Sunday, July 28, 2024

Top 5 Reasons Why Robert Downey Jr Will Be a Terrible Dr Doom


Top 5 Reasons Why Robert Downey Jr Will Be a Terrible Dr Doom

5. He is not fit for the role. Now Robert Downey Jr is a great actor but he does not fit the role of Dr Doom because Dr Doom needs to be really big and imposing And has a commanding presence. But Robert Downey Jr does not have a commanding screen presence for Dr Doom because In order to have Dr Doom work you need a really powerful and perfect actor to portray the menace and intelligence of the character. 

4. He is not European. Now in the comics Dr Doom is from a fictional country just off the coast of Europe called Latveria and he in the ruler of that place but Robert Downey Jr is American he's not from Europe and he  can´t  put on a European accent if they really want this to work they should have casted somebody else who is actually from Europe. 

 3. He'll be just playing himself. Now Robert Downey Jr is a fantastic actor he is awesome as Tony Stark's wife Iron Man in the MCU but with Dr Doom I don't see him at that because he'll just use his normal speaking voice He'll probably give Dr Doom a American accent which would be stupid because Dr Doom is from Europe so he needs to have a European accent for it to work. 

    2. It is a really bad casting choice. Now the MCU had a lot of terrific actors in it but with that said there have been actors that have been cast either really badly like Guy Pearce in Iron Man 3 or in the case of Bill Skarsgard playing a nothing character in Eternals. I feel like Robert Dayan Jr will go down as one of the worst villain casting choices ever because it does not make any sense because like I said before Dr Doom is from Europe so you'll need someone Who is European/German like Michael Fassbender. 

1. He was already in The MCU from the very beginning. Now everybody knows that Robert Downey Jr has played Iron Man from 2008 all the way up to 2019 and he does a fantastic and outstanding job and the character and after I am and died everyone thought he was not going to be in the MCU anymore he went on to do other movies like do little from 2020. He also did Oppenheimer from 2023 and everyone thought him leaving the MCU was an understandable and good choice for him. But unfortunately San Diego Comic-Con this year it was confirmed that Robert Downey Jr was going to come back as Marvel to stay and play Dr Doom I'm going to predict this and I don't care He is going be awful as of character and this would be the fifth time Marvel has ruined the character of Dr Doom they did in the '90s with that very old fantastic 4 film they did. Then the 2005 Fantastic Four film they cast Julian McMahon at the character and he was really bad in that film and then in 2015 we got the abomination known as Fantastic Four 2015 and they casted Toby Kebell as Dr Doom and that one was so awful so unwatchable and now they're trying to do Dr Doom again and Robert Downey Jr So iconic to the MCU. This is why the MCU is falling apart because they did don't know what to do with this whole multiverse storyline and to be honest I'm kind of getting sick of it because I didn't mind it in the Loki show. I was happy with Spider-Man No Way Home but at this point I'm like can Marvel do something else. Also those are my 5 raisins of why Robert Downey Jr will be a terrible Doctor Doom I am not looking forward to this whatsoever because I feel like Marvel's desperate because after the whole Jonathan Majors/Kang controversy people were getting sick of Kang and now they just say oh we can have a big villain so let's have Dr. Doom be played by an actor that's already in the MCU Robert Downey Jr.

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