Friday, June 7, 2024

Here is My Villain Review of Mr Ross


Here is My Villain Review of Mr Ross

Now I'm going to discuss the character of Mr Ross who in the main villain in 2015’s Regular Show The Movie and explain why he is such a horrible and ridiculous villain and why he is not even threatening or entertaining in the slightest. 

Character- Honestly what character Metro is just this annoying spoiled time traveling teacher that's all he is he yelled a lot he complains that Rigby ruins his life and that's it that's his entire character throughout the whole movie. To be honest, as much as I didn't like Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes, I still  think General Thade had a way better character because he was kn be smart and intimidating and entertaining to watch because of Tim Roth’s Powerful and entertaining performance. Well Mr Ross is not Entertaining because the way I can a sume him up as a character is that he's just Kyrlo Ren just spoiled and annoying. I think the film does a terrible job of making Mr Ross a proper character. 

Motivation- Honestly what motivation that the Roth wants to use the timenanto to kill Rigby all just because he ruined his volleyball game and I'm not even kidding that's his  motivation dumb fucking stupid I'm going to say this Darren Cross from the Ant-Man movies had way better motivations than this piece of shit villain because he wanted to kill Ant-Man he wanted to get out of the Quantum  Realm in the throne The council of Kang and take over the Multiverse. Also Xu Wenwu from Shang Chi and The Legend of the Ten Rings had a way better villain motivation and that would really try to because he wanted to go to Ta La to bring back his wife so he and his son Shang Chang can be a family again and he had good intentions but he doesn't want about the wrong way and that was a lot more compelling to watch than they spoiled science teacher who  just being unstable for no reason. I can go on forever about why Mr Ross’’s motivation is garbage but in the end I'll leave you with this second worst villain motivation ever. 

To be honest there  no good scenes with Mr. Ross because he is really over the top and weird and they don't do anything to make the story better and not dimension the worst scene with this dumbass  is where he reforms and it is so stupid because his change Does not make sense because he just still a dick he didn't really learn his lesson. To be honest I thought the way Darren Cross changed in Ant-Man and The Wasp Quantum Mania was a lot more funny because even though he didn't change because he's still a villain in his eyes he believed that he did change he said at least I died as an Avenger and it was really funny and it was relevant to the story but this comes out of nowhere with no buildup at least with Darren Cross's reform they build it up. Also the performance by  Jason Mantzoukas gives as the character is awful because he go so over the top and cheesy that you can't take It seriously because It feels like you just reading off a script to be honest they should have gone with somebody else like Gary Oldman because if Gary Oldman did voice Mr. Ross I think he would have been a much better and more threatening and entertaining villain. But since they didn't do that you just have this boring as fuck villain with no personality and no entertaining moments whatsoever. I think the film did an awful job of trying to make you feel bad for Mr. Ross and there's no good scenes with him. The  film failed to develop him as a really great villain.

Evil Deeds- Honestly Mr. Ross doesn't really do anything that evil he kills future Mordecai he threatens to kill Mordecai and Rigby and the rest of the park gang He manipulates the past Mordecai And Rigby in movie to help him make his time machine and that's it There's nothing else that does that is evil or scary and I'm going to say this Lord Shen from Kung Fu Panda 2 was a lot more evil because he killed Po's mom he broke Po emotionally and physically he killed millions of people and slaughtered a lot of pandas and that worked because it shown how disturbing and scary Lord Shen is as a villain. Also Ikris from Eternals had done a lot more evil stuff like he turned on his team he had tried to kill Sersei and the rest of the internals he told them to not fall the celestial order then I think he died they way better job of being evil than this piece of shit of a villain. So overall the movie does a awful job of making Mr Ross evil and threatening. I think the two villains I mentioned Lori Shen and Icarus are way better villains because they did a lot more evil things and had good reasons to do the bad stuff that they have done in both Kung Fu Panda 2 and Eternals. 

Conclusion- Mr. Ross is a terrible villain he's just way too over the top to take seriously the scene where he changes was so dumb and came on nowhere with no buildup the motivation he had so horrible and stupid and it does not make any sense I can go on for millennium of how much I hate this villain but in the end I'll leave you with this if you want to see better villains than go watch Lord Shen from Panda 2 or go watch Ikaris From internals because those two villains were memorable and had awesome villain motivations. I'll guess I'll say one good thing about Mr Ross, at least he's not bad as Ezekiel Sims from Madame Webb but still here he is a terrible villain. I give Mr Ross a 1/10. 

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