Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Here is My Movie Review of Self/Less


Here is My Movie Review of Self/Less

So basically what happens is that you have this guy named Damian who is super rich and he is approached by this guy named Albright who asks him to sign this contract to have his business over to him So he can own the company and try to fix people who are dying but Damien refuses. Then one day he is at the restaurant. He Passes out. So Dr Francis Jensen decides to put him in an MRI machine and transfer his mind into a man's body. Then he wakes up and his name is Damien Hale and he finds out that he has this wife named Madeline that he never knew he had and he Have a daughter named Anna and he starts to bond with them but then he learns that Albright in his crew are trying to kill them so he has to do everything his power to protect his wife and daughter from being killed by Albright and his crew and it's up to  Damien Hale to protect his family and that is basically what the story is for this movie. 

Now a lot of people say that the acting is Really bad but to be perfectly honest I 100% disagree with that statement. I think the worst acting in 2015 was accidental love because nobody gave any good performances. Well definitely I still think a lot of the actors are doing really Terrific job as  their characters. 

However the absolute big standout of the entire film is Ryan Reynolds as young Damien Hale/Mark Bitwell. What makes young Damian Hale such a terrific character is that he really wants to protect his wife Madeline and  his daughter Anna from Dr Francis Jensen and his crew. Probably the best scene with young Damien Hale/Mark Bitwell Is where he is taking his medication and he is having PTSD and thinking of his deceased wife and daughter and not only is it really intense but it makes sense because he really misses them. It is probably the most disturbing scene in the entire film. The chemistry between him and Natalie Martinez, Matthew Goode, Victor Garber, and Jaynee Lynne- Kitchen Is still remarkable. This is probably Ryan Reynolds’s Must underrated performance he has ever done. 

Natalie Martinez plays Young Damien Hae/Mark Bitwell’s wife Madeline In the film. I have to say she still does a spectacular job as the character. What makes Madeline such an excellent character is that  she wants to help Damien Hale/Mark Bitwell protect her and their daughter Anna from Dr Francis Jensen and his crew. Probably the best moment with Madeline Is where she and Damian Hale are escaping from Albright and his crew and not only is it really suspenseful but it makes it because they are trying to avoid being killed by him and his crew. It is probably the most intense scene of the film. The chemistry between her and Ryan Reynolds is marvelous. 

Now for this being Jaynee Lynne- Kitchen’s very first film she did. I have to say she still does an astonishing job as The character of Anna. What makes Anna such an extraordinary character is that she really cares about her dad Damian Hale/Mark Bitwell really wants  to make him happy. Probably the best moment with Anna is when she and her dad Damien Hale/Mark Bitwell are in the swimming pool  together and not only was it really emotional but it makes sense because they  really care about each other. It is probably the most beautiful scene in the entire film. The chemistry between her and Ryan Reynolds is magnificent. 

Victor Garber plays Martin in the film. I have to say he still does an amazing job as the character. What makes Martin such an Incredible character is that he really wants to help Damien Hale/Mark Bitwell and Madeline and their daughter Anna from Dr Francis Jensen and his crew. Probably the best Moment with Martin is where he tells Damien Hale/Mark Bitwell that he and his family have to leave his property and not only was it really intense but it made sense because he didn't want anyone to find out what happened to his real son because he was made in a lab It is probably the darkest moment in the film. The chemistry between him and Ryan Reynolds is outstanding. 

Matthew Goode plays Dr Francis Jensen in the film. I have to say he still does an astonishing job as the character. What makes Dr Francis Jensen such a incredible villain is that his motivation makes sense he wants to kill Damien Hale/Mark Bitwell So he can regain youth and this is what he has been doing to the people he experiments on he transferred them into young bodies and then killed them and take their blood DNA so he can regain give and stay young forever and slow down his aging process. Not to mention Dr Francis Jensen is a villain that you just love to hate and you really want something bad happen to him and something bad does happen to him Damien Hale/Mark Bitwell Kill him by setting him on fire with a flamethrower. Probably the best moment with Dr Francis Jensen is where he tells Damien Hale/Mark Bitwell Kill That if he He kills him He ends up killing himself because he would relapse because he doesn't have his medication with him and not only was it really intense but it made sense because Damien Hale/Mark Bitwell  needs his medication to stay alive. This is probably up there with Hugh Jackman's performance as Vincent Moore from Chappie and one of the most underrated villain performances. The rivalry between him and Damien Hale/Mark Bitwell  Is tremendous. The chemistry between him and Ryan Reynolds is astounding.

The directing by Tarsem Singh Is really entertaining because while I walk about his directing that he does a really exquisite job of discussing the subject of the future of technology because in real life technology is  Evolving really fast we have self-driving cars, we have Streaming services, and we also have  robots doing stuff in Japan. I still think it is really amazing how he did. 

So in conclusion I don't think this is as bad as the why people say is there are four worst movies then just this one like Suicide Squad from 2016 and Surf's Up 2 wave Mania from 2017 those two films are way more unwatchable than this one. I still think it is one of the most underrated movies of all time. A lot of people seem to either don't talk about it as much or just say it is a bad film. I still think this is the most underrated Ryan Reynolds film. I still think this is up there with Chappie as one of the most underrated films of 2015. I still think more people should give this a watch before calling it one of the worst films of all time or one of the worst films of 2015. Also if you like Ant-Man with Paul Rudd then I'm sure you'll like this one. I give this movie a 10/10. 

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