Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Here is My Movie Review of 3 Ninjas Knuckle Up

 Here is my movie review of 3 Ninjas Knuckle Up 

So basically you have Rocky, Colt, and Tum Tum and then spending the summer with their grandpa  and they see this Native American protest and then  they meet Jo and she tells them that her dad have gone missing and they agree to help her find him and up to them to retrieve disk for the hearing to expose Jack Harding for all the crimes that he has committed and that's basically what the story is for this movie. 

The acting is still great. 

  Michael Treanor as Rocky. I still think he does a great job as this character.  What makes Rocky such a great character is that He wants to help Jo find and rescue her dad. The chemistry between him and Max Elliott Slide, Chad Power, Victor Wong, and Patrick Kilpatrick is still great.

Max Elliott Slade as Colt. I still think he does a great job as this character. What makes Colt Such a great character is much like Rocky he also wants to help Jo find and rescue her dad. The romance between him and Jo It is still great. the chemistry between him and Crystal Lightning is still great.

Chad Power as Tum Tum. I still think he does a great job as this character. What makes Tum Tum Such a great character is much like Rocky and Colt he also wants to help Jo find and rescue her dad. Probably the funniest scene in this movie is where Jo tries to kiss Tum Tum and he says to her you just have to use your imagination and she kisses him and tum tum says I just took a bath.¨ The chemistry between him and Crystal Lightning is still great.

Victor Wong as Grandpa. I still think he does a great job as this character. What makes Grandpa such a great character is that he wants to teach Rocky, Colt, and Tum Tum think of others and not show off I felt like that is the strongest aspect of the film. the chemistry between him and Michael Treanor, Max Elliott Slade, and Chad Power Is still great.

Crystal Lightning as Jo. I still think she does a great job as this character. What makes Jo such a great character Is that all she wants to do is to be reunited with her dad. The romance between her and Cult is still the strongest aspect of the film. The chemistry between her and Max Elliott slade is still great.

Don Shanks as Charlie. I still think he does a great job as this character.  What makes Charlie such a really great character that all he wants to do is to be reunited with his daughter Jo and he also wants to expose Jack Harding for all the crimes he has committed. The relationship between him and Jo is still really great. The chemistry between him and Crystal Lightning is still great.

Patrick Kilpatrick as J.J. I still think he is really funny. I still think he is a great secondary villain. J.J reminds me of a lot of Randy Marsh from South Park because they're both really dumb. 

Charles Napier as Jack Harding. I still think he does an amazing job as this character. I still think he is my favorite villain in the 3 Ninjas franchise. I still think he is really funny and really smart. I still think the way to describe Jack Harding is that he basically a family-friendly interpretation of Calvin Candie from Django Unchained because both of them are prejudice people who want power and control. My favorite monologue is when Jack Harding says alright alright we need to find a way to keep that disk out of the hearing professions.¨ That's what we need. Then J.J. says professionals?¨ Then Jack Harding says yeah you know any?¨ Then J.J. says I know a good lawyer.¨ Then Jack Harding says I'm talking about mercenaries  you moron.¨ Then J.J. says yeah I do.¨ Then Jack Harding says good  on the horn right now.¨ Then J.J. honks the horn.¨ Then Jack Harding says not that the phone you idiot.¨ 

The directing. by Sang-Ok Skin. What I like about his directing is that he does a great job of tackling the subject of discrimination because in real life there are people who get mistreated and walked all over by people who want power and control and It is really sad because I think everyone should be treated equally and fairly.  

So in conclusion I still think this is my favorite movie out of the 3 Ninjas franchise. I still think It is really funny. I still think it is really entertaining. I still think Jack Harding is still the best going in the franchise. I still think more people should watch it especially if you enjoy the first 3 Ninjas films.

My Ranking of All 7 Actresses That Were Considered for the Role of Captain Marvel Ranked from Least Likely to Most Likely to Play Her

 my ranking of all 7 actresses that were considered for the role of Captain Marvel ranked from least likely to most likely to play her 

7. Katee Sackhoff 

6. Natalie Dormer 

5, Yvonne Strahovski 

4. Katheryn Winnick 

3. Ronda Rousey 

2. Rebecca Ferguson 

1. Emily Blunt

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Here is My Movie Review of Mute

 Here is my movie review of Mute 

So basically what happens is that you have this character named Leo who is mute and he lives in Germany With his girlfriend Tanya. Then one day she got the missing so Leo decides to go on a search to find her and then you have these two US Army surgeons named Cactus Bill and Duck Teddington and they are doing surgery on US soldiers. So it is up to Leo to figure out what happened to Tanya and try to find her and that is basically what the story is for the film.


