Monday, June 3, 2024

Here is My Movie Review of The Martian


Here is My Movie Review of The Martian

So basically what happenes is that you have  this guy named Mark Watney who was on this space mission With his crew but unfortunately his rocket ship Crashed on Mars and he lost his crew so he's been living on Mars for a very long time and he has to do everything in his power to get back home named on NASA is trying to contact him to try to see how well he's doing on Mars and up to Mark Watney To survive on Mars and try to get back home to Earth and that's amazingly what the story is for the film. I have to say for a movie that focuses on the concept of Olivia Mars the film does a glorious job of telling this beautiful and emotional storyline. 

The acting in this movie is wonderful. I still think everyone does an awesome job as their characters and this movie has a big cast and even though most of the actors don't have a lot to do they still contribute really well to the film´s storyline. 

However the absolute big stand out of the entire film is Matt Damon as Mark Watney. What I like about  Mark Watney as a character Is Is that even though he is stuck on Mars Mark Watney still  his  positive look on things that even in the worst situations he puts himself through he can still make the best of the best situation by trying to fix the problems that he is facing while he is stuck on Mars. Probably the best moment with Mark Watney is when he is listening to '70s music and doesn't really like it but he is still enjoying himself and not only is it really funny but it makes sense because he is trying to make the best of a bad situation that is him being Away from Earth. It is probably the funniest moment in the film and there are a lot of sweet and funny moments with Mark Watney as a character. This has to be Matt Damon's funniest role that he has done and this is probably the funniest Matt Damon film I have seen. The chemistry between him and Michael Pena,  Jessica Chastain, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Jeff Daniels is still perfect. 

Michael Pena plays Rick Martinez In the film. I have to say even though he's not in the film a whole lot he still does a spectacular job as this character. Now  Rick Martinez as a character is really interesting because much like Mark Watney he also wants to get back to Earth. Probably the best moment with Rick Martinez  Is where he reunites Mark Watney In the spaceship and not only was it really powerful but it makes sense because he thought  Mark Watney was dead. It is probably the most Powerful moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Matt Damon is fantastic. 

Jessica Chastain plays Melissa Lewis In the film. I have to say she still did a remarkable job as the character. Now the character of Lewis is really interesting because she is the head of NASA who wants to know if Mark Watney  Is alive on Mars and wants to know if he is able to come back to earth. Probably the best moment with Melissa Lewis is where she and the rest of NASA are watching a video and she finds out that Mark Watney Is the line and not only is it really shocking but it makes sense because they all thought he died during his space mission. It is probably the most suspenseful moment of the entire film. The chemistry between Her and Matt Damon is excellent. 

Chiwetel Ejiofor plays Venkat Kapoor In the film. I have to say he still does a marvelous job as the character. Now the character of Venkat Kapoor  is really interesting because out of all the characters he is the one who really wants to know if Mark Watney is alive and wants to know if he is going to Come back to Earth. Probably the best moment with Venkat Kapoor is when he uses another rover that he found to try to communicate with Mark Watney. Not only is it really emotional and powerful but it makes sense because they want to know how Mark Watney  Is doing on Marth. It is probably the most important moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Matt Damon is terrific. 

Jeff Daniels plays Teddy Sanders in the film. I have to say he still does an outstanding job as the character.Now the character of Teddy Sanders is really interesting because he, much like the rest of  NASA, wants to know if  Mark Watney  will come back to Earth and wants to know how well he is doing on Mars. Probably the best moment with Teddy Sanders Is where He tells them that he is launching supplies in space to give to Mark Watney. Not only was it really powerful but it makes sense because Mark Watney needs the supplies to survive a month so he can find a way to get back to Earth. It is probably the most important moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Matt Damon is astonishing. 

But the best thing about this film is the directing by Ridley Scott Because What I love about his directing and that he does wonderful job of tackling the subject of life like to live in outer space and it can be a really scary because you need Stuff in order to survive like a space suit and a helmet and other supplies in order to stay alive up there. I think it is really awesome of how I did that I also like how he makes this movie really funny because as dark as This movie story is it he somehow makes that a lot more light-hearted than you thinking it because they're the one of funny and well-placed jokes but I also like how he is afraid to make it serious and I think it didn't really terrific of how he did that. I also  like how he makes you rude for Matt Damon's character Mark Watney  because you want him to get back home to earth and survive the trip home from Mars. I think it is really exquisite of how he did that. 

So in conclusion I really like this for me because of the storyline In the film That revolved around Mark Watney living on Mars and trying to survive and trying to contact Earth to get home. I think that is the strongest aspect of the film. Matt Damon gave a brilliant performance as the character of Mark Watney. This movie is up there with Ant-Man with Paul Rudd as one of my favorite films of 2015. This movie is probably on there with Chappie as one of the funniest movies of the 2010s. I have to say if you  enjoy the movie Space Man with Adam Sandler. I'm sure you're going to like this one. I give this movie 10/10. 

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