Here is My Movie Review of Deadpool and Wolverine
So basically what happens is that takes place years after Deadpool 2 left off you have Wade Wilson / Deadpool and he is going through a midlife crisis he works in it car dealership he Doesn't want to be a superhero anymore he just wants to sell down with all his friends so he has his birthday party with all his friends he's like really happy but unfortunately the TVA kidnap him because he has violated one of the sacred timelines and So in order to fix it the TVA tells Wade Wilson/Deadpool to find a variant of Logan/Wolverine in order to fix it so he finds the worst variant of Logan/Wolverine who tells Wade Wilson / Deadpool that He is no hero and he caused the death of an entire X-Men team to die and he has nothing to wait for and he does drinks beer and is just unhappy. Then you have this woman named Cassandra Nova who wants to break into the TVA in order to use The Time Ripper In order to kill Wade Wilson / Deadpool and destroy the multiverse and kill everyone That Wade Wilson / Deadpool ever cares about. It is up to Wade Wilson / Deadpool and Logan / Wolverine and the new team to take down Cassandra Nova and save the multiverse and that's basically what the story is for the film. I have to say out of all the stories in the Deadpool movies this one's probably my favorite and probably one of the best storylines in the MCU. It revolves around Wade Wilson / Deadpool having to save the multiverse and everything he cares about.
The acting in this movie is magnificent because this is the best acting out of all three Deadpool films. Every single actor is giving 1,009% Effort in giving awesome and powerful performances and they all did a beautiful and brilliant job as their characters.
But without a doubt the big standout of the entire film is Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson/Deadpool Now he had played this character since 2016 All the way up to 2024 And I have to say he gives his best performance at this character out of the three Deadpool films. Wade Wilson / Deadpool out of the character is probably the best he has ever been in these Deadpool films because in this one he goes through a gigantic character because he has to save his whole universe and coin the multiverse and everyone that he knows and loves from being wiped out by Cassandra Nova and he has to help a really depressed Logan/Wolverine get back up on his feet and help him find his true purpose in the world. This is probably the funniest to Wilson / Deadpool has ever been in any of his films because the first film he was really funny and the second film he was even funnier and this one he is outright hysterical as a character All this fourth wall breaking works significantly all his references were really funny. Probably the best moment with Wade Wilson / Deadpool is where he goes up to the camera and said this is for you Fox any head butts the camera and not only is it really hysterical but it makes sense because he is basically mentioning that he is not owned by Fox anymore he is owned by Disney so now he is in the MCU it's probably the funniest fourth wall breaking moments of the entire film. Another joke that I found really funny is where Wade Wilson / Deadpool says to this one random guy. ¨Keep my country´s name out your fucking mouth and not only was it really hysterical. But it makes sense because of the clever nod to the Oscars in Saint where Will Smith slapped Chris Rock in the face for making fun of his wife and it's probably the funniest roast out of all of the Deadpool films. fun Fact Ryan Reynolds ´ s twin brother Gordon Reynolds plays a Deadpool variant called Nice Pool and he is like the most family-friendly variant of Deadpool. The scene where he tried to break the fourth wall and he says The Proposal an real Wade Wilson/Deadpool says what the fuck was that. Not only was it really funny but it makes sense because the way the Nice Pool was breaking the fourth wall was too family Friendly because in the movies Wade Wilson / Deadpool did it in a dirty way and a more raunchier way. it's probably one of the most entertaining moments of the entire The chemistry between him and Hugh Jackman, Emma Corrin, Chris Evans, Wesley Snipes, Dafne Keen and Channing Tatum is outstanding.
Now Hugh Jackman has said that he didn't want to play Logan/Wolverine after the movie Logan because his character was killed off in that movie so the only way he would come back is if this film was Rated R so Marvel essentially had to make this movie Rated R Hugh Jackman come back as Logan/Wolverine. I have to say he probably gives his best performance as Logan / Wolverine sends the movie Logan way back in 2017. It is perfect. Now Logan / Wolverine go through a really powerful and emotional character because he says to Wade Wilson / Wolverine that he has no hero because in his universe he let all of his teammates die and he blamed himself For not saving his variance of the X-Men and you can understand why he doesn't want to help Wade Wilson / Deadpool take down Cassandra Nova and save the multiverse. But even know He is really depressed in the film. Logan/Wolverine can be really funny as well because to say that he finds Deadpool annoying. That's Putting it lightly . He cannot stand Deadpool because he interrupts him. He makes fun of him and the back and forth between the two characters is the highlight of the movie. Probably the best moment with Logan / Wolverine is Where Wade Wilson/ Deadpool says ¨You want to talk about with haunting you or should we save that for a third act flashback any says to Deadpool ¨Go fuck yourself and not only is it really hilarious. But it makes sense because he doesn't want to talk to Wade Wilson / Deadpool about what is bugging him. He wants to keep it a secret and it is probably the funniest moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Ryan Reynolds is astounding and it's probably the best chemistry out of the Deadpool films.
