Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Here is My Movie Review of Whiplash


Here is My Movie Review of Whiplash

So basically what happens if that you have this teenager named Andrew who wants to become a professional And he decides to take a  band class and he meets his teacher  Terrence Fletcher And he thinks he's going to help him become a drummer But in reality he doesn't really care about the students because all he wants is to win the contest and get a trophy and it's up to Andrew to impressed Terrence Fletcher that he is a great drummer and that is basically what the story is for this movie. 

The acting in this movie is great. 

Miles Teller still does a terrific job as the character of Andrew. What makes Andrew such a great character is that all he wants to do is to prove to Terrence Fletcher that he is a great drummer. You also feel really bad for him because he wants to prove to Terrence  Fletcher that he can play music. But he gets so stressed out that he starts to overdo it and as he is playing the drums his hands start to bleed. This is probably the darkest scene in the movie. The chemistry between him and J.K. Simmons is really great. Fun fact actor Miles Teller Is a drummer In real life. 

However the absolute big standout of the entire film is J.K. Simmons as Terrence  Fletcher. What makes Terrence Fletcher such a great villain  Is that  he is a cold-hearted bastard. Who doesn't really care about his students because all he wants to do is to win that contest. I also think he has a really understandable villain motivation because all wants to do is  to make his class perform perfect music. What makes Fletcher so scary is that there  are music teachers in the real world that act just like him. Probably my favorite scene of the movie is the beginning. It's where he wants his class to have a perfect tempo and Andrew keeps throwing them off so he decides to Cousin Mount for a whole 5 minutes and roast him stating that he is a terrible drummer to his face and standing that he'll be he will never be immunization That is pretty accurate to real because there are some music teachers who directly say that to their students. Another thing that he does to Andrew is that he takes his sheet music away to humiliate him on stage in front of a large crowd. My favorite quote from Terrance Fletcher is where he asked Andrew 'were you rushing or were you dragging and implying that  you are going too fast or are you going too slow'' I think this is my favorite role from J.K. Simmons. The chemistry between him and Miles Teller is really remarkable.

The directing by Damien Chazelle.  What I like about his directing is that he does a great job of tackling the subject of being in a music class because in real life some music teachers are so strict that it can cause the student to develop stress and anxiety and sometimes it can scare them so bad that they refuse to become a musician. I think it is really cool how he did that.

So in conclusion I still think this  is my favorite J.K Simmons movie. I think Terrence Fletcher is my favorite J.K. Simmons villain performance. I think this is my favorite indie film. I still think this is probably the darkest JK Simmons movie I have ever seen. I still think more people should watch it especially if you are a fan of really dark villain performances like Idris Elba as Commandant from the Netflix original War drama film Beast of No Nation. I give this movie a 10/10. 


  1. Wow. This movie gave me whiplash I was so blown away by it. Fantastic story and characters. Absolutely riveting from start to finish.
    Excellent review, and congratulations on reaching 500! Looking forward to the next 500 blogs and beyond!

    1. Glad you liked the movie and my review Lou. This is probably J.K. Simmons best performance he had ever done as the character of Terrence Fletcher. I will post a lot more blogs in the future and this year. Would you do a podcast episode of Whiplash It'll be really cool to do that.


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