Thursday, October 27, 2022

Here is my Movie Review of Fantastic 4 1994


Here is my Movie Review of Fantastic 4 1994 

So basically what happens is that it tells the origin story of the Fantastic 4 and they have to team up to take down Dr. Doom. The way I can sum up the story is that it is so awful but somehow is so funny as well. 

The acting in this movie is really bad and I think it's worse than  Fantastic 4 2005 and Fantastic 4 Rise of the Silver Surfer. But somehow It is so bad but actually really entertaining despite how awful it is. 

Alexis Hyde- White plays Read Richard/ Mr Fantastic in the film. Now his performance is so bad but somehow is really entertaining. The way that Mr.  Fantastic talks in this movie he kind of sounds like Willem Dafoe as Green Goblin mixed with a bit of Danny DeVito's Penguin. This Mr. Fantastic is so laughably bad that it makes you appreciate Ioan Gruffudd´s performance as  Mr. Fantastic from Fantastic 4 2005 and Fantastic 4 Rise of the Silver Surfer because at least that one was more accurate to the comics. The chemistry between him and Jay Underwood, Rebecca Staab, Michael Bailey Smith, and Joseph Clump is surprisingly really good and because of how bad the film is because these actors work well together. 

Rebecca Staab Plays Susan Storm / The Invisible Woman in the film. Now her performance is much like I mentioned with Alex Hyde White as Reed Richard /Mr. Fantastic is also really bad but at the same time it is really entertaining because her dialogue in the film is so bad but it is also really funny. Probably the most laughably bad thing was probably one of the most entertaining parts of the movie is where the first time when Susan Storm becomes invisible.  her reaction is just so laughably bad but also really entertaining at the same time. Also much like I said with Reed Richards Mr. Fantastic It gives you more of appreciation for Jessica Alba´s interpretation of Susan Storm / The Invisible Woman from Fantastic 4 2005 and Fantastic 4 Rides of the Silver Surfer because at least with that one she was serious and she was accurate to the comics. The chemistry between her and Alexis Hyde- White Is relatively entertaining. 

Jay Underwood plays Johnny Storm / The Human Torch. Now his performance is so bad but also so really entertaining Because he is really over the top and really cartoony but somehow it is also really funny at the same time. Probably the most laughable scene in this movie is probably the funniest scene in the movie because it's so bad.  that the Human Torch sneezes and the flames come out of his nose for a brief second. Awesome much like I said with the other two characters Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman is that this movie makes you appreciate Chris Evans´s performance as Johnny Storm / the Human Torch in Fantastic 4 2005 and Fantastic 4 Rise of the Silver Surfer because with that one he was funny and he was accurate to the comic books. The chemistry between him and Alexis Hyde- White  is also relatively entertaining. 

Michael Bailey Smith plays  Ben Grimm / The Thing in this film. Much like the rest of the actors I mentioned, his performance is so bad but it is really entertaining to watch. Probably the most laughable scene is where Ben Grimm is freaking out when he becomes the Thing for the first time. The CGI to bringThe Thing in life is so laughably bad but at the same time it is really funny to look at. Also if you compare the way Ben Grimm freaked out in Fantastic 4 2005 You do feel bad for him because he wants to go back into becoming a human. But you want to see in this movie and it's just really funny but not in the way it weren't actually funny It's in the way that's unintentionally funny. Also this movie gives you more of an appreciation for Michael Chiklis´s performance as Ben Graham / the Thing from Fantastic Four 2005 and Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer. The chemistry between him and Alexis Hyde- White Is much what I said with the other actors is relatively entertaining. 

By far over the top and laughably bad performance is from Joseph Clump as Dr Doom. This is probably the most laughably bad villain performance in a superhero movie. But I have to say as bad as his performance is, it is probably the most entertainingly horrible performance in a superhero movie. It's like it's fun to laugh at and have fun with at the same time. Dr Doom's costume in this movie is so laughably cheap looking that It looks like something from a garbage dump or something you  buy from a spirit Halloween store. That are the Doom is so bad that it actually gives you more of I'm an appreciation for Joanne McMahon's performance as Dr Doom in Fantastic 4 2005 and Fantastic 4 Rise of the Silver Surfer Because well that one was goofy his dialogue was bad but it wasn't as cartoony as this one. The scene where Dr Doom dies in this movie is probably the funniest scene in a Marvel movie. But I have to say this is Dr Doom is somehow better than the Doctor Doom in Fantastic 4 2015. The rivalry between him and the Fantastic 4 is so laughably silly but yet it is really entertaining. The Chemistry between him and Alexis Hyde- White  is relatively entertaining. You can tell that these actors were having fun as the characters.

The directing by Oley Sassone is really awful but yet also laughable at the same time because he's trying to make this movie like a fantastic form movie but he makes it like a Batman and Robin spin-off film by making it overly cheesy and overlay cartoony to take seriously at the movie. I have to say this directing is so bad that it makes you appreciate Tim's Stories directing of Fantastic 4 2005 and Fantastic 4 Rise of the Silver Surfer. 

So in conclusion I do think this is a really bad marvel movie. the budget of this movie felt like $1.34 and that's how laughable and horrible the effects are in the film. All the acting is laughably bad. But for some reason it is actually really entertaining. I give this movie a 1/10. But if you just view the movie as a goofy comedy movie in a bad way or if you enjoy Speed to cruise control with Willem Dafoe I still think you will have a lot of fun with this movie.  I give this movie a 10/10 for being the best and worst Marvel movie ever made. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Lou that there are movies that are so bad but they're actually entertaining. Fantastic 4 1994 might be one of the best and worst Marvel movies ever made because all the performances in the movie are awful but they are so entertaining to watch. Also Dr Doom in this movie is more laughable than Dr Doom in Fantastic 4 2005 and Fantastic 4 Rise of the Silver Surfer. I think this movie is up there with Batman and Robin as one of the best and worst superhero movies ever made.


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