Now a lot of people say that the acting in this movie is bad but to be perfectly honest I don't it is not as bad as people say it is because I have seen worst acting in movies like Suicide Squad from 2016 and  Artemis Fowl from 2020 those movies have way worse acting than this movie.

Alexander Skarsgard plays Leo in the film. I have to say he still does a remarkable job as the character. What makes Leo such an excellent character that all he wants to do is to find out what happened to a girlfriend Tanya and try to find her. I also like Leo's backstory how we feel the kid he was swimming and he got his throat cut by a propeller and his mother him to the doctor but the doctor said that he Is unable facts him so ever since then Leo has been unable to talk ever since. Probably the best thing with Leo is where he finds his girlfriend Tanya But unfortunately she is dead and not only was that really emotional but immense sense because he really loved her and it is probably the sad moment in the entire film. The chemistry between him and Justin Theroux and Paul Rudd is still astonishing.

Sam Rockwell plays Sam Bill In the film. I have to say even though he is only in one scene throughout the entire film I still think he does a great job as this character. I also like how at Thai vet back to the 2009 film Moon which When the main character in The this movie is kind of like a sequel to that film.

Justin Theroux plays Duck Teddington In the film. I have to say he still does a remarkable job as the character. What makes Duck Teddington Such a great supporting villain is that he basically is there to follow Cactus Bill ´ s orders by performing surgeries with him. Probably the best moment with Duck Teddington is when he and Cactus Bell are at a restaurant and they are spending time together drinking wine and not only was it really interesting but it makes sense because he likes spending time with him. The chemistry between him and Alexander Skarsgard is tremendous.

However the absolute big standout of the entire film is Paul Rudd as Cactus Bill. Now much like what I said in my Breaking News in Yuba County review this is a really different performance for Paul Rudd because usually he plays really nice and light-hearted characters but in this movie he plays a psychopath. What makes Cactus Bill such a fantastic villain in that right from the story you can tell that he Insane. Also his motivation makes sense because he has a daughter that he is really protective of. Probably the best moment with cactus bill is where he at the mall and he steals some food off the counter and the mall security guard tries to tell him not to do that but then cactus bill pulled out his knife and threatens to stab him in the throat and not only was it really disturbing but it made sense because he didn't want to pay for the food. It is probably the darkest moment of the entire film. I still think he's up there with Mysterio from Spider-Man Far from Home as one of the best villains of the 2010s. The chemistry between him and Alexander Skarsgard is still amazing.

The directing by Duncan Jones. What I like about his directing is that he makes this movie feel like Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049 because of the setting the film is in the future in Berlin Germany. i still think it is really excellent how I did that.

So in conclusion I don't think this is the worst movies ever made the far worst movies like Batman versus Superman Dawn of Justice and Daredevil from 2003 those two films are more unwatchable then this film. I still think the storyline is really interesting how Leo has to search for the love of his life who has gone missing I still did the film handled that really well I also still think this is Paul Rudd´s most underrated movie and his most underrated performances as Cactus Bill. I think more people should give this movie a watch before calling it one of the worst movies ever made. Also if you like the movie Moon with Sam Rockwell you might enjoy this film as well. I give this movie a 10/10.

My Top 10 Directors That I Would Like to Have Direct My Star Fox Movie

 My top 10 directors that I would like to have direct my Star Fox movie 

10. Steven Spielberg 

9. Michael Matthews 

8. Travis Knight 

7. Rawson Marshall Thurber 

6. Jon Favreau 

5. Mike Mitchell 

4. Peyton Reed 

3. Peter Ramsey 

2. Chris Miller 

1. James Gunn

Our Top 10 Directors That We Would Like to Have Direct Our movie called Rango In Boots

Our  top 10 directors that would like to have direct our Rango and Puss in Boots crossover movie 

10. Chlo´e Zhao 

9. Mike Mitchell 

8. Chris Miller 

7. Gore Verbinski 

6. Rob Burnett 

5. Peter Ramsey 

4. James Gunn 

3. David F. Sandberg 

2. Peyton Reed 

1. Rob Letterman 

Saturday, November 27, 2021

My Ranking of All 3 Actors That Were Considered for the Role of Black Mask Ranked from Least Likely to Most Likely to Play Him

 My ranking of all 3 actors that were considered for the role of Black Mask ranked from least likely to most likely to play him. 

