Sunday, September 25, 2022

Here is My Movie Review of Phone Booth


Here is My Movie Review of Phone Booth

So basically what happens is that you have this guy named Stu Shepard and he is working in a phone booth until he receives this really disturbing phone call from the guy whose real name is unknown but he goes by The Caller and he is threatening to kill Stu Shepard if he doesn't hang up the phone so Stu Shepard have to do evidence power to survive against the Caller and avoid being killed by him with a scope rifle. That is basically what the story is for this movie. 

The acting in this movie is phenomenal. I think everybody gives it they're all you can tell that the actors are having fun as their characters. 

Colin Farrell plays Stu Shepard In the film. I have to say he still does an amazing job as this character. What makes Stu Shepard such a remarkable character is that he really wants to stay alive and you can just see the panic on Stu Shepard's face like he's worried that if he gets off the phone The Caller is going to shoot him in the head. It's probably the darkest Colin Farrell movie I have ever seen. The chemistry between him and Forest Whitaker, Raidha Mitchelle, and Kiefer Sutherland is really great. Fun fact actors like Jim Carrey, Mark Wahlberg, Tom Cruise, Will Smith, Mel Gibson, Dustin Hoffman AL Pacino, and Nicolas Cage were all considered to play Stu Shepard.


Forest Whitaker plays Captain Ramey in the film. I have says he still does a spectacular job as the character this character. What makes Captain Ramey Such a great character is that he wants to help Stu Shepherd Survive against the Caller and get him out of the phone booth. probably best moment with Captain Ramey And where he keeps asking still shepherd if he had the gun and not only was it really suspenseful but it makes sense because he wants to know if he's armed with the weapon It is probably one of the darkest moments in the film. The chemistry between him and Colin Farrell is really great  

Radha Mitchell as Kelly Shepard I think she does a great job as this character. What makes Kelly Shepard Such a great character is that She wants Stu Shepherd to get out on the phone so they can discuss what has been going on. Probably the best moment with Kelly Shepard Is when she tells Steve Shepherd to get out of the phone booth but he can't because he is trying not to be killed by The Caller and not only was it really dark but it made sense because if you got out of the phone booth with the Caller would have shot and killed him.

However the absolute big standard of the entire film is Kiefer Sutherland as the Caller. What makes the Caller such a great villain is that he basically wants to psychologically abuse Stu Shepard as much as he can. What makes The Caller  so scary is that you rarely see his face in the movie. All you hear is his voice and his voice is really creepy and really disturbing and it works because this is a claustrophobic thriller film. Also The Caller in this Is a freaking lunatic in this movie basically he wants to psychologically abuse Stu Shepard to as much as possible and  he threatens to kill him if he hangs up the phone. Probably the best scene with The Caller is when he tells Stu Shepherd that he had didn't have a happy childhood but he was just messing with him and not only it was it really dark but it made sense because he was missing with him because in reality he did have a happy childhood. It is probably the most disturbing scene of the entire film. I still think The Caller is a really dark character in this movie. I still think he is my favorite character in the entire film. The rivalry between him and Stu Shepard is really great. Fun fact actors like Anthony Hopkins, Robin Williams, and Roger Jackson were all considered to play The Caller. The chemistry between him and Colin Farrell is fantastic.

Now let's talk about the directing of the film, which is of course directed by Joel Schumacher, the same director Who also directed Batman and Robin. That film is horrible. He also made Falling Down with Michael Douglas and that was also a really great film. What I like about his directing is that he takes a very simple concept of someone getting stuck somewhere and yet he makes it work with an 1 hour and 20 minute runtime and makes it really intense and really entertaining to watch. I think it is really cool how he did that. I don't think Joel Schumacher is a bad director, I just think he is a bad Batman director when it comes to directing Batman movies. 

So in conclusion i still really like this film and I think this is up there with Wheelman as one of my favorite films that is set in one location. Colin Farrell still gives one of his best performances in the film as Stu Shepherd. Also Kiefer Sutherland absolutely nailed it as The Caller one of the best villains of the 2000s and it is probably up there with Tony Leung as Xu Wenwu from Shang Chi and The Legend of the Ten Rings as one of my favorite villain performances. I also like how this movie is not really in A24 film but in some ways it is because it is kind of like the Lighthouse In terms of it being dark and chilling to watch. I still think if you enjoy the film Buried with Ryan Reynolds then I'm sure you'll like this one. I give this movie a 10/10.

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