrior

16. Thor 

15. Unbreakable

14. Rise of The Guardians

13. Spider-Man No Way Home

12. Phone Booth

11. Mank 

10. Kung Fu Panda 2

9. Ant-Man and The Wasp 

8. Captain America Civil War 

7. Coco 

6. Shrek 2

5. Iron Man

4. Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom

3. Deadpool and Wolverine 

2. The Batman 

1. Everything Everywhere All At Once

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Here is My Villain Review of Kang The Conqueror


Here is My Villain Review of Kang The Conqueror

Now I'm going to discuss the character of Kang The Conqueror Who is the main villain of 2023´s Ant-Man and The Wasp Quantum Mania And explain Why he is the best part of the film and as well as one of the best villains of 2023 but also the why I think They over hype him up and rush him into the MCU. 

Origin- Now Kang The Conqueror´s origin is really interesting because his real name is Victor Timely and he hails from the 31st century  and he was really smart and intelligent scientist and he was Why the members of the council of Kangs which is an organization run by a bunch of Multiverse variants of him But unfortunately he was banished down to the Quantum Realm And there he befriended Hope's mother Janet Van Dyne. So Kang Makes Janet Van Dyne a deal if he helps her with his time machine he can send her home But as she touched the machine she Predicted That he would get out of the Quantum Realm and kill millions of people and destroy countless universes across the Multiverse so she decides to trap him in there and ever since then Kang was stuck down there for a very long time and he built his own Citadel which is his giant Fortress. I think the Film does a Terrific job of developing Kang´s backstory with his connection to Hope's mother Janet Van Dyne Who was the original Wasp Who is also stuck there 30 years. 

Character- Now Kang The The Conqueror as a character Is really dark and Has the ability to manipulate others to help him Because he Make the same deal with Scott Lang/Ant-Man If he help them Build his time machine he can get Ant-Man and his family out of the Quantum Realm But he can also be very deceitful because he tricked Ant-Man to get him the multiverse engine core to power the machine so he can Get out of the quantum Realm  and kill million the people in Destroy count with universes in the Multiverse he also is shown to not give a shit about Darren cross because he Shoves  him against the wall when he interrupts him. This causes Darren  Cross to redeem himself and turn against his former master. I think the film does an excellent job of showing how cruel and King the Conquer is as a villain because he does it really care about anything he just wants to get out of the Quantum Realm so he can Get revenge on the council of Kangs and kill them and destroy the Multiverse. But I think they made Kang a bit pathetic just because he gets taken out by a bunch of ants and it kind of made him a little silly as a result. 

Motivation- Now Kang The Conqueror´s Motivation is Very interesting because He wants to get out of the Quantum Realm and get  revenge on The council of Kangs and destroy the Multiverse. So in order to do that he decided to Blackmail Ant-Man and threaten to kill him And his daughter Cassie if he doesn't help him fix his time machine. I think the film does a Terrific job of giving Kang A really dark but really Interesting motivation for how he wants to get out of the  Quantum Realm and by doing that he decides to manipulate Ant-Man into helping him fix his time machine So he can destroy the Multiverse. 

Best Scenes- Now Kang The Conqueror has a lot of awesome and intense moments.  But if I had to pick my favorite Moment with Kang The Conqueror It will be the scene where  he says ¨You will bring me what I need or I will kill your daughter in front of you.¨ Then make you live that moment in time over and over again.¨ Until you beg me to kill you ¨Do we have an understanding.¨ because Can the Conqueror Is telling Ant-Man if he doesn't Help him build his time machine he will kill Cassie in front of him and put Ant-Man in an endless loop so he can witness that horrible moment over and over again until he begs Kang to kill him. It is all thanks to Jonathan Major´s tremendous and nail biting performance.

Evil Deeds- Now Kang The Conqueror has done a lot of horrible things In the film. For example he Black males Ant-Man to help him rebuild his time machine and if he doesn't help him he will kill his daughter right in front of him. He has killed a lot of people throughout the Multiverse. He treats Darren Cross like garbage If he doesn't follow his orders. He also kidnaps Ant-Man´s daughter Cassie  in his Citadel. He tells Darren Cross to kill Ant-Man's daughter Cassie. I think the film does a perfect job of showing off how evil and despicable Kang The Conqueror is as a villain. 

Conclusion- Kang The Conqueror is a really interesting villain because his motivation is really dark but really awesome how he wants to get out of the quantum realm and kill all the other variants and conquer the Multiverse and in order to do that he manipulates Ant-Man into help him fix his time machine. The monologue that Kang says Is not only really dark. But it makes sense because if Ant-Man doesn't help him he will kill Cassie in front of him and make him live that moment anytime loop until he begs him to kill him. It is all thanks to Jonathan majors powerful and nail biting performance. Now with all this awesome things I am saying about King The Conqueror He does have some problems for example I think they over hyped him by make him this big Thanos level threat but in reality he just gets being up by Ants I think that was the weakest part of the character how he did get taken out by ants but the second half of the final battle when he's battling Ant-Man in his citadel and almost killed them is Interesting climax and it makes up for the over the top first half of the climax. I also think that they should have waited and put Kang the Conqueror in a different movie like in a Fantastic Four Film or a Doctor Strange film. But other than those little problems I do think Kang The Conqueror is a really fun villain in the MCU. I ´am going to give Kang the Conqueror a 7/10. 

Here Is My Movie Review Of Beau Is Afraid

  Here Is My Movie Review Of Beau Is Afraid  Now when I saw the trailer for this movie I legitimately thought I was high  because of all the...