3. Nicolas Cage

2. Sharlto Copley 

1.  Sam Rockwell 

Even More Super Villains in Comics That Deserved Their Own Movies or TV shows

 even more super villains in comics that deserve their own movies 

11. Metallo

10. Jervis Tetch/Mad Hatter 

9. Toy Man 

8. Gentleman Ghost 

7. David Kane/Black Manta 

6. Cain Marko/the Juggernaut 

5. Cable 

4. Bullseye 

3. Dr. Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus

2. The Ventriloquist and Scarface 

1. DarkSide

Here is My Movie Review of Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse


Here is my movie review of Spider-Man into the spider-verse. 

So basically what  the plot is that after the original Spider Man gets killed by Wilson Fisk/Kingpin. Then you have Miles Morales who gets bitten by The Spider and becomes the new Spider-Man and he meets  all these other Spider-Men from different universes and they all must team up to take down Kingpin and save the multiverse that's basically what the story is for this movie.  

The voice acting in this movie is still great. 

Shameik Moore voices Miles Morales/Spider-Man In this film. I have to say he still does a fantastic job as the character. What makes miles around with / Spider-Man such an intriguing character is that at first he doesn't know how to be Spider-Man Peter B Parker has to train him to become a superhero. Probably the best moment with Miles Morales is where he first tried to web swing off a building and his really high off the ground and he tries to go to a lower building and not it made sense because by him did not like being referred to as a cartoon but it made sense because he was nervous to do it it did probably the funniest moment of the entire film. The chemistry between the him and Jack Johnson, Nicolas Cage, Liev Schreiber, Mahershala Ali, Hailee Steinfeld, Kimiko Glenn, John Mulaney, and Kathryn Hahn is still really spectacular.

Jack Johnson voices Peter B. Parker In the film. I have to say he still does an awesome job as the character. What makes here be Parker such an intriguing character in that he really wants to help Miles Morals become Spider-Man and take down the kingpin and save the multiverse. Play the best moment with Peter B Parker is during the file battle where he tells Miles Morales When I'm going and you can see the sadness on Miles's face and he says it's just a leap of faith. Not only Was it really emotional but it made sense because Peter B Parker is basically telling Miles Morales to never give up and keep trying and it is probably one of the most heartbreaking scenes of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Shameik  Moore Is still really astounding.

Hailee Steinfeld as Gwen Stacy/Spider Gwen. I still think she does a great job as this  character. I still think she is really smart and the chemistry between her and Miles Morales is still great. 

Mahershala Ali voices Uncle Aaron/The Prowler In the film. What makes Uncle in / the power such an An incredible villain is that he does work for the kingpin in the film but at the same time you can see that he really cares about nephew Miles Morales. The twist reveals that Uncle Aaron Is the Prowler is probably the most surprising twist in the entire film and even more surprising is that he finds out that his nephew miles is Spider-Man and that is probably one of the most shocking twist of 2018. The relationship between him and Miles Morales is still really great. The Relationship they had with his nephew Miles Morales is probably the most powerful and emotional and strongest aspects of the entire. The chemistry between him and Shameik  Moore is really fantastic.

Nicolas Cage Voice is Peter Parker/Spider-Man Noir In this film. I have to say he still does a marvelous job as the character. What makes Pier Parker / Spider-Man Noir such an Incredible Character is that he wants to help Miles Morales/Spider-Man to take down the kingpin and save the multiverse.

Kimiko Glenn voices Peni Parker In the film. I have to say she still does a great job as the character. What makes Pen Parker Search in the Marshall character is that she really wants to help Miles Morales take down the Kingpin and save the Multiverse. Probably the most emotional scene is where during the final battle she had to say goodbye to her robot because the scorpion destroyed it and you feel bad for it because she really loved that robot and it did probably the most heartbreaking scene of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Shameik Moore Is still really marvelous.

