Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Top 11 Things That The DCEU Got Right

 Top 11 Things That The DCEU Got Right 

11. Amanda Waller's personality- Suicide Squad and The Suicide Squad

10. Wonder Woman's origin story- Wonder Woman

9. Cheetah´s design- Wonder Woman 1984

8. Aquaman's origin story- Aquaman

7. making Shazam light-hearted- Shazam 

6. Steppenwolf´s design- Justice League and Zack Snyder's Justice League 

5. making Maxwell Lord crazy- Wonder Woman 1984 

4. Ocean Master´s motivations- Aquaman

3. Black Manta´s design/costume - Aquaman 

2. Aries´s design- Wonder Woman 

1. Suicide Squad- The Suicide Squad 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Lou. I hope that Black Manta has more screen time in Aquaman 2.


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