Thursday, June 13, 2024

Here is My Villain Review of Queen Gudrun


Here is My Villain Review of Queen Gudrun 

Now I'm going to discuss the character of Queen Gudrun Who is the main villain in 2022´s The Northman and I'm going to explain why she is one of the best villains of 2022 as well as one of the best twist villains of 2022. 

Origin- Now Queen Gudrun´s Origin is probably one of the most messed up origin stories of 2022. Now Queen Gudrun  was born into slavery and taken to King Aurvendill who fell in love with her and he made her into his queen but she wasn't really into him so he forced Queen Gudrum to have a baby by raping her to get her pregnant and eventually she gave birth to their son Amleth. But after that horrific event Queen Gudrum decide to fall in love with Amleth´s evil uncle Fjolnir so she demanded him to kill his half brother King Aurvendill and their other son and after he done that he decided to rule the land of Hrafnsey with Queen Gudrum rule as his queen. I think the film does a spectacular job of giving Queen Gudrum a really dark and disturbing backstory. 

Character- Now Queen Gudrum as a character is very complex and interesting because when you're first introduced to her in the film she's really nice and she really cares for her son Amleth. She wants to keep her kingdom safe but as the film goes along you find out that there's something very sinister with her and her husband Fjolnir. I think the phone did a tremendous job of developing  Queen Gudrum as a villain because after you don't know what her agenda is she seems very nice and very caring towards her kingdom but as the film goes on you start to learn a lot more sinister and disturbing things about her and that's what makes her such a confusing but very interesting character in the film. 

Motivation- Now Queen Gudrum´s Motivation is very interesting but really disturbing because she wants to help her Fjolnir Kill her own son Amleth and King Aurvendill. What's really surprising is that Queen Gudrum She actually succeeded in Killing her ex-husband/rapist King Aurvendill and ruling the kingdom and yes her motivation is messed up. but the same time you do understand why she's dealing all this disturbing stuff because her ex-husband King Aurvendill forced her to have a baby against her will so he basically sexually abused her multiple times and that caused her to snap and send her new husband Fjolnir to kill King Aurvandil for what he did to her. I think the film does a tremendous job today of giving Queen Gudrum a really dark but really powerful villain motivation. 

Best Scenes- Now Queen Gudrum has a lot of powerful and intense scenes but if I had to pick my favorite moment with Queen Gurdrum Is where she reveals to her son Amleth That she was the one who told Fjolnir was the one responsible for the death of his father King Aurvandil and not only was it really dark in the streaming but it actually showed that Queen Gudrum  a twist villain the whole time  because at first you don't think she is evil because when the film starts off  she's very nice, she cares for her son but at that moment she goes from down to earth to downright psychotic and crazy and it's all thank to Nicole Kidman's powerful and nail biting performance. 

Evil Deeds- Now Queen Gudrum does a lot of evil things she tells her husband Fjolnir to kill her ex-husband  King Aurvandil  because of what he did to her she Tries to kill her own son Amleth. She tried to take over the kingdom with Fjolnir By her side. Now well the stuff that Queen Gudrum Is messed up at the same time you do understand why she is doing all the bad things because King Aurvandil sexually abused her by raping her and forcing her to have a baby against her will so when she tells Fjolnir to hunt down him and Kill him you can understand why she told him to do that. I think the film does a wonderful job of showing how cruel but understanding Queen Gudrum as a villain. 

Conclusion- Queen Gudrum is a very interesting villain because she starts out in the film really nice and very caring towards her kingdom and her son Amleth. But then she starts to become more vicious and crazy to the point that she wants her ex-husband King Aurvandil to be killed. Her backstory is very disturbing and messed up but it works really well for the character that she is. Her motivation is to rule the kingdom by killing the previous king and really well because  she succeeds in that way but she also wants to kill her own son. It's probably one of the darkest villain motivations of 2022 and it works tremendously the scene where she reveals to her son Amleth  that she sent Fjolnir to kill his father and it's all thanks to Nicole Kidman's dark and nail-biting performance and she is also up there with Ikaris from Eternals and one of the best Twist of villains of the 2020s. I'm going to give Queen Gudrum a 10/10. 


  1. Fantastic overview and analysis of a great character. I loved The Northman!

    1. I'm happy that you liked my villain review of Queen Gudrum she is a very interesting and awesome villain and she is one of the best twist villains of 2022. Also she is one of the best villains of the North Man. Also the North Man as a film is a very awesome epic and powerful movie of 2022. Also Nicole Kidman gives one of her powerful and awesome performances that she has ever done as an actress.


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