John Mulaney as Peter Porker/Spider Ham. I have to say he is probably my favorite performance of the entire film. What makes Peter Parker / Spider Ham such a great character is that he wants to help Miles Morales to take down the kingpin and save the Multiverse. Probably The best moment with Spider Ham was by him is where The Scorpion says What are you some silly cartoon and Spider-Man attacks him with his hammer. Send because Spider-Ham did not like being referred to as a cartoon. It is probably the funniest moment in the entire film.

Kathryn Hahn voices Doc Ock In the film. I have to say she still does a remarkable job at the character. What makes Doc Ock Such a great supporting villain that she basically is tasked to help the kingpin rebuild the supercollider so she can help him get the alternate variants of his wife and son. I also like how in this film Doc Ock gender bends Amen into a woman I still think it was interesting how the film did that. Probably the best scnene with Doc Ock is where at first she is introduced as this very sweet scientist but When it is revealed that she is a villain. Not only was it really Was it really surprising but it made sense because at first the film makes you think that she is really nice but in reality she Is helping Kingpin rebuild the super collider so he can find alternate variants of his wife and son and be reunited with them. Is it probably the one the most surprising scenes in the entire film. The rivalry between her and Miles Morales / Spider-Man is still really Incredible. The chemistry between her and Shameik Moore is still really exhilarating.

Liev Schreiber voices Wilson Fisk/Kingpin In the film. I have to say he still does a terrific job at the character. What makes Wilson Fisk / Kingpin such an incredible villain is that he his really sympathetic and understandable motivation because he wants to use the supercoinider to find Alternate variance of wife and son and be reunited with them. Probably the best moment with Kingpin is where he is fighting the original Spider-Man and he kills him Not only was it shocking it made sense because he will do anything in his Has power to kill anyone who gets his way in order to find alternate variance of his Wife and son. It's probably the darkest moment of the entire film. Fun fact actors like Paul Rudd, Will Ferrell, John Malkovich, Jermaine Clement, Zachary Levi, Eddie Izzard, Harry Sharer, Peter Dinklage, Jeff Danieis, and Gary Oldman were all considered to voice the Kingpin. The rivalry between him and Miles Morales / Spider-Man is still tremendous.



The directing by Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey, and Rodney Rothman. What I like about their directing is that they develop the character of Miles Morales because in the beginning of the movie miles is a standard teenager who doesn't know how to be Spider-Man. But in the film goes on he starts to learn how to be Spider-Man and learns how to be a superhero. I think it is really cool how they did that.

so in conclusion i still really enjoy this movie I still think the character arc that Miles Morales goes on is still one of the best character acres of the 2010s i still think Kingpin is probably up there with Thanos as one of the most sympathetic villains of the 2010s. This is still one of the best Spider-Man movies since Spider-Man No Way Home. I give this movie a 10/10.

Friday, November 26, 2021

My Ranking of All 12 Actors That Were Considered for the Role of kylo Ren Ranked from Least Likely to Really Least Likely to Play Him

 My ranking of all 12  actors that were considered for Kylo Ren ranked from least likely to really least likely to play him.

12. Joaquin Phoenix

11. Hugo Weaving

10. Paul Rudd

9. Lee Pace

8. Michael Fassbender

7. Christoph Waltz

6. Eddie Redmayne 

5. Jason Lee

4. Chris Pratt

3. Justin Long

2. Steve Carell

1. Will Ferrell

Here is My Movie Review of Wonder Woman 1984


Here is my movie review of Wonder Woman 1984. 

So basically what the plot is  that it takes place after the first one left off Steve Trevor is dead so Diana find a wishing Stone and she decides to wish him back to life. Then you have this woman named Barbara Minerva who asked Diana if they can have lunch together but she turned her down then she decides to use the wishing Stone to wish that she can be like Diana then she gets a second wish and wishes that she could be number one so she decided to become an apex predator and she transforms into a cheetah. Then you have Maxwell Lord who wishes that he could become one with the wishing Stone and he does he basically makes a wish that he can have all the wishes he wants. so it is up to Steve Trevor and Diana Prince/Wonder Woman to take down cheetah and Maxwell Lord. That is basically what the point is for this movie. 

Now a lot of people saying that the acting this movie is really bad but to be honest I don't think it has nearly as bad because I have seen worst acting in other films like Spider-Man 3 and Madame Webb those two movies almost have a watchable acting in them Well the action in this movie is mostly tremendous I still think all the performances work extremely well.

