Thursday, September 29, 2022

Top 20 Actors Who Could Play Surtur

 Top 20 Actors Who Could Play Surtur 

20. Tim Roth

19. Bill Skarsgard

18. Ralph Fiennes

17. Joaquin Phoenix

16. Benicio Del Toro

15. Killian Murphy

14. Tony Leung

13. Ben Kingsley

12. Javier Bardem

11. Christopher Walken

10. Tony Todd 

9. James Spader

8. Benedict Cumberbatch 

7. J.K. Simmons 

6. Jeff Bridges

5. Christian Bale

4. Ben Mendelsohn

3. Alec Baldwin 

2. Javier Bardem

1. Paul Dano 

Top 10 Actors Who Could Play Porcupine

 Top 10 Actors Who Could Play Porcupine 

10. Aaron Eckhart 

9. Richard E Grant 

8. Pedro Pascal 

7. Jeff Goldblum 

6. Liev Schreiber 

5. Paul Rudd 

4. Alec Baldwin

3. Nicolas Cage

2. David Tennant

1. Willem Dafoe 

Monday, September 26, 2022

Top 10 Movies That I Would Like to Do A Retrospective Review on For My Podcast

 Top 10 Movies That I Would Like to Do A Retrospective Review on For My Podcast 

10. The Day After Tomorrow 

9. Ghost Rider 

8. Hellboy 2019 

7. Iron Man 

6. Green Lantern 2011 

5. Knives Out

4. Bubble Boy 

3. Whiplash 

2. Buried 

1. Phone Booth

Top 20 Actors Who Could Play Stu Shepherd

 Top 20  Actors Who Could Play Stu Shepherd

20. Ben Kingsley

19. Bill Skarsgard

18. Dylan O'Brien

17. John Boyega

16. Hugh Jackman

15. Tom Holland

14. Ryan Reynolds

13. Richard Madden

12. Joaquin Phoenix

11. Paul Dano

10. Benedict Cumberbatch 

9. Chris Evans

8. Christopher Walken

7. Denzel Washington

6. James Spader

5. Paul Rudd

4. Jake Gyllenhaal

3. Idris Elba

2. Oscar Isaac

1. Nicolas Cage 

Top 20 Actors That Could Play the Caller

 Top 20 Actors That Could Play the Caller

20. Robert De Niro

19. Hugo Weaving

18. Ralph Fiennes

17. Idris Elba

16. Gary Oldman

15. Woody Harrelson

14. Paul Rudd

13. Ben Kingsley

12. Joaquin Phoenix

11. Paul Dano

10. Michael Fassbender

9. Javier Bardem

8. Oscar Isaac

7. Ethan Hawke

6. Jude Law

5. Jack Nicholson

4. Tony Leung 

3. Cillain Murphy

2. David Tennant

1. Willem Dafoe 

Top 20 Actors Who Could Play Terrence Fletcher

 Top 20 Actors Who Could Play Terrence Fletcher 

20. Christian Bale

19. Trey Parker

18. Oscar Isaac

17. Ethan Hawke

16. Michael Keaton

15. Christopher Walken

14. Sam Marin

13. Vincent D´Onafrio

12. Ralph Fiennes

11. Paul Dano

10. Benedict Cumberbatch

9. Richard E Grant

8. Frank Grillo 

7. Ewan McGregor 

6. Nicolas Cage

5. Jude Law 

4. Josh Brolin

3. Alec Baldwin 

2. Willem Dafoe

1. Ben Mendelsohn  

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Here is My Movie Review of Phone Booth


Here is My Movie Review of Phone Booth

So basically what happens is that you have this guy named Stu Shepard and he is working in a phone booth until he receives this really disturbing phone call from the guy whose real name is unknown but he goes by The Caller and he is threatening to kill Stu Shepard if he doesn't hang up the phone so Stu Shepard have to do evidence power to survive against the Caller and avoid being killed by him with a scope rifle. That is basically what the story is for this movie. 

The acting in this movie is phenomenal. I think everybody gives it they're all you can tell that the actors are having fun as their characters. 

Colin Farrell plays Stu Shepard In the film. I have to say he still does an amazing job as this character. What makes Stu Shepard such a remarkable character is that he really wants to stay alive and you can just see the panic on Stu Shepard's face like he's worried that if he gets off the phone The Caller is going to shoot him in the head. It's probably the darkest Colin Farrell movie I have ever seen. The chemistry between him and Forest Whitaker, Raidha Mitchelle, and Kiefer Sutherland is really great. Fun fact actors like Jim Carrey, Mark Wahlberg, Tom Cruise, Will Smith, Mel Gibson, Dustin Hoffman Al Pacino, and Nicolas Cage were all considered to play Stu Shepard.


