Saturday, June 25, 2022

Top 25 Marvel's What If Villains

 Top 25  Marvel's What If Villains 

25. Arishem The Judge

24. Nova Prime

23. Odin

22. Melina Vostokova

21. Dreykov

21. The Apex

20. The Hood

19. The Emergence

18. Sunny Burch

17. Mysterio

16. The Grand Master

15. Hela

14. Ego

13. Xu Whenwu

12. Justin Hammer

11. Yon Rugg

10. Killmonger 

9. Loki 

8. Ebony Maw 

7. Red Skull 

6. Arnold Zola 

5. Zombie Wanda 

4. Hank Pym 

3. The Collector 

2. Dr Steven Vincent Strange

1. Infinity Ultron

Top 20 Favorite Marvel´s What If…? Characters

 Top 20 Favorite Marvel´s What If…? Characters 

21. Yon Rugg
20. Nova Prime
19. Arnim Zola
18. Korg
17. Xu Wenwu
16. Killmonger
15. Ego
14. Odin
13. Goliath
12. Nebula
11. Shang Chi

10. Hank Pym

9. The Collector 

8. Klaw 

7. Strange Supreme 

6. Thor 

5. Kurt 

4. Scott Lang 

3. Vision 

2. The Watcher

1. Infinite Ultron 

Top 15 Most Forgettable Marvel Cinematic Universe Villains

 Top 15 Most Forgettable Marvel Cinematic Universe Villains

15. Kurse- Thor the Dark World 

14. Laufey- Thor 

13. The Shocker- Spider-Man Homecoming

12. the Scorpion- Spider-Man Homecoming

11. Brandt and Savin- Iron Man 3 

10. The Prowler- Spider-Man Homecoming

9. Taserface- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 

8. The Chitauri- The Avengers

7. the Deviance- Enternals

6. Harold Meachum- Netflix's iron fist 

5.  Topaz- Thor Ragnarok

4. the Skrulls- Captain Marvel 

3. Sharon Carter- The Falcon and The Winter Soldier 

2. Ronan The Accuser- Captain Marvel 

1. Malekith- Thor the Dark World

Top 20 worst Marvel Cinematic Universe Villains

 Top 20 worst Marvel Cinematic Universe Villains 

20. Talos- Captain Marvel 

19. Intelligancia from She Hulk

18. Topaz from Thor Ragnarok

17. The Flag Smashers from The Falcon and The Winter Soldier

16. Kures from Thor The Dark World

15. The Shockers from Spider-Man Homecoming

14. Surtur -Thor  Ragnarok 

13. The Supreme Intelligence- Captain Marvel 

12. Eleanor Bishop- Hawkeye 

11.  Aldridge Killian- Iron Man 3

10. Hulk King 

9. Gregory Salinger- Netflix´s Jessica Jones

8. Tyler Hayward- WandaVision 

7. The Wrecking Crew- She Hulk

6. Kro- Eternals 

5. Taskmaster- Black Widow 

4. Ultron- Avengers Age of Ultron

3. Karli Morgenthau- The Falcon and the Winter Soldier 

2. Yon Rogg- Captain Marvel 

1. Gravik from Secret Invasion

Top 15 Best Marvel Cinematic Universe Villains.

 Top 15 Best Marvel Cinematic Universe Villains. 

15. The Collector Marvel´s What If..?  

14. Hank Pym- Marvel´s what If…? 

13. Echo- Hawkeye  

12.  Dormammu- Doctor Strange 

11. Whiplash- Iron Man 2 

10. U.S. Agent- The Falcon and The Winter Soldier 

9. Sonny Birch- Ant-Man and the Wasp 

8. Ronan the Accuser- Guardians of the Galaxy

7.  Darren Cross/ Yellow Jacket/M.O.D.O.K- Ant-Man and Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantum Mania

6.  Iron Monger- Iron Man

5. Mysterio- Spider-Man Far from Home

4. Ikaris- Eternals 

3. Infinite Ultron- Marvel's What If…? 

2. Xu- Wenwu- Shang Chi and The Legend of the Ten Rings 

1. Thanos- The Infinity Saga 

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Top 10 Best Book to Film Adaptations

