Sunday, September 15, 2024

How Did I Get Into A24?


How Did I Get Into A24?

The Beginning- Now I first discovered A24 When I watched The movie Locke with Tom Hardy I'm like this is a really interesting movie it's just a guy talking to his family in the car no special effects Humor it's really awesome. Then I watched The Farewell which starred Awkwafina and I was like she is usually funny in movies. I'm watching her in this and I'm like she plays the character Billi really seriously and has a really awesome story, and they don't ruin the moment with an out-of-place joke. Ever since then I Fell in love with the studio because they make such awesome and entertaining films. 

The next couple films I started watching- Now my best friend Joey told me to watch Ex Machina Which stars Oscar Isaac and he says it is his favorite movie of all time. So I watched it and I was blown away by how beautiful it looked and how awesome the performances and the idea of a teenager talking to an artificial intelligence, and how much potential and the movie handle that subject matter really well so that is why I think this my favorite Oscar Isaac film ever. But there is this film that everyone was talking about in 2022 called Everything Everywhere All At Once. I'm like how good in this movie with everyone just talking about how awesome it is I watched it on Amazon Prime because the DVD I got from Best Buy didn't work for some reason and My older sister Shelby walked Into my room watching it and she watched it with me and we both love the movie because the special effects and the jokes I'll mention this again they don't ruin the  moment  With a outer place joke they let the emotional moments play out really well. This became one of my all-time favorite movies. Also Ke Huy Quan gave one of his best performances he ever gave because he has not acted in a movie since the 1980s and that's what a spectacular return for him and he won an Oscar for Best supporting actor. I also watched this movie called Swiss Army Man which starred both Daniel Radcliff and Paul Dano and it is one of the funniest movies of 2016 because you think that a movie with a farting corpse would be very boring. But somehow A24 managed to make it really funny but also really emotional because the bonding between Hank and Manny is probably the biggest highlight of that movie.

Favorite A24 Films- Now there's a lot of A24 films that I really like. I'll give you a few movies that I really enjoy. First off Everything Everywhere All At Once is still my number one Favorite A24 film because it's funny it is emotional and I even like the villain when because you really feel bad for Joy Wang even though yes she does a lot of bad stuff in the movie at the same time you understand why she does all that because her mother treats like garbage because she doesn't support her daughter Being LGBTQ  because Joy Wayne  is love with another girl named Becky but by the auntie does change and her mother supports her choices and they are happy together. Another A24 film that I enjoy is First Reformed which is a religious drama which stars Ethan Hawk as Ernest Toller who gives a brilliant, powerful and emotional performance. I also like the themes in the movie about how Religion can blind people and makes them believe that God can solve all their problems because some people actually believe that God will make them happy but here is the thing God can't really solve all your problems you have to solve some problems on your own. I think  the film handles that message really well. I also like how It also shows how Religion makes people unstable and can also sort of corrupt them and make them into religious Fanatics who only think that God would fix everything. The last one I'll mention is The lighthouse which stars  Robert Pattinson and Willam Dafoe giving their best performances ever. Although the storyline about two Lighthouse Keepers Just stuck on Island together in a lighthouse might sound really boring, somehow Robert Eggers makes it very disturbing but very fun at the same time because Again it's just two people on an island trying to keep their sanity. Now I would love to discuss more A24 films that I like but since I already mentioned 3 of my favorites.

Why do I think this is one of the best Studios. Now A24 is a studio company that makes Indian movies and they're all really awesome as I already stay but I think what I love about The studio is that they take Storyline that you wouldn't think would be interesting like For example a guy living on an island with a farting corpse should not be funny it should be very boring and uninteresting. But again somehow. This studio is able to craft something both funny and very heartwarming as well. Although the messages they put in their films and the subject matter they discuss Is really interesting like First reformed that film mentions how if you believe that God can solve your problems you're all you are only making  problems worse by not fixing them So that means you not everything can be solved with religion you have to solve most of your problems on your own. Or in The Farewell where it explains that some cultures are very strict about mentioning  subjects like canton; they like to be closed off and not mention it and it takes that subject very seriously in the film. But the thing I like about the studio is that they let their directors have full creative control of the studio and ruin everything. They just let the director make a  film the way they want it to be  and then they craft out beautiful and magnificent Masterpieces of film. 