Forest Whitaker plays Captain Ramey in the film. I have to say he still does a spectacular job as the character this character. What makes Captain Ramey Such a great character is that he wants to help Stu Shepherd Survive against the Caller and get him out of the phone booth. probably best moment with Captain Ramey is where he keeps asking still shepherd if he had the gun and not only was it really suspenseful but it makes sense because he wants to know if he's armed with the weapon It is probably one of the darkest moments in the film. The chemistry between him and Colin Farrell is really great  

Radha Mitchell as Kelly Shepard I think she does a great job as this character. What makes Kelly Shepard Such a great character is that She wants Stu Shepherd to get out on the phone so they can discuss what has been going on. Probably the best moment with Kelly Shepard Is when she tells Steve Shepherd to get out of the phone booth but he can't because he is trying not to be killed by The Caller and not only was it really dark but it made sense because if you got out of the phone booth with the Caller would have shot and killed him.

However the absolute big standard of the entire film is Kiefer Sutherland as the Caller. What makes the Caller such a great villain is that he basically wants to psychologically abuse Stu Shepard as much as he can. What makes The Caller  so scary is that you rarely see his face in the movie. All you hear is his voice and his voice is really creepy and really disturbing and it works because this is a claustrophobic thriller film. Also The Caller in this Is a freaking lunatic in this movie basically he wants to psychologically abuse Stu Shepard to as much as possible and  he threatens to kill him if he hangs up the phone. Probably the best scene with The Caller is when he tells Stu Shepherd that he had didn't have a happy childhood but he was just messing with him and not only it was it really dark but it made sense because he was missing with him because in reality he did have a happy childhood. It is probably the most disturbing scene of the entire film. I still think The Caller is a really dark character in this movie. I still think he is my favorite character in the entire film. The rivalry between him and Stu Shepard is really great. Fun fact actors like Anthony Hopkins, Robin Williams, and Roger Jackson were all considered to play The Caller. The chemistry between him and Colin Farrell is fantastic.

Now let's talk about the directing of the film, which is of course directed by Joel Schumacher, the same director Who also directed Batman and Robin. That film is horrible. He also made Falling Down with Michael Douglas and that was also a really great film. What I like about his directing is that he takes a very simple concept of someone getting stuck somewhere and yet he makes it work with an 1 hour and 20 minute runtime and makes it really intense and really entertaining to watch. I think it is really cool how he did that. I don't think Joel Schumacher is a bad director, I just think he is a bad Batman director when it comes to directing Batman movies. 

So in conclusion i still really like this film and I think this is up there with Wheelman as one of my favorite films that is set in one location. Colin Farrell still gives one of his best performances in the film as Stu Shepherd. Also Kiefer Sutherland absolutely nailed it as The Caller one of the best villains of the 2000s and it is probably up there with Tony Leung as Xu Wenwu from Shang Chi and The Legend of the Ten Rings as one of my favorite villain performances. I also like how this movie is not really in A24 film but in some ways it is because it is kind of like the Lighthouse In terms of it being dark and chilling to watch. I still think if you enjoy the film Buried with Ryan Reynolds then I'm sure you'll like this one. I give this movie a 10/10.

Here is My Movie Review of Hellboy 2019

 Here is My Movie Review of Hellboy 2019

 So Basically what happens is that you have Hellboy and he has been recruited by his dad Professor Broom to find the sword Excalibur then you have this demon named Nimue the Blood Queen who wants to release all the demons and have hell on earth and it is up to Hellboy, Alice Monaghan, Professor Proom, and Daniel Dae Kim to take down Nimue the Blood Queen and save the world. That is basically what the story is for this movie. 

Now a lot of people say that the acting in this movie is really bad but I don't think it is as bad as a lot of people make it out to be. I think the worst  Superhero movie with the worst acting  is X-Men Dark Phoenix. 