    Gal Gadot plays Diana Prince/ Wonder Woman in the film. I have to say well I liked her in the first film I have to say she gave me more and powerful and emotional performance in this film. Now the character of Diana Prince / Wonder Woman is still interesting because in this film she is dealing with the lost of her friend Steve Trevor because he died in the first film during that plane crash and he wants some back and she decides to wish from him back with a wishing stone and she along with him has to take down Barbara Minerva/The Cheetah and Maxwell Lord and Undo all the wishes. Probably the best moment with Diana Prince / Wonder Woman is where she says goodbye to Steve Trevor not only was it really sad but it makes sense because she just wished him back if he didn't want Him to go because she really liked him. It's probably the most heartbreaking scene of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Chris Pine Pedro Pascal and Khristian Wig is excellent

Chris Pine Comes back as Steve Trevor In the film. I have to say he still does a tremendous job in fact I think he gives a far more powerful and emotional performance in this film they did in that first film. Now the character of Steve Trevor is a topic that a lot of people seem to not like because this really isn't Steve Trevor it is his spirit is in the body of another man and I never really had a problem with it because he was still the same character he still cared for Diana Prince / Wonder Woman and the romance between the two characters is still in the strongest aspect of the film. Probably the best moment with Steve Trevor is where he is reunited with Diana Prince/ Wonder Woman and not only was it really powerful and emotional but it makes sense because he really missed spending time with her. It's probably the most beautiful scene of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Gal Dot is terrific.

Kristen Wiig plays Barbara Minerva/The Cheetah In the film. I had to say she does a spectacular job as the character. Now the character of Barbara Minerva / the cheetah is something that now a lot people don´t like but to be honest I didn't think she was as bad because she was relatively entertaining she Is a fan of Wonder Woman but she turns her down and this causes Barbara Minerva /The Cheetah too hate her so she decides to use the wishing stone to wish that she could be like Diana Prince / Wonder Woman and then her next wish that she wants to become an apex predator so that's how she turns into cheetah and well her backstory is a rehash of Aldridge Killian's origin in Iron Man 3 I think this film handle that a lot better than Iron Man 3 do with that character. Probably the best moment with Barbara Minerva/The Cheetah is where she And then the White House with Maxwell Lord and she confronts Diana Prince / Wonder Woman again and she mentions to her that she is full of surprises and not only with a really awesome action with but it makes sense because she has transformed into something much more stronger and much more powerful than Diana Prince / Wonder Woman can ever imagine and though she made the wish it did call her to lose one thing that being her being happy because all she had on her mind is vengeance. It is probably the most powerful scene of the entire film. Fun fact actress Emma Stone was considered to play Cheetah. The chemistry between her and Gal Gadot is awesome.

However the absolute big standout of the entire film is Pedro Pascal as Maxwell Lord. Now Maxwell Lord as a villain is really interesting because you really feel bad for him because he what to spend time with his son which he had a sad backstory of him getting abused by his father him and his wife divorcing causing his son not seeing his mother that much and it's probably the most tragic DCEU villain back story ever and he is not only sympathetic but he is really funny because every line he says is just really funny and you can tell Pedro Pascal was having the time of his life playing this character he's hamming it up the entire time not taking any of it seriously. Now his motivation is really interesting because Maxwell Lord he acquires the wishing stone and he wishes that he could have all the wishes in the world and he gives people what they want but he takes things from him and I really like his personality because they make him this television personality it works extremely well. Probably the best moment with Maxwell Lord is where He is in the news station in the White House and he is telling people to grant Their wishes and not only was it really intense but it is also really funny just how over the top Maxwell Lord is mentioning everything it's probably the funniest moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Gal Gadot is astounding.

Now the directing by Patty Jenkins Really interesting because I like about her directing that she develops the relationship between Diana Prince / Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor and you get to explore more of their relationship in this film I also like how she adapts the character on Maxwell Lord by making him crazy just like is in the comic books because that's how it happened he starts out and the normal guy but then he starts becoming more unstable when he gets a lot of power and the film goes on so I think it is really astounding and how she did that.