Conclusion- That's what a lot of fun to discuss because It was really interesting to Talk about not only my love For A 24 films but Just how perfect the studio is because judging by their track record I don't think they'll be stopping anytime soon because I said before they let their directors have control over their films and they not Interfere they just let them make their masterpiece of film. It was also fun to discuss My history of how my love for A24 began. It was interesting to discuss some of my favorite A24 films. I can seriously go on forever about why I love this studio but in the end I leave it this best indie film studio ever.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Here in Our Movie Idea for Road to North Dakota


Here in Our Movie Idea for Road to North Dakota

So basically what the story would be and that you have this guy named Harold Schreiber and he is under a lot stress because he owns money to this Loan shark named Mark Quan who is a crazy Chinese gangster who lives in North Dakota and he threatens to kill Harold Schreiber if he doesn't give him the money which is 12,000000. Who also has a girlfriend named Cassandra Olsen. So Henry Schreiber enlist his friend name Tony Poulter who is this alcoholic who likes to drink a lot and Kill a lot of people.  It's up to Henry Schreiber and Tom Potter to go to North Dakota to give Mark Quinn his money and avoid being killed by him and His girlfriend. That's basically what the  story is going to be about. 

Now the cast is really interesting because it's a bunch of actors that haven't starred in a movie together. 

For Henry Schreiber He is going to be really funny but also kind of sympathetic because he want to pay off Mark Quan so he did get killed by him and he is going to be like the straight man to Tom Poulter's stupidity and crazy antics in the film. For that I'm going to go with one of my favorite actors of all time and that is Paul Rudd because at an actor he is really funny and he can react to a lot of Weird the characters like in Avengers End game where he was talking to Rocket Raccoon and that led to a really Funny moment where Ant-Man Ask Rocket Raccoon if the planet they were going to was human. It can lead to a lot of Over the top and really funny moments with Tom Polter. There could be a really funny moment where Henry Schreiber says to Cassandra Olson Wow you are really Attractive.¨ Then Mark Quan Nice try Henry Schreiber but she is all mine and you can't fuck her even if you wanted to.¨

Now  Tom Poulter In the film is shown to be very Violent and very over the top and he likes to drink and say a lot of dirty things. For that I'm going to go with Nicolas cage because any movie you see him goes completely over the top and I think he and Paul Rudd will have magnificent chemistry together. There could be a really funny moment when Henry Schreiber says Well here we are North Dakota.¨ Then Tom Poulter says you mean North Dickota because the state looks like a large dick with two balls. It'll probably be really funny though because of Henry Schreiber's reaction to the whole thing. 

Now Mark Quan In the film Is shown is very crazy and very violent. Now this is going to be a really weird choice But I'm going to say anyway. I'm going to say Ke Huy Quan because we are so used to seeing him play good guys like Short Round In Indiana Jones and Temple of Doom and Data In The Goonies and OB in Loki Season 2. But it would be interesting to see Ke Huy Quan playing a straight up villain. Now Mark Quinn is essentially this movie's interpretation of Mr Chow from Hangover, how he is very unstable and he is a crazy Chinese gangster who just wants Henry Schreiber to give him the money which is 12.00000 million Dollars and threatened Kill Henry Schreiber if he doesn't give him the money. There could be a really funny moment where Mark Quan steals Henry Schreiber's wallet  and Henry Schreiber says Give me back my fucking wallet you little shit.¨ Then Mark Quan says Oh you can have your wallet back all right after you suck on these little Chinese nuts.¨ Then Henry Schreiber says yeah I'm not fucking doing that can t give me back my wallet.¨ Then Mark Quan says fin you can have your stupid wallet why  did you have to ruin all the fun For me?¨ Now do you have my money?¨ Then Henry Schreiber says well we had your money but we lost it.¨ Mark Quan says You fucked me you fucked me good and hard you dumb fuck.¨ Find me the money or I will shoot your friend squar in the fucking forehead.¨  Probably the funniest moment of the entire film.

