Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Here is my Movie idea for Suicide Squad Sequel the rise of Brainiac.


Here is my Movie idea for a suicide Squad sequel the rise of Brainiac Note this movie will be canon to the Suicide Squad movie. Not the 2016 Suicide Squad movie. 

So what will happen is that it would take place a few years after the Suicide Squad left off. So you have Amanda Waller who is assembling a new team of villains and she tells them to take down the Galactic threat known as Brainiac. That would basically be the story for the movie. 

The main leader of the team in this movie would be Deadshot, played by Ryan Gosling. I think he will make a terrific choice as Deadshot because if you've seen him in the Blade Runner movies. He plays the character of Officer K. He is really tough in the movies. Also this will be a massive improvement over the Deadshot from the disaster of  Suicide Squad 2016. 

The next character that would be on the team would be Captain Boomerang play by the legendary Hugh Jackman. I think this will make way more sense than Jai Courtney because Hugh Jackman is actually Australian just like the character is in the comics. Also you can make Captain Boomerang in the movie very misogynist and an asshole like how he is in the Suicide Squad Hell to pay movie. 

The next character I would want on the team is Harley Quinn. I would like to have Margot Robbie reprising her role as this character. I will like a scene where she and Captain Boomerang are bonding in the film. 

Of course you can't have a Suicide Squad team without the main alpha Amanda Waller play by Viola Davis. Now I will want Amanda Waller to act just like how she did in the The Suicide Squad. A cold-hearted bitch that takes no crap from anybody. Also like in the 2021 movie you can have Amanda Waller threatening to blow up the Suicide Squad if they don't follow her instructions in the third act of the film. 

I think the twist villain should be Lady Shiva Play by Awkwafina. I would like to see her play an actual villain in a movie. Also She would start out as a member of the Suicide Squad but then towards the third act she'll reveal that she's working for Ra´s Al´ Ghul and the League of Shadows. 

Another character that I would like to have on the Suicide Squad would be the Bronze Tiger play by Michael B Jordan. Also much like Lady Shiva he would pretend to be with the Suicide Squad. But then he'll betray the team and work for Lady Shiva and the League of Assassins. That way you can set up an League of a assassins movie with a post-credit scene in the film. 

I think for a silly villain on the team. I would like to have Nicolas Cage as the Ten Eye Man. Also you can have a funny scene like with Captain Boomerang making fun of Ten Eye Man´s ability. He doesn't need to have that much screen time He can be like at the beginning and then Amanda Waller blows his head off with the bomb planted in his neck. 

I think another silly villain should be on the team. But he'll be a little more serious. But still hilarious. I would like to have Paul Rudd as Kite Man. You can have a scene where Captain Boomer makes fun of Kite Man just because he's wearing a kite on his back. Also you can give Kite Man a tragic origin just like what they did with Polka Mot Man in the Suicide Squad. 

The final teammate on the Suicide Squad would be Ventriloquist and Scarface Play by Matt Stone and Trey Parker. I think these two will make great choices because you can have Matt Stone play Arnold Weaker in the film by using his Butters voice. You can have Trey Parker play Scarface by using his Cartman voice in the film. Also it'll be just like the TV show because Cartman manipulates Butters in a lot of episodes and Butters in the innocent one and Carmen is the evil one. 

I think the main villain of the film should be Brainiac voiced by the phenomenal David Tennant. Basically Brainiac ´ s motivation is that he wants to shrink The state of New York City down and add to his collection of famous monuments. Also it would be really cool to hear David Tennant's voice come out of Brainiac ´ s mouth. 

The directing Should be done by James Gunn just like how he directed the Suicide Squad. Also you can have a really funny scene like Captain Boomerang making fun of Kite Man. But then you'll have a really dark scene like Lady Shiva joining Bronze Tiger and the League of Shadows in the third act basically betraying the team. Also you can have a really gruesome scene like Brainiac killing Kite Man with a laser from his machine. 

I think the rating for this movie should be rated R for drug use, very strong language, and strong bloody violence throughout. Just like The Suicide Squad. I think the end credits songs for this movie should be Shape of You.  Another song would be Get Into the Groove. The runtime of the movie would be 2h 56 minutes. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that the Suicide Squad is a really awesome movie. It would be pretty cool if James Gunn saw my idea for the Suicide Squad The Rise of Brainiac


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