So in conclusion i don't think this the movie is also bad as people say it is because to be honest I have seen worse films than this one like Get Away with Ethan Hawke and poltergeist 2015 with Sam Rockwell I think those two movies are way more unwatchable than this film. To be honest I don't think the storyline if that's bad as a lot of people say if yes it's a little confusing but I did get one really interesting of how it deals with Diana Prince / Wonder Woman trying to cope with the lost of her friend Steve Trevor. I think the actress was in the really good even the final battle I know it's really over the top but I thought it was a lot better than the final battle in Madame Webb because that climax is dumber and does not make any sense whatsoever in virtual watchable. Maxwell Lord was a very interesting villain I know a lot of people say he is really dumb and cheesy but that's why I like him he so over the top and so entertaing to watch and Pedro Pascal just he hams it up and he's not taking any of it seriously and you can tell he's having a lot of fun in this film as the character. i think he's up there with M.O.D.O.K from Ant-Man and The Wasp Quantum Mania as one of the funniest villains of the 2020s. I think he is also up there with Dracula from Renfield at one of the most underrated villain of the 2020s I think more people should watch the film before calling it one of the worst superhero films ever made and one of the worst films of 2020.I think more people should watch this film especially if you like Ant-Man with Paul Rudd you'll definitely like this film. I get this movie a 10/10.

Here is My Movie Review of The Suicide Squad

 Here is my movie review of The Suicide Squad. 

So basically what the plot is that you have Bloodsport and he is has been recruited by Amanda Waller for the new Suicide Squad then he meets king Shark,Ratcatcher 2, Peacemaker,Polkadot Man, and Harley Quinn and they all must team up to take down Starro the Conqueror and save the world that is basically what the story is for this movie. 

Now the acting in Suicide squad 2016 was really bad no one was giving a great performance except for two actors those being Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn and Viola Davis as Amanda Waller but luckily in this film the acting in a lot better and a lot more watchable and way more entertaining to watch than the 2016 movie.

Idris Elba plays Bloodsport In the film. I have to say he still does a fantastic job as the character. What makes Bloodsport such a interesting character that he doesn't want to go on this mission he is against the idea of going but then once he finds out that Amanda Waller tells him that if he doesn't go on the mission his daughter will be in jail for a long time so in order for that not to happen he has to go on the mission regardless. Probably the best moment was Bloodsport is where he tells his story that When he was younger when he didn't obey his father's orders he Punished him by putting him in a room full of rats and not only was it really emotional but it makes sense because that what the reason why he had a phobia of rats. It is probably the most emotional scene of the entire film.

John Cena plays Peacemaker In the film. I have to say he still does a remarkable job of playing the character. What makes Peacemaker such a great secondary knowing is that at first you think he has with the team in taking down Staro the conqueror but later on it's revealed that he is working with Amanda Waller and the US government. Probably the best moment with peacemaker is what he and Bloodsport argue over who is better at killing people and they make it into a competition and not only was it really funny but it made sense because they want to prove who was better at killing. It is probably one of the funniest moments in the entire film.

David Dastmalchian plays Polkadot Man In the film. I have to say he still does a spectacular job as the character. What makes Polka Dot Man such an interesting character is that he wants to take down Staro the Conqueror. I also love his backstory which is that when he was younger his mom was obsessed with superheroes so she experimented on Her kids and that's why he kind of has like PTSD because he hallucinates that his mom is in front of him. Probably the best moment with Polka Dot Man is during the final battle he doesn't want to fight Staro The Conqueror So in order to get him to fight it Bloodsport tell him that that is his mom and he just lets all his anger and not only was it really funny but it made sense because he needed to be brave enough to fight Staro The Conquer. The chemistry between him and Idris Elba is still awesome.

Viola Davis comes back as Amanda Waller in this film and she was the best thing in the 2016 Suicide Squad movie. I have to say well I like her in that film. I have to say she is even way better than she was in that original film because she is giving a lot more to do and this film. What make Amanda Waller such an incredible villain is that she wants nothing to go wrong that she She would do anything and her power to make this mission go perfectly even to the point that she will threaten to kill the Suicide Squad members if they don't obey her orders. Probably the best moment with Amanda Waller is where she is yelling at the Suicide Squad because they are not listening to her because she tell them not to kill Staro but they decide to do it anyway and she swears that them she demands her team to open the suitcase that contains all the switches to kill the team and not only was it really intense but it made sense because they refused to obey her orders. It is probably one of the darkest moments in the film.