Now Cassandra Olson In this film in the century Mark Quan's love interest and helper. Now she wants to help Mark Quan kill both Henry Schreiber and Tom Poulter because they didn't give Mark Quan his money like he wanted. Now I'm going to pick an actress that is very much new and that is going to be Emma Carrin Because I think she can playoff Ke Huy Quan really well because I think they'll have perfect chemistry throughout the film. Also you can finally make this joke I guess data has finally met Cassandra Nova. There could be a scene where Cassandra Olsen says Okay Mark Quan Get on Top give me the old Beanstalk.¨ Mark Quan Says you got.¨ They start having sex and then Cassandra Olsen says Oh harder daddy get into my Castle and lay me a giant  Goose egg.¨ Then Mark Quan says You got it, the golden egg has been laid.¨ Oh yeah It feels so great to have you spread your sexy bird wings.¨ It'll probably be one of the dirtiest moments of the entire film. 

William Jackson Harper Will play a guy named Ethan Trevor in the film. Now Ethan Trevor as character is showed to be very sleazy and very selfish and he is the one Henry Schreiber and Tom Porter have to get their money back from because Tom Poulter gambled away all of their money to him. There could be a scene where Henry Schreiber says excuse me me and my friend accidentally gave away all our money to you so do you think we can win it back to pay off this long shark who is trying to kill us.¨ Then Ethan Trevor says yeah go fuck yourself you can't get your money back. Then Tom Pouter says hey listen fuck face we just want our money back so we don't get fucking murdered by this crazy psycho.¨ Ethan Trevor says okay fine you can get your money back if you beat me in a game of poker.¨

Gary Oldman is going to be in the film and he is going to be reprising his role Drexi Spivey from True Romance and much like with that film he's going to have a small role. There could be a really dark scene where Mark Quan says Find Henry and Tom and fucking Kill them and get my fucking money back. It'll probably be one of most Intense moments of the film


Now this film is going to be a road trip crime comedy film. Now the rating for the film will be Rated R for strong violence and language throughout in crude Sexual content. The runtime will be 2 Hours and 32. Now the style of this film is going to be like Martin Scorsese a Film. It'll be kind of a mix of Casino Robert De Niro and Due Date Robert Downey Jr. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Even More Actors I Would Like to See in a Movie Together

 Even More Actors I Would Like to See in a Movie Together

30. Tobey Jones and Jet Li 

29. Christopher Walken and Ray Winston

28. Benjamin Bratt and Jamie Lee Curtis

27. Giancarlo Esposito and Idris Elba

26. John Cena and Steve Carell

25. Richard Madden and Pedro Pascal

24. Lawrence Fishburne and Hugh Jackman

23. Tom Cruise and Don Cheadle

22. Benicio Del Toro and Ben Mendelson

21. Mark Strong and Matt Stone

20. Trey Parker and Lucy Lou 

19. Angelina Jolie and Zoe Kravitz 

18. Michelle Pfeiffer and Anne Hathaway 

17. Keith David and David Tennant 

16. Gary Oldman and Mark Ruffalo 

15. Mark Ruffalo and J.K. Simmons

14. Harrison Ford and Ethan Hawk 

13. Iman Vellani and Harrison Ford

12. Keanu Reeves and Patrick Stewart 

11. James McAvoy and Thomas Haden Church 

10. Jack Nicholson and Christian Bale 

9. Will Poulter and Trey Parker 

8. Danny DeVito and Ben Kingsley

7. Billy Bob Thornton and Oscar Isaac 

6. Tom Hiddleston and Jack Nicholson

5. Will Smith and Robert Downey Jr.

4. Ke Huy Quan and Awkwafina 

3. Ray Winston and Paul Dano

2. Samuel L Jackson and Billy Bob Thornton

1. Paul Rudd and Nicolas Cage

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Here is My Villain Review of Chucky


Here is My Villain Review of Chucky

Now I'm going to discuss the character of Chucky who is the main villain in 2019's Child's Play And explain why he is one of the darkest Villains of 2019 as well as the most entertaining billing of the 2010s.