David Harbor plays Hellboy in this movie and he does a really great job as the character of Hellboy. What makes Hellboy such a great character is that You understand why he doesn't like to talk to his father. You learn later on that Professor Broom is not actually his real father. I also like how He makes Hellboy serious but I also like how I mix them really funny at the same time.  The CGI to bring Hellboy to life doesn't look that bad; The CGI actually looks really great in the film. The chemistry between him and McShane, Daniel Dae Kim, Sasha Lane, Stephen Graham, and Milla Jovovich is really great.  

Daniel Dae Kim plays Major Ben Daimio and he does a great job as the character of Major Ben Daimio. What makes Major Ben Daimio Such a great character is that at first he doesn't really like Hellboy. But then later on in the film they start to get along. Probably my favorite scene in the movie is where Major Ben Daimio tells Hell boy about his backstory and he does have a really tragic backstory It employs that he was on a hunting trip with his crew and then he got attacked by a Jaguar and ever since then he gained the ability to turn to a Jaguar. The scene where Major Ben Daimio turns them to his Jaguar form during the final battle film is probably the best scene in the film. The chemistry between him and David Harbour is really great. 

Sasha Lame plays Aliec Monaghan and she does a great job as the character of Alice Monaghan. What makes Alice Monaghan such a great character Is that she deathly wants to help Hell Boy find the sword of Excalibur. Her backstory is also really interesting of how Alice Monaghan first met HellBoy. It is probably the best moment in the film. The chemistry between her and David Harbour is really great.

Stephen Graham plays Gruagach and he does a great job as the character of Gruagach. What makes Gruagach Such a great secondary villain is that you understand why he hates Hellboy because ever since he was a baby when Hellboy showed him a medal He instantly hated Hellboy ever since. So you can understand why he wants to kill Hellboy because of that. His death is really  cool because after he failed to kill Hellboy, Nimbu The Blood queen shrank him down until he exploded into a puddle of blood. The rivalry Between him and Hellboy is really great. The chemistry between him and David Harbour is really great. 

Milla Jovovich plays Nimbue the Blood Queen and she does a great job as the character of Nimbue the Blood Queen. What makes Nimbue the Blood such a great villain is that she has a really great villain motivation because she essentially wants to bring her on earth by releasing all the demons and she succeeds for the most part way all the demons are eating people around the city. You can tell that Milla Jovivich is having fun in the role. The rivalry between her and Hellboy is really great. The chemistry between her and David Harbour is really great.

the directing by Neil Marshall. What I like about his directing is that He makes Hellboy funny but also somewhat serious so he's able to bounce both tones of the film. I think It is really cool how he did that. I also like that he was able to keep the story nice and simple and easy to follow. I also think that was a really cool way to do that. 

So in conclusion I don't think Hellboy 2019 deserves all the hate it's been getting. I don't think it's even a superhero movie of 2019. The worst superhero film in 2019 is X-Men Dark Phoenix because that film was really boring, had a really boring villain Had forgettable dialogue and just a boring story all around. I think more people should watch this movie before they say it is utter garbage. I give this 10/10. 

Her is My Movie Review of Red Dot


Her is My Movie Review of Red Dot 

So basically what happens is that you have this couple named David and Nadja and they are having trouble in their marriage and Nadja tells David that she is pregnant so they decide to go on a vacation. But then they are stocked by the killer who threatens to kill them. So they have to do everything in their power to survive. That is basically what the story is for this movie. 

Now this movie have more actors but the film primarily focuses on the married couple in the film. 

However the absolute big stand out of the entire film is Anastasios Soulis as David. What makes David such an incredible character is that he wants to fix his marriage with his wife Nadja and he also wants his wife and him to survive in the night while vicious killer is stalking them. Probably the best moment with David is where he tells his wife Nadja Was it really necessary to scratch up another person's car and not only wouldn't really intense but it made sense because he is calling her out for doing a really bad thing and he has the way that they are going to come after them and try to kill them and it's probably the most Powerful moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Nanna Blondell is fantastic.

Nanna Blondell plays David's wife Nadja In the film. I have to say she still does a spectacular job as the character. What makes Nadja Such a remarkable character is that she wants to fix up her and David's marriage by going on a vacation to spend time with each other and try to Survive against the killer. Probably the best moment with Nadja Is where she And her husband David are hearing gunshots and they get started and they Decide to go home and not only was it really suspenseful but it made sense because there's someone out there trying to kill them and it is probably the most disturbing scene of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Anastasios Soulis Is really terrific

The directing by Alain Darborg Is brilliant because why I like about his directing is that he does a amazing job of tackling the subject of being stocked and What's really scary is that in real life there are people that would stock someone to either harass them or just outright kill them and the subject matter that that is not supposed to be joked around because it has really dark and really disturbing and luckily he keeps it very serious to the point that it feels like it's realistic and how the film portrays it.I still think it is really astonishing of how he did that.