Margot Robbie come back as Harley Quinn And much like what I said about Viola Davis as Amanda Waller she was the best part of the 2016 Suicide Squad. Now well I liked her in that film I had to say she didn't better than she was in that original film. What makes Harley Quinn such an interesting character that much like the rest of the team she wants to take down Staro The Conqueror. Probably the best scene with Harley Quinn is when during the file balance she is fighting off all stars minions and then she throws the javelin into Staro´s eye not only was it really awesome. but it made sense because they need to get the wrath into star oh so they can Kill him.

Daniela Melchior plays Ratcatcher 2 in the film. I have to say out of all the performances in the film she was my favorite performance in the film as Ratcatcher 2. Ratcatcher 2 is probably my favorite character in the film because she is the heart and soul of this team Because she really cares about King Shark and I love her back story that her dad Otis Flanagan the original rat catcher tells her that rats are the most lonely and despised animals on the planet and he tells her if rats have a purpose then everyone had the purpose and it is one of the most powerful moments in the entire film. Another favorite moment with rat catcher 2 is during the end of the film she Where she controls the rats too eat the veins in star of the eye and not only was it a really emotional and awesome sequence but it made sense because the city really belonged to the rats and not the humans. It is probably the most beautiful scene in the entire film. The chemistry between her and Idris Elba is tremendous.

    Joel Kinnarnman come back as Rick Flag Now in Suicide Squad 2016 he fell really boring he didn't really give a great performance and he just an overall dull and bland character. But I'm happy to say in this film here he is a lot better written and gave more of a terrific performance in the film. What makes Rick Flag such an incredible character that he along with the rest of the team wants to take down Staro The Conqueror. Probably the best moment with Rick Flag Is during Near the final battle he is facing off against peacemaker and tries to stop him and unfortunately he dies and not only was it really intense but it made sense because peacemaker turned against them. It is probably the most powerful moment in the entire film. 

Sylvester Stallone voice King Shark In the film. I have to say he still does a marvelous job as the character. What makes King Shark such an awesome and emotional character that you really feel bad for him because he doesn't really have any friends But once he bonds with the other On the team it really feels like he is making new friends. Probably The best moment with King Shark is where they go to this island till find Rick Flag And he is just eating people left and right and not only what it really funny but it makes sense because he will eat anything that he sees. It is probably the funniest moment in the entire film. The chemistry between him and Idris Elba is still astonishing.

Now in the comics Starro The Conqueror It was pretty bland and silly villain but luckily in this film they make it a lot more scary and a lot more violent than It was in the comics because Its motivation in this film is to get everyone under his control. What makes Starro The Conqueror such a awesome villain Is that you really feel bad for it because he explains that all he wanted to do is to watch the stars but unfortunately astronauts took him out of space and experimented on him and turned them into a weapon. Probably the best moment with Staro is where it emerges from the building and starts to go on a rampage and not only was it really intense but it made sense because it showed just how threatening he is. It is probably one of the best villain introductions in the film. The rivalry between It and the Suicide Squad is outstanding.

The chemistry between The Suicide Squad is still awesome because it reminds me of the chemistry of the Guardians of the Galaxy from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But if the Guardians were all villains.

The directing by James Gunn is really great. What I like about his directing is that he mostly gets everything accurate from the comics. Another thing I like is that he took the character of Polka Dot Man who was a really silly villain in the comics and gave him a tragic origin story. I also like how he makes this movie like Guardians of the Galaxy. But if Guardians of the Galaxy was rated R.

So in conclusion this is still one of the best DCEU films. I still did the storyline in the film is really awesome how the Suicide Squad have to take down this giant starfish from outer space. I also like how this film took some of the more boring characters from the original Suicide Squad film from 2016 and gave them a big upgrade by giving them really fun and entertaining personalities. Even some of the characters I enjoyed in that film also got upgraded like Amanda Waller in this film is just like how she is in the comics really strict very and really intense because she wants everything to go the way that she wants it to go. I also think Staro the conqueror is up there Xu Wenwu from Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings and one of my favorite villains of the 2020s and one of the most tragic villains of 2021. If you enjoy the Guardians of the Galaxy films with Chris Pratt then I'm sure you're going to like this one. I give this movie a 10/10.

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