Character- Now Chucky as the character is really interesting because when your first introduced to him he showed that he really cares about Andy Barkley and wants him to be his best friend. But after he Watches a horror movie with Andy and his friends Chucky starts to get addicted to killing and he believes in order to make Andy happy he must kill anyone that he clears as a distraction to their friendship. I think the film does a terrific job of making Chucky really scary but also kind of sympathetic because once Andy shuts him out he feels like he has disappointed him and wants to try again to make him happy. 

Motivation- Now Chucky's motivation in this film is that he wants to stay Andy's Beth friend and in order to do that he believes That he has to kill everyone that Andy knows and cares about because in his words they are not really Andy's friends they are a distraction to their play time. So you can kind of understand why Chucky would do this because he views Andy as his best friend and doesn't want anyone to get in the way of him and Andy's friendship and wants to have Andy on to himself so they can stay friends. I think the film does a remarkable job of giving Chucky a really disturbing but understandable motivation because he wants to have Andy all to himself so they can spend time together. 

Best Scenes- Now Chucky has a lot of scary and Incredible moments in the film. But if I had to pick my favorite moment with Chucky it will be the scene where He attempt to kill Andy's mother and says She not your friend.¨ You don't need other friends.¨ They try to ruin our fun.¨ But I won't let that happen.¨ It'll be all over soon.¨Don't worry Andy You're gonna thank me when she's gone when they're all gone.Guess what Andy it's going to be you and me forever.¨ Not only was it really Disturbing But it made sense because Chucky wanted to kill everyone that Andy knows and cared about so they can stay together forever and it is all thanks to Mark Hamill's creepy and nail biting performance. 

Evil Deeds- Now Chucky has done a lot of bad things in this movie. He killed Andy's cat because it scratched him. He killed a woman by having her car to drive on its own and crashed into A tree And he got in the car and stabbed her with his knife Watch killed her. He also tried to kill Andy's mom so he and Andy can stay friends forever because he views every one of Andy's friends as a distraction to their bonding time. I think the film did a terrific job of making Chucky really as evil as possible because he views killing as a hobby. 

Conclusion- Chucky is a really interesting villain because as well as being very scary you kind of feel bad for him because he views Andy as his best friend but once Andy shuts him out and locks him in the closet he is believed to have disappointed him. Also his motivation of killing people that Andy knows and cares about so they can stay together is a very smart and dark motivation and that film handles his motivation perfectly. The scene where Chucky gives that monologue of how he wants to kill Andy's mother so he and Andy can be friends forever. It is such an intense and entertaining and all thanks to Mark Hamill's dark and nail biting performance. I think he's up there with Mysterio from Spider-Man Far from Home as one of the best villains of 2019. I'm going to give Chucky a 8/10. 

Here is My Movie Review of Child's Play 2019


Here is My Movie Review of child's Play 2019 

So basically what happens is that you have this company named Multinational Kaslan Who is making The Buddi dolls and one employees starts to mass with it which eventually leads him to lose his job and then you have this tender name Andy Barkley who lives with his mother Karen Barkley and she give him a buddy doll and that first he doesn't like it because of how ugly it works but eventually he starts To bond with it and the doll names itself Chucky However at the Dave go by Andy discovered there's something wrong with the doll and Once Chucky watches a horror movie with Andy and friends he starts to get into the killing and side too go on a rampage and everything that Andy Barcley Cares about his mother because in his words they are getting in the way of him and Andy Barclay´s playtime. So it's up to Andy Barcley to take down Chucky and save his mother and that's basically what the story is for this film. Now the storyline in this film It's really interesting because it is accurate to the original film because both movies have Andy having a killer doll but the difference being is that in the original Child's Play film Chucky had a human identity named Charlie Lee Ray and he was a serial killer. But In this film Chucky is an animatronic doll. 

