Saturday, July 27, 2024

Here is my Movie Review of Blade


Here is my Movie Review of Blade

So basically what happens and that you have this guy named Eric Brooks/Blade and he is this vampire hunter who his mother Vanessa Brooks who was bitten by a vampire she gave birth to him and he is a half man half Vampire hybrid who is tasked to take down this guy named Deacon Frost to  Become a vampire in turning all the humans into the vampires like him so he can conquer the human race and it's up to Eric Brooks/Blade to take down Deacon Frost And prevent him from turning everyone into vampires and save the world and that's basically what the story is for this movie Now the storyline in this movie that you're really interested in because Because it told the origin of how Eric/Brooks Became the vampire hunter known as Blade so it mainly tells his origin. 

Now this movie was made way back in 1998 I have to say the performances still hold up even to this day. It is probably up there with the acting from X2 X-Men United as one of the best acted superhero movies of all time.

However the absolute big standout of the entire film is Wesley Snipes at Eric Brooks/Blade Because he gives one of the most powerful and intense performances in a superhero film and you can tell that he had a lot of fun as this character. Now Eric Brooks/Blade as a character is really incredible because You really feel bad for him because his backstory is really tragic because his mother died while giving birth to him and his dad died as well. So Abrahan Whistler Had  mentored and raised Eric Brooks / Blade  like a father-like figure because his real father is dead and he has to do everything his power to prevent Deacon Frost from turning every human into a vampire and killing all humans. Probably the best moment with Eric Brooks/Blade is where he saves Dr Karen Jensen from being killed by the police and not only Is it Suspenseful but it makes sense because she was bitten by When who wanted to turn her into a vampire. It is probably the most suspenseful moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Stephen Dorff, N´Bushe Wright, Kris Kristofferson, Donal Logue Is perfect. Fun fact actors Denzel Washington and Lawrence Fishburne were both considered to play Blade.

Kris Kristofferson plays Eric Brooks /Blade´s mentor Abrahan Whistler  in the film. I have to say he still does a terrific job as this character. Now  Abrahan Whistler as a character is incredible because he Is essentially a mentor and a father figure to Eric Brooks/Blade Because his real father is dead and he wants to help him take down Deacon Frost and Quinn and  prevent them from turning all the humans into vampires and conquer the world.  Probably the best moment with Abraham Whistler Is where he mentions to Dr Karen Jensen  That if it goes to the place it would not help because they are with the vampires. Not only is it really suspenseful. But it makes sense because the cops are on the side of the vampires and she has to stay behind so she won't be killed by them. It is probably the most nail-biting scene of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Westly Snipes is excellent. 

N´Bushe Wright plays Dr Karen Jensen  In the film. I have to say she still does a fantastic job as this character.  Now Dr Karen Jensen as a character is really interesting because she is really confused and doesn't understand what Eric Brooks/Blade is doing but she wants to help him take down Quinn and Deacon Frost and prevent them from turning all the humans into vampires to take over the world. Probably the best moment with Dr Karen Jensen is when she and Eric Brooks/Blade are syping on Deacon Frost to figure out what he is doing and not only is it a really awesome and tense moment but it makes sense because they want to figure out what Deacon Frost is pointed to With the vampire blood. It's probably the most Suspenseful moment of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Westley Snipes is brilliant. 

 Donal Logue Plays Deacon Frost´s right hand man Quinn In the film. I have to say he still does a remarkable job as the character. Now Quinn as a character is really entertaining because he has basically Deacon Forst´s henchmen that will do whatever his boss tells him to do which means he wants him to help him overthrow the humans by turning all of them into vampires and take over the world. Probably the best moment with Quinn is where Tell the Deacon Frost of What Eric Brooks / Boyd did to him because he chopped off his hand and not only was it really dark but you can see how angry Quinn is and he tells Deacon Frost that he wants to kill Eric Brooks/Blade so badly. It is probably the most chilling scene of the entire film. The rivalry between him and Eric Brooks/Blade is remarkable. The chemistry between him and Wesley Snipes is perfect. 

 Stephen Dorff plays Deacon Frost in the film. I have to say out of the performances he is probably my favorite performance in the film. Now Deacon Frost as a character is a really interesting villain because his motivation is that he wants to overthrow the human race and have the vampires be the dominant race and take over the world. I think he is up there with Dominic West as Jigsaw from Punisher War Zone  as one of the best villain performances In a Marvel film. Probably the best moment with Deacon Frost is where he turns into a human vampire hybrid and not only is it really disturbing. But it makes sense because he wants to become a vampire and lead the other vampires so they can take over the world and become the dominant race. It is probably the most disturbing and one of the best Villain transformations in a superhero film. The rivalry between him and Eric Brooks/Blade is magnificent because it shows that Deacon Frost his burning hatred towards him because he has killed so many vampires in his life. The chemistry between him and  Wesley Snipes is outstanding. 

The directing by Stephen Norrington Is tremendous because what I like about directing is that he gets everything about the character of blade from the comics completely right because in the comics his mother gets bit by a vampire she gives birth to him here they have man have vampire hybrid he hunts down and kills vampires. I think it is really remarkable how he did that. I also like the tone he picked for this film being an action horror vampire film because The character of Blade is a very dark and disturbing Marvel superhero because he doesn't crack any jokes he is completely serious at the character. I think it is really terrific of how  he did that as well. 

So in conclusion I still really enjoy the film because of how dark and grim it is and it really reminds me of Temperance Batman Returns if that film was rated R was a lot more disturbing. I think Wesley Snipes as Eric Brooks/Blade is probably up there with Paul Rudd as Ant-Man from the MCU as one of the best superhero casting choices. I other than the blood and gore was utilize it really well and remind me of the blood and violence in the movie Renfield with Nicolas Cage because that film had a lot of blood and gore and really over the top action sequences. I also still think that Deacon Frost is probably up there with Magneto from X-Men as one of the best superhero movie villains. I have to say if you enjoy The Batman with Paul Dano. Then I'm sure you'll like this one. I give this movie a 10/10. 

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