Sunday, March 27, 2022

Here is My Movie Review of The Farewell


Here is my movie review of the Farewell

So basically what happens is that you have Billi Wang and her family and they find out that Their grandmother has stage for lung cancer so they decide to arrange a wedding to spend time with her one last time and they also have to keep  the family  secret. That is basically what the story is for this movie. 

Now the acting in this movie is really interesting because by having multiple actors it really only focuses on four characters throughout the entire film. I think the acting is up there with the acting in Swiss Army Man as in the best movies with fewer actors.

However the absolute big standout of the entire film is Awkwafina as Billi. Now Billi is an incredible character that I can sympathize with and empathize with her because I had to keep a family secret too. Also this is a very different Awkwafina performance because usually Awkwafina Smiles and makes funny jokes. But in this movie she plays the character completely straight. What makes Billi such an astonishing character is that when She find out that her grandmother Nai Nai Has cancer she Doesn't want the rest of the family too find out.Probably the best scene with Billy is where she is at the hospital and she asked the doctor how bad is she and not only is it really sad but it makes sense because she wanted to know how bad the cancer will get If she doesn't get it treated and it is probably the most powerful moment of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Tzi Ma, Diana Lin, Zhad Shu-Zhen is still really amazing.

Tzi Ma plays Haiyan Wang In the film. I have to say he still does the spectacular job as the character. Now Haiyan Wang Add a character is really interesting because you really feel bad for him because he really cares about Have family in his really worried about his mother Nai Na who is dying of cancer and he wants to have Billi keep the secret and not how the other family what is going on. Probably the best moment with Haiyan Wang Is where he finds out that Nai Na Have cancer and you can tell how Scared and said he is to hear about that because he doesn't want his mother to die because he really cares and loves for her. It is probably the saddest moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Awkwafina Is outstanding.

Diana Lin plays Lu Jian In the film. I have to say she still does a fantastic job as the character. Now Lu Jian as a character is really interesting because munch her daughter Billi she is really concerned about her mother dying of cancer she is scared for her she is a lot more closed off and not really open with her feelings about the whole thing now this is really accurate to people in different culture because there are some people Who don't mind disgusting taboo topics while other people are very closed off and don't want to talk about it. But she also wants her daughter Billi to not tell anyone and keep it a secret from the rest of the family. Probably the best moment with Lu Jian Is where she tells Billy that her grandmother Nai Nai Has stayed for lung cancer and not only they really shocking thing but it made sense because Billy did not know that her grandmother was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer. It is probably one of the most Shocking moments of the entire film the chemistry between her and Awkwafina Is brilliant.

Zhao Shu-Zhen plays Nai Nai In the film. I have to say she still does a marvelous job as the character. Now Nai Nai as a character is really interesting because she really cares about her family but she is even scared when she finds out that she's been diagnosed with start stage four lung cancer. Probably the best moment with Nai Nai is where she Is telling her family about what they should do at the wedding and not only are they really powerful family moment but it makes sense because she wants The wedding to be perfect and beautiful for the entire family. It is probably one of the most beautiful moments of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Awkwafina Is magnificent.

But the best thing about this entire film is The directing by Lulu Wang Because why I love about the directing Is that she does a glorious job of discussing the subject of what it's like to keep Family Secrets because in some cultures there are people that are very open to talk about very Serious or difficult Topics are really hard too talk about. Well other cultures are more closed off and don't want to discuss Stuff that they might think is sad and serious to talk about. I think it is really perfect of how she did that because every culture is different some people in other cultures are open to talk about stuff while others are more closed off about disgusting stuff. Fun fact I share the same birthday as Lulu when because both of of us are born on February 25th except I was born in 2003 while she was born in 1983.

So in conclusion i still really love this movie because of its beautiful and emotional story about Billi trying to hide the secret to her family about her grandmother being diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. I also love the social commentary that Lulu Wang have in this movie about how some people are more open to discuss very sad or difficult topics well others are more closed off and want to not discuss those things. This is still in my top 10 favorite movies of 2019. Also both Awkwafina and Zhao Shu-Zhen play off each other perfectly I really loved their chemistry throughout the entire film. This is also in my top five favorite A24 films of all time. This movie is probably up there with the Lighthouse with Willem Defoe as one of the best movies of 2019. I highly recommend you watch this film especially if you like the A24 film Swiss Army Man with Paul Dano. I'm sure you'll like this one. I give this movie a 10/10.

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