So in conclusion I still really enjoy the film because it does a remarkable job of being disturbing because the idea of being lost in the snow is really scary because in real life it can actually happen. I still think in my top 20 favorite films of 2021. I also think that this is up there with The Card Counter as one of the most underrated films of the 2020s. I also Like how even though this movie is not an A24 film. But at the same time it does sort of feel like an A24 film because of the pacing and it has a very simple story. I still think Anastasios Soulis and Nanna Blondell play off each other really well because they have such marvelous chemistry together. I still think this is up there with Mute as one of my favorite Netflix original films. I still think more people should watch this movie especially if you like 1922 with Thomas Jane. I give this movie a 10/10.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Top 10 Marvel Cinematic Universe Controversies

 Top 10 Marvel Cinematic Universe Controversies 

10. The relationship between Black Widow and the Hulk- Avengers Age of Ultron 

9. Making Surtur too funny- Thor Ragnarok 

8. Killing off Klaw- Black Panther 

7. Making Iron Fist Too Dark- Netflix's Iron Fist 

6. Making the Taskmaster into a Woman- Black Widow

5. Wasting Jude Law in Captain Marvel- Captain Marvel 

4. Toning Down the Kingpin- Hawkeye

3. Making Ultron Way Too Funny- Avengers Age of Ultron

2. Not Making Baron Zemo the Main Villain- The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

1. Making the Wrecking Crew Way Too Weak- She Hulk

Friday, September 23, 2022

Another top 10 Movies That Could be Made into Telltale Games

 Another top 10 Movies That Could be Made into Telltale Games 

10. Morbius 

9. Captain America Civil War

8. Knives Out

7. Murder on the Orient Express

6. Death on the Nile 

5. Tron 

4. Tron Legacy 

3. Unbreakable 

2. Avengers Infinity War 

1. Avengers Endgame 

Top 20 Actors Who Could Play Mephisto

 Top 20 Actors Who Could Play Mephisto

20. Denzel Washington

19. Oscar Isaac

18. Bill Nighy

17. Bill Skarsgard

16. Paul Dano

15. Ben Mendelsohn

14. Jake Gyllenhaal

13. Anthony Hopkins

12. Michelle Pfeiffer

11. Christopher Walken

10. Karen Gilligan 

9. Daniel Bruhl 

8. Jude Law 

7. Julia Louis Dreyfus 

6. Ethan Hawke

5. Ian McKellen

4. David Tennant

3. Alec Baldwin 

2. Willem Dafoe 

1. Gary Oldman

Top 10 Movies That Should Be Made into Telltale Games

 Top 10 Movies That Should Be Made into Telltale Games 

10. the MCU Spider-Man Trilogy

9. The Suicide Squad

8. Guardians of the Galaxy

7. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2

6. Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings 

5. Both of the Ant-Man films

4. Ready Player One

3. Eternals 

2. All the Thor Movies 

1. the Batman 

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Top 10 Episode Ideas For Marvel's What If…?

 Top 10 Episode Ideas For Marvel's What If…? 

10. What If Dormammu Came to Earth 

9. What If Black Widow didn't die

8. What if Cassie was raised by Mysterio Instead of Scott Lang 

7. What if Baron Zemo's  Family didn't die in the Battle of Secovia 

6. What if Peter Parker Never Became Spider-Man 

5. What if Obadiah Stane Took Over Stark Industries  and killed Iron Man. 

4. What if Ego joined the Guardians of the Galaxy 

3. What if Green Goblin Succeeded of Making Spider-Man into a Killer 

2. What if Captain America joined Hydra 

1. What if Xu Wenwu Was a Member of The Avengers 

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Top 10 Thor Characters

 Top 10 Thor Characters 

10. The Hulk 

9. Fenris

8. Sif 

7.  Odin 

6. King Valkyrie 

5. Korg

4. Mighty Thor

3. Thor 

2. Loki 

1. Gorr The God Butcher 

Here Is My Movie Review Of Beau Is Afraid

  Here Is My Movie Review Of Beau Is Afraid  Now when I saw the trailer for this movie I legitimately thought I was high  because of all the...