Now the acting in this movie Really interesting because I think the actors do a terrific job as their characters. Also  you can tell That They are all having fun as the characters. Other this movie is probably up there with Joker as One of the best acted films of 2019

Gabriel Bateman plays Andy Barcley in the film. I have to say he still does a marvelous  job as the character. Now the character of Andy Barkley is Very similar to  the original in the broccoli from the original Child's Playing because both of them get killer dolls. They start to like Chucky at first but after a while they figure out that Chucky is evil and they have to do everything in their power to try and stop him. Now the difference between the two Andes in these Child's play movies is that the one in this movie is a teenager who deducted his phone in technology. He doesn't like his mother's boyfriend and he wants him to die. Now in the original Child's Play movie Andy Barclay is just a kid who doesn't know that Chucky is actually a murderer And once he finds out that Chucky is trying to kill him he gets really scared and wants to protect his mother. Probably the best moment with Andy Barkley is where he tells Chucky that he hates his Mother's new boyfriend Shane and just wants him to be out of his life enough call this Chucky to kill him and not only was it Really Disturbing but it makes sense because Shane Trey him like garbage and he does why him to Be gone forever. Is probably the most shocking moment of the entire film. The chemistry between Him and Aubrey Plaza, Brian Tyree Henry,  and Mark Hamill is still perfect. 

Now Aubrey Plaza plays Andy Barclay´s mother Karen Barkley in the film. I have to say she Still does an excellent job as the character. Now Karen Barkley and a character is very different from how she was in the original child's play film in the original Child's Play she was very nurturing and caring towards her son Andy Barkley but in this film she seemed to be a lot more strict and overwhelmed now she's still very much cares for her son but you buy it more in the original than you do in this film. Probably the best moment is when Karen Barkley finds out that Chucky is a serial killer. Not only event reallyCreepy But it makes sense because she thoughtIt was a Normal doll But she didn't know that he was  addicted to kill people and it is really similar In the original film Because the exact same thing happens Karn Barkley find out that Chucky is a serial killer because she demanded him to talk so she checked the battery compartment but she found out that there were no batteries and Chucky starts screaming and swearing and then she starts to freak out and throw him onto the floor. It is probably the darkest moment in both of the films. But the original film did it slightly better but this film Did it relatively great. The chemistry between Her and Gabriel Bateman Is perfect. 

Brian Tyree Henry plays Detective Mike Norris In the film. I have to say he still does a remarkable job as this character. Now the character of Detective Mike Norris Is relatively the same as the one in the original Child's Play film because he wants to help Andy Barclay and his mother find Chucky and kill him before he is killed again. Probably the best moment with Detective Mike Norris Is where She ain't find out that Chucky if the one responsible for the death of his wife and his sons to team up with Andy to kill Chucky once and for all and not only was it really Disturbing but it makes sense because Chucky Wanted to kill everyone now than Andy's way so they can spend more time together. Is probably one of the most  nail biting moments of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Gabriel Bateman is magnificent.

Now let's talk about Chucky Voice by The Joker himself, Mark Hamill. Now Out of all the performances he was really the big standout of the entire film. Now In the original Child's Play Chucky is voiced by Brad Dourif and this is the actor that a lot of people think of when they think of Chucky. Now the character of Chucky is very different from his original part because in the original film Chucky was a guy named Charles Lee Ray who got shot by a bunch of police officers as in order for him to prevent himself from dying he transfers has consciousness into a doll by using Voodoo magic and that is what caused Chucky to become real. Now this film Chucky in this film animatronic doll was made in a factory and I didn't really mind this change because this film had to modernize Chucky and make him different. Now this Chucky you kind of feel bad for it because he really cares about Andy but Andy shot him out and locked him as result and when Andy opened the closet door to talk to him he was actually a little scared because he's been locked in the closet for days. Now in this film Chucky is in control and electronic stuff by eating his fingers because he is an animatronic doll that is technologically advanced and he could do anything. Now Chucky's  motivation in the film is that he wants to kill everyone that Andy knows and cares about  because in his words they are interrupting and distracting him from spending time with Andy and he believes if everyone in his life was dead they'll have the best play time ever. Now in the original film Chucky Is a lot more hilarious because he said a lot of raunchy and dirty things. Now  in this film Chucky does swear a few times. It is played for laughs but he does it in a more sinister way. But in the original film he just said dirty things because he finds it really funny and Brad Dourif hams it up. as the character. Well Mark Hamill takes it slightly more seriously. But he is still very much entertaining as the character.  Probably the best moment with Chucky is where he gives Andy  toilet paper And he says  ¨That's not a book and not only was it really funny but I made Santa because Andy needed Science fuck to go to school but Chucky gave him the wrong thing. It probably was the funniest moments In the entire film. Also the scene where Andy and his friends get Chucky to swear was also Really funny because Chucky didn't know how to fly until Andy and his friends taught him how to do it. It is probably one of the most entertaining moments of the entire film. The Rivalry between him and Andy is actually very much the same as it was in the original because in the original film He and Andy at first had a strong bond but once Andy found out that healed a psychopath they broke up and and Chucky decided to seek Vengeance on Andy and tried to kill everyone he knows and care about. The chemistry between him and Gabriel Bateman is excellent.  Also you can tell that Mark Hamill had a blast voicing Chucky