Dafne Keen Reprises her role as Laura Kenny/X-23 in this film. Now Laura Kenny / X-23 was a kid in Logan and she decided to reprise the role for the film. She is a lot older than she was in the movie Logan. I have to say she still does a spectacular job as the character now Laura Kennedy/23, a big role in the movie but she's mostly an important character because she wants to help Wade Wilson / Deadpool and Logan/Wolverine to take down Cassandra Nova and prevent her Destroying the multiverse. Probably the best moment with Laura Kenny/X-23 is where she says to Logan / Wolverine that she knew a Logan / Wolverine that was very grumpy and depressed but she knew him as a hero and not only was a really beautiful emotional callback to the movie Logan but it makes sense because she had to go through the same Dang that he is going through when he lost all of his X-Men teammates and all his friends were dead. It's probably the most heartbreaking scene of the entire movie. The Chemistry her and Ryan Reynolds is astounding.
Wesley Snipes reprises his role as Eric Brooks/Blade in this film. Now even though he doesn't play a big part in this movie he still Does a Spectacular job at the character Now Eric Brooks/Blade wants to help Wade Wilson/ Deadpool and Logan/Wolverine take down Cassandra Nova and prevent her from Destroying the multiverse probably the best moment with Eric Brooks/Point is where he said I'm the R word. Then Wade Wilson / Deadpool corrects him by saying Oh you mean your retired.¨ Not only was it really funny. But it makes sense because Eric Brooks / played with trying to say that he stopped hunting vampires but he mentioned that he's not really smart. It's probably the funniest moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Ryan Reynolds is amazing.
Chris Evans Reprises his role as Johnny Storm / the human torch from the 2000s Fantastic 4 films. I have to say he still does a fantastic job as the character now Johnny Storm /The Human Torch doesn't play a big role In the film. But He is an important character because he mainly tells Wade Wilson / Deadpool and Logan/ Wolvenrine about How evil and despicable Cassandra Nova is as a mutant. Probably the best moment with Johnny Storm /The Human torch Deadpool is roasting Cassandra Nova and Johhny Storm /The Human Torch is trying to tell her that he'll never say that to her that she just killed him and not only was it really funny but they actually did that joke again in the post credit scene where he mentions all the disgusting things he would do to Cassandra Nova if he if she ever messes with him. One of things he mentions involves eating Juggernaut´s balls and it's very dirty and very disgusting but really funny and it's probably the funniest running joke in the entire film. The chemistry between him and Ryan Reynolds is terrific.
Channing Tatum as Remy LeBeau/Gambit In this film. I had to say he does a remarkable job as This character. I have to this Remy LeBeau/Gambit is way better than the one played by Tylor Kitsch in X-Men Origins Wolverine because that one was really bad he sounded like Billy Bob Thornton he had a horrible southern accent but I have to say this movie actually fixed Remy LeBeau/Gambit It made him just like the comics he had the costume he had the caging accent like had in the X-Men Animated series from the '90s. Now Remy LeBeau/Gambit, much like the rest of the characters, doesn't play a big role in the film but he is still really important. He wants to help Wade Wilson / Deadpool and Logan/Wolverine to take down Cassandra Nova and save the multiverse. Probably the best moment with Remy LeBeau/Gambit Where He mentions that he would help Wade Wilson / Deadpool and Logan/Wolverine to take down Cassandra Nova Not only was it really spectacular moment but it'll make sense because he wants to help them take down Cassandra Nova and save the multiverse. It's probably the most powerful moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Ryan Reynolds is astounding.
Matthew Macfadyen plays Mr Paradox in the film. I have to say out of all the performance that he is the weakest performance of the entire film because I think he did a good job because he did service purpose in the story. Now Mr. Paradox as a character is just a dick he is just a selfish asshole who wants to rule the TVA he wants to destroy them Multiverse and to be honest you didn't really need him at the secondary villain you could just cut him out and just had Cassandra Nova as the villain. To be honest I think should have just switched him out with OB from Loki season 2 have Ke Huy Quan Come back and there could be a really funny moment where wade Wilson/Deadpool says oh l you Data from The Goonies then he be he'll have this like awkward look on his face and He'll be like okay that was awkward that would have been a really funny moment and he could be like a ally to Deadpool and Wolverine.
