Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Here is my character Analysis/ Why do I still think The MCU has ruined the Hulk?

 Here is my character Analysis/ Why do I still think The MCU has ruined the Hulk? 

Now the character of Bruce Banner / the Hulk was played by two actors. He was played by Edward Norton in the 2008 movie The Incredible Hulk and he was really great in the film. Now the character of the Hulk Is a really tragic and serious character because he has to try to control his temper so the Hulk doesn't wreak havoc. Now I still think that the film does  a good job of making him a really emotional character and when the Hulk does attack stuff it is very intense and really entertaining especially when he fights the abomination to protect his girlfriend Betty Ross. 

Now Edward Norton was going to come back To play Bruce Banner / the Hulk but unfortunately he was too difficult to work with so they fired him and replaced him with Mark Ruffalo in the 2012 Avengers film. Now Mork Ruffle´s performance  was really interesting and he still does a terrific job as the character. Now in the film Bruce Banner is more calm. They still have those moments where he turns into the Hulk and the film Still does a great job of keeping those moments entertaining but also emotional at the same time because he still wants to control his temper so he doesn't turn into the Hulk and destroy stuff. So overall I still think the 2012 Avengers film handles the character really well. 

Now Bruce Banner/The Hulk´s Next appearance in Avengers Age of Ultron. Now the character of the Hulk was relatively the same he was still tragic and he still wanted to control his temper and in this film he becomes out of control because Wanda Maximoff / the Scarlet Witch puts a spell on him which causes him to destroy half of the city. So by the end of the film after the battle of Sachovia is over he feels bad for what he did so he decides to exile himself to Sakaar. So I think the film still handled the Hulk really well, because he was still tragic and he was still a very powerful and emotional character. 

Now Bruce Banner / the Hulk's next appearance was in Thor Ragnarok. Now in this film Bruce Banner / the Hulk has been  Captured by the grandmaster and is part of the gladiator tournament where warriors have to challenge him in order to leave so then he meets Thor and he tries to reason with him but the Hulk doesn't want to leave so  Thor has to fight him and then They made this character named Valkyrie who told them they have to go back to Asgard to take down how and Bruce Banner / the Hulk decides to go along with them After some arguing and convincing. I think overall the film still does a great job of handling the Hulk even though they did make him a little bit of a joke in this film he was mostly still tragic which I was really happy with. 

Now Buce Banner/The Hulk´s next appearance in the MCU was Avengers Infinity War. Now in this film Bruce Banner only turns into the Hulk In the opening of the film where he is fighting Thanos And at first he was beating him but unfortunately Thanos overpowered him That is why for the rest of the film he refuses to come out because he was so powerful that he was scared to fight him again during the films climax so Bruce Banner had to wear the Hulkbuster armor In order to fight The Black Order. I think overall the film did a decent job of handling the Hulk character But I do what he  had a rematch fight with Thanos.

Now Bruce Banner The Hulk´s Next appearance was in Avengers Endgame. Now this is where I think the character kind of went downhill because in this film the Hulk is now smart. He's down to earth, he can control all his emotions and I think Mark Ruffalo is still great in this movie. But I do really wish that he was back to his old self in terms of being angry and tragic instead of being a jokester so overall I think this movie did an okay job with the Hulk.

Now Bruce/ Banner/The Hulk´s next appearance was in the Disney Plus Marvel show called She Hulk. I have to say this was the nail in the coffin for the Hulk character because in this show they make him way too light-hearted way too family-friendly I understand it's Disney but they don't have to make all the characters family friendly like character like Ant-Man that's okay because he has a comedic character But he can be serious at times. Also apparently Hulk has a son named Skar and that was really dumb and also the Hulk said that he looks like Shrek while they were trying to make him a G rated character. I just miss The times where the Hulk was a serious and tragic and emotional character not this overly goofy and comedic character. Now I don't blame Mark Ruffalo because he is still doing a great job of playing the character and it's not really him. I blame the writers who wrote the character like this. 

So that was my character analysis / why I still think the MCU has ruined the Hulk. This was really fun  discussing Hulk's very first appearance in the MCU from 2008 to 2022. It was a lot of fun judging about how great the character was and how poorly utilized he was going forward. 

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