Now the directing by Lars Klevberg Is really interesting because In the original film Chucky was just a normal doll that enjoy killing people But he decided To make Chucky a animatronic in this film doll and the idea of making Chucky more technologically advanced is actually a Is they interesting idea and I think for the most part it works in the film because again this is a modern take on Chucky at the character and the child's play movies at the hole. Now The relationship between Andy and his mother in this one is good. But a lot of people say that The relationship between him and his mother in the original film was better because she's more caring towards understanding. But think the film did a decent job of developing the relationship between Andy and his mother. I think he did a decent job directing this film because he wanted to do a modern tank on Child's Play and I think for the most part he did a excellent job of  making you sympathize with Chucky because in his eyes he wanted to be Andy's best friend by eliminating all distractions so they could stay together. 

So in conclusion I still really enjoyed this film because of the way It took Chucky and much more darker and sinister direction and give him a really Interesting character Arc because at first he doesn't seem too bad but once he starts watching a horror movie he gets addicted to killing I think that went the strongest part of the movie just watching Chucky going further and further into madness. I think this is definitely in my top 10 favorite movies of 2019. Also  Chucky is probably up there with Mysterio from Spider-Man far from home and one of the best villains of 2019. The scene Chucky gives Andy toilet paper is probably one of the funniest moments of the entire film. I have to say if you enjoyed the original Child's Play from 1988. Then I'm sure you are going to like this one. I give this movie a 8/10. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Top 30 Indie Films

 Top 30 Indie Films 

30.The Rover

29. Honey Boy

28. The Art of Self-Defense

27. Eo

26. Black Bear

25. Nomanland

24. Lamb

23. The Killing Of A Sacred Deer

22. Whiplash

21. The Peanut Butter Falcon

20. The Fundamentals of Caring

19. The Florida Project

18. Room

17. Waves

16. Shot Caller

15. Lean On Pete

14. I Saw The TV Glow

13. A Hidden Life

12. On The Rocks

11. Menari

10. Babyteeth

9. Locke

8. Falling

7. The Farewell

6. Ex Machina

5. First Reformed

4. Palm Springs

3. Three Thousand Years of Longing

2. First Cow

1. Everything Everywhere All At Once

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Here is My Villain Review of Kilgrave


Here is My Villain Review of Kilgrave

Now I am going to discuss the character of Kilgrave who is the main villain in 2015's Netflix's Jessica Jones and explain why he is one of the most Disturbing and one of the vial and one of the most entertaining villains in MCU. 

Origin- Now Kilgrave's origin is actually really disturbing because when Kilgrave was a kid his real name was Zebediah kilgrave His parents Experiment on him by giving him spinal tap surgery and he Didn't like it and he told them to stop and they're listened and then he Figured out that he had the power to control people And as you got older he became obsessed with Jessica Jones and stocked and followed her and then he eventually forced her to sleep with him which means he raped her and had her Undone  his control.  I think the show did a terrific job of giving Kilgrave a really dark and disturbing orange. The story is a little bit different From the one he had in the comics but in terms of his The wakey guys powers was identical from the comics. 

Character- Now kill grave add a character probably the most vinyl and one of them are disgusting villains in the MCU because he enjoyed raping and controlling Jessica Jones tell her What to do he also enjoys killing people or having people to kill each other. He also is obsessed with Jessica Jones to the point that he'll stalk and follow her wherever she goes. I think the show did a tremendous job on making you hate Kilgrave because of what he does to the people and Jessica Jones. 