Now let's talk about the villain of the film Now when it comes to the Deadpool villains For the most part they are really awesome. Now Ajax from the first Deadpool film I think was a decent villain there were some good elements about him like his connection to Wade Wilson / Deadpool his death was really funny but I think his motivation Wasn't really interesting because it was kind of a lazy rehash of Magneto's motivation in the first X-Men film How he wanted to turn everyone into a mutant. I just feel like Magneto did it a lot better because of the lot stronger and the character with a much better written villain than Ajax was. Now Deadpool 2 did improve with the villains with Cable play by Josh Brolin and he still does a tremendous job as that character I liked his backstory. I also liked how he was a villain then he was anti-hero and all this jokes were really funny and you felt really bad for him because he wanted to save his own timeline so he can spend time with his wife and daughter hope. The film also have the Juggernaut in that film voice by Ryan Reynolds and now is a really big surprise The Juggernaut was a lot better than the Juggernaut in X3 X-Men the last stand played by Vinnie Jones because that one was really bad and really dumb. Now the villain in this movie is Charles Xavier’s evil twin sister Cassandra Nova played by Emma Corrin. She does an outstanding job as this villain. Now Cassandra Nova is a villain you do not want to get pissed off because she'll just kill you without even touching you she'll just break every bone In your body. Also her backstory is just like how it is in the comics she and her brother Charles Xavier were in their mother's womb and try to choke him with Her and Umbilical Cord and in doing that she was banished by the TVA and taken to the garbage dump known as the void where All the wasted variance go. At one point Cassandra Nova meets a TVA agent named Paradox who she can get the variances to Serve her or give them as bait for Alioth to eat and grow more powerful Ever since then she has become the most powerful mutant and ruler of the void. Now Cassandra Nova's motivation is that she wants to get out of the void and harness the ripper time So she can give it to wipe out the multiverse and kill every variant of Wade Wilson / Deadpool and Logan/Wolverine so she can be the ruler of The Void Probably in the best moment with Cassandra Nova and when she goes into Logan / Wolverine's head and invades his memories mentioning that he can go back to where he was if he joins or not only that whether a really disturbing moment but it shows that Cassandra Nova had the power to manipulate anyone if she wants by going inside of their hands to their deepest and darkest memories. Is probably the most disturbing part of the entire film not to mention Cassandra Nova is really fun to hate because you just want to see this bitch get what she deserves and something does happen to her she gets fucking vaporized by the machine and she dies. I think Cassandra Nova is probably up there with The Chameleon from Kung Fu Panda 4 as one of the best villains of 2024. The rivalry between her And Wade Wilson / Deadpool is Outstanding because you can really tell that she wants to manipulate way to Wilson / Deadpool into thinking that he doesn't exist she wants to kill everyone that Wade Wilson / Deadpool knows and loves and not only that she also wants to manipulate Logan / Wolverine and gets into his head to reveal his deepest and darkest secrets. The chemistry between her and Ryan Reynolds is outstanding.
But the best thing about the time movie is Sean Levy's directing because at the director I really liked his directing of the animal project and having a lot of heart and emotion in that film I liked his directing and free guy of how over the top and funny that movie is and I have to say this is probably his best directing yet because he really understands the Deadpool character he knows how dirty and raunchy is he got all the fourth wall breaks completely accurate and he got Cassandra Nova completely accurate and turned the motivation and backstory and I also like how he gave way Wilson / Deadpool the biggest character or he has ever had in his film series because in this one he has to save the multiverse by killing Cassandra Nova and saving everyone he knows and loves I think it is really perfect of how he did that.
So in conclusion I still fucking love this movie because all of the jokes were really hilarious and I kid you not I cannot stop laughing when I went to go see this movie in the theaters That's how funny the film was. The storyline revolves around Wade Wilson / Deadpool teaming up with Logan slash Wolverine to stop Cassandra Nova from destroying the multiverse and destroying everything that Wade Wilson/Deadpool cares about Also the back and forth between Deadpool and Wolverine was the highlight because Deadpool is really funny, Wolverine is really serious and that's what makes their dynamic in the film really funny. I loved all the cameos because all the actors came back as the characters. I love the depiction of Remy LeBeau/Gambit of how accurate he was from the cartoons and from the comics. I think Cassandra Nova is up there with Ursula from the Little Mermaid 2023 as one of the best villains of the 2020s. I highly recommend you watch this film In theaters if you're a big fan of the two Deadpool movies or if you're a big fan of Everything Everywhere All At Once with Ke Huy Quan. This is easily in my top five favorite X-Men movies. Also this is one of the best films of 2024. I give this movie a 10/10.