Motivation- Now  Kilgrave´s motivation is really disturbing but really interesting because his motivation is that he wants to get a lot of people under his control but he really wants he wants have Jessica Jones Be by his side and dealing with every he wants to do because he is obsessed with her and doesn't want her to leave his side. Tell me Auntie does succeed temporarily by having Jessica Jones be his servant and follow his orders until she had enough and killed him by breaking his neck. I think the show did a Glorious Job and  gave Kilgrave a really disturbing but really interesting motivation because he wants to control Jessica Jones for the rest of her life. 

Best Scene- Now Kilgrave had a lot of Memorable and disturbing scenes To the point that you can actually put the entire first season A hole because he is the main villain of season 1 of the show. But if I had to pick my favorite moment with kilgrave it'll be the scene where he says to Jessica Jones “We there a lot more than just touch hands.¨ What part of staying at five star hotels. Eating in the best places.¨ Doing whatever the hell you wanted is rape?¨ That's not what I was trying to¨ and again how am I´m How I´m supposed to know I never know I never know if people are doing what I want when I tell them to.¨ Kilgrave You  have no idea do you I have the panstickly choose every word I say I once told a man to go screw himself can you even imagine.¨I hate that word.¨ do you see do you see What they put me through.¨ Not Was it really disturbing but it makes sense because Kilgrave Is telling Jessica Jones that they had a good time together but she views it as sexual abuse and torture.¨ It is all thanks to David Tenant´s intense and disturbing performance. 

Evil Deeds- Now Kilgrave Had done a lot of awful things in the show like he emotionally and physically abused Jessica by rapping her multiple times he also Mind controlled Luke Cage to get him to kill her. He also told a girl to jump off the roof and kill herself. He also stalked and harassed Jessica Jones. I think the show did a great job of making Kilgrave as cruel and disgusting as possible because in  reality there are guys who sexually abuse women and it's very disgusting and Unforgivable. 

Conclusion- Kilgrave Is a really dark and Incredible villain because it's backstory it's really dark how he was experimented on As a child. His obsession with Jessica Jones is really disturbing and really creepy but it works Because he'd essentially obsessed her to the point that he'll fall and harass her and control her as much as possible because he wants her to be his obedient puppet. His motivation of controlling people works really well and that is accurate to the comics because in the comic books Kilgrave did the same thing  and he does in the show. Also The monologue he given to Jessica Jones is not only really dark and disturbing but makes sense because he views him sexually abusing her as fun and in his words that the way they bond together even though Jessica Jones doesn't like him at all and it's all thanks to David Tennant's haunting and nail biting performance. Also Kilgrave is up there with Cassandra Nova from Deadpool and Wolverine as one of my favorite villains of the MCU. I am going to give Kilgrave a 10/10. 

Here is My Villain Review of Lotso


Here is My Villain Review of Lotso

Now I´m going to discuss the character of Lotso in the main villain in 2010´s Toy Story and explain why he is one of the worst Pixar villains of all time and as well as one of the worst villains in Disney history. 

Origin- Now Lotso´s Origin is pretty bad because he had this kid named Daisy who he really cared about and then one day she accidentally left him at the park because she was asleep and Lotso walks back to his house Only to find out that she got another lot so bear and he gets all mad and he finds this daycare and become the Roar of that place and that's an entire origin but the biggest problem is I didn't really give a fuck about his origin because it's not believable because the film tried really hard to make you feel sympathy toward them and I'm like I don't feel sympathy for this asshole because he is dick and ironically I felt more towards Sympathy towards Dreyfus From Dawn of Plant of the Apes because his backstory is that whole family died due to the virus and he really misses them so you can buy his backstory because he was a family man who lost everything with Lotso´s backstory you just don't. I think the film did a really bad job of making Lotso backstory tragic because you don't really feel bad for him because again he is a selfish asshole. 

Character- Honestly Lotso as  a character it's so awful because at the beginning of the movie he starts off really nice and down to earth to Woody and his friends but in merely he turns evil and his villain turn happens completely out of nowhere with no build up whatsoever because to be honest Tortoise John's villain turn in Rango worked a lot better because they actually built him up as the villain because he starts off really nice and down to earth to Rango but as the film goes on you find out that he is a corrupt mayor with his own sister plans and it worked in that film but in this film it just doesn't work whatsoever. I think the movie did not do a good job of developing Lotso as a villain Because they just rush through his villain turn really quickly so that you don't have enough time to understand where he's coming from. 

Motivation- Now Lotso´s Motivation is so dumb so he wants to kill the other toys in them send them  Incinerator because he would abandon by his own owner which is so stupid and again it's a terrible motivation And to be honest I actually bought Ikaris motivation in eternals because he wanted to kill Tiamut So he can keep the universe imbalance For Arstem  The Judge And I actually enjoyed his motivation because it actually made sense and he believed he is doing the right thing But with lots though again they don't really give him a good movement because he's just a stupid asshole that's his entire character so overall I think the film did a really bad job of giving him a motivation.

Best Scenes- To be honest I can't really think of any good things with Lotso  because he is just so cruel and so unlikable that none of it seems are very memorable Now I will say there is surprise the way one scene I liked is where he gets put on the front of Sid's trash truck and this other toy said s you better keep your mouth shut in dirt fly into Lotso´s mouth so that was funny because it would actually a decent punishment But take the problem with Lotso as the villain is the guy that they cast Now he is voiced by Ned Bailey who in the same actor who voiced Taurus John in Rango but I got to say in this movie he is awful because he takes the role way too seriously and look it works in something like Rango because Taurus John is a corrupt mayor and politician. To be honest I think they should have gone with a better actor like Gary Oldman because I think if Gary Oldman voiced Lotso I think he could have hammed it up. He could have been a really awesome and funny villain. Or if you wanted to make him more tragic I think Ian McKellen would have made a lot more sense because I think if he did the voice of Lotso I think I would have loved him as Lotso a lot more because his backstory would be more believable and I'll actually feel sorry for him because Ian McKellen has played a tragic villain in the past Such as Magneto in the X-Men films and he did a tremendous job as that character. But unfortunately they went with an actor who took the role too seriously so overall I think the film did a really bad job of Giving lot though some memorable scenes. 

Evil Deeds- Now Lotso does a lot of bad things But not in like the sense of Xu Wenwu from Shang where you understood why he did the things that he did but he just doing all this bad stuff because again he's an asshole because he manipulates Buzz Lightyear into being with his team he tries to Kill them with the incinerator.  He doesn't even help them because he's just an asshole because you think Wars are going to press the button but they did like a Nazi salute and just walks away so Even when the film tries to redeem him it failed at that too I will say this the film did a good job of making you hate Lotso but it's not in a sense of The Colonel From war for The Planet Apes where you just outright hate him for a good reason no for some reason this movie makes you hate him for all the wrong reasons because you don't really care about him as the villain.

Conclusion- Lotso It's a terrible villain. I don't really like his backstory Because I didn't feel really bad for him because he is so unlikable and horrible as a character. Also his villain turn is so dumb it doesn't make any sense. It just happens Just because the film wants Lotso to be a Twist villain. Also Lotso of motivation is so awful because he wants to kill Woody and his friends just because he got abandoned by the owner is just so dumb and aside from him getting a decent punishment by getting strapped to a garbage truck it's not enough to save Lotso as a villain it is a funny scene but unfortunately not enough to redeem the character. But the biggest problem is that Ned Bailey's performance is so bad because again he take the role way too seriously he doesn't even ham it up he doesn't even say anything funny. I think they should have gotten somebody else like Gary Oldman who I think would have been a much better choice because Gary Oldman can be both funny and scary in fact if you want to see this character done right then go watch Kung Fu Panda 2 were he is Lord Shen because Lord Shen is funny but there are points in the movie where he comes on very Sinister and scary. To be honest I think the one actor that would have foreign redeem lots though at the villain Ian McKellen because again he can play very tragic villains like Magneto from the X-Men movie that I think if he did the voice of Lotso I think he would have been one of the best villains in a Pixar film and I think his backstory would have been much more believable Because they'll actually feel sympathy toward them but since they didn't cast him as the character. You don't feel sorry for him because again he's just a selfish asshole. I'm going to give Lotso a 0/10. 

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