 Top 10 Best Book to Film Adaptations

10. The Disaster Artist 

9. 1922 

8. Gerald's Game 

7. It 2017 

6. Crazy Rich Asians

5. Brain on Fire

4. Wonder

3. The Catcher Was A Spy 

2. The Fundamentals of Caring 

1. Ready Player One 

Top 10 Best Biopic Movies

 Top 10 Best Biopic Movies 

10. I Tonya 

9. The Greatest Showman 

8. Barry 

7.  The Polka King

6. The Two Popes 

5. The King

4. Molly's game

3. The Catcher Was A Spy 

2. Into The Wild 

1. Rush

Here is My Movie Review of Rush


Here is My Movie Review of Rush

So basically what happens is that it takes place in the 1970s and you have these two NASCAR racers one is named James Hunt who wants to become world champion in the formula 1 NASCAR race in Japan. then other NASCAR racers name is Niki Lauda Who wants to proves that he is better than James Hunt and so they start a rivalry to see who can win the world champion NASCAR race in Japan and it also tells the life story of James Hunt and Nikki Lauda That is basically what the story is for this movie. 

The acting in this movie is still great. 

Olivia Wilde as Suzy Miller. I still think she is really smart and really sympathetic Because in the film she is worried that James Hunt is going to hurt himself at the championship race in Japan and you can see why she is worried about him because all she wants is to have him be safe. The chemistry between her and Chris Hemsworth is still great. 

Alexandra Maria Lara as Marlene Lauda. I still think she does a great job as this character. I still think she is really smart and really sympathetic Because in the film she is worried about Nikki Lauda  because there is a scene where He gets into a horrible car accident and fractures his skull and she tells them not to keep going but he really wants to win the championship race. The chemistry between her and Daniel Bruhl is really great. 

 Chris Hemsworth absolutely nailed it as James Hunt Because James Hunt is a character who really wants to win the championship and he would do anything to win to make himself happy. But he gets stressed out and even beats up one of his own helpers because he's been drinking and the race is like stressing him out. He's worried that he's not going to win. It is probably the darkest moment in the film. The chemistry between him and Daniel Bruhl  is still really great. 

However I don't think this movie would have been nearly as awesome and really epic as it is. If it wasn't for the terrific performance from  Daniel Bruhl as the character of Niki Lauda. What makes Niki Lauda such an awesome character is that you understand why he does the things he does. He wants to be better than James Hunt and he'll do anything to win the world championship. My favorite scene in this movie is when he gets into this horrible car accident and he is in the hospital. His head is all bandaged up and despite the fact that he really wants to get back in the race. But his wife  tells him not to because he still needs to heal. but he actually  goes back  to the race with a fractured skull and he gets into his car and starts racing and he tries to be James Hunt. It is probably the best scene in the movie of all time. The chemistry between him and Chris Hemsworth is awesome. Fun fact this is the same actor who will later go on to play the main antagonist in Captain America Civil War The Falcon and the Winter Soldier in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Baron Helmut Zemo. 

The directing by Ron Howard is still great. What I like about his directing is that he does a phenomenal job tackling the subject of NASCAR because in real life NASCAR is pretty dangerous because there are people who almost kill each other and almost get into a car accident. Also sometimes the racers might yell racial words at each other to say who is better So it gets pretty crazy out there in real life during a NASCAR race. I think it is really cool how he did that. I also like how he got the real life prevention relatively accurate because this movie is based off of a true story that really happened. 

So in conclusion I still think this is my favorite biopic movie. I still think this is Daniel Bruhl's second best performance he has ever done. The best performance he ever did was Helmut Zemo in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I still think if you are a fan of the movie The Catcher Was a Spy with Paul Rudd. Or if you're a fan of Molly's game with Idris Elba. I'm sure you will like this one. I give this movie a 10/10. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Top 51 Famous People Who Deserve to Have a Biopic Movie About Them.

 Top 51 Famous People Who Deserve to have a Biopic Movie about Them. 

51. Zack Snyder

50. Sam Raimi

49. Peyton Reed

48. Colin Farrell

47. Ari Aster

46. Kevin Feige

45. Leonardo DiCaprio

44. Stephen King

43. David Tennant

42. Christian Bale

41. Billy Nighy

40. Oscar Isaac

39. Steve Carell

38. Ethan Hawke

37. Awkwafina

36. Gene Hackman

35. Angelina Jolie

34. Christopher Eccleston

33. Vincent D´Onofrio

32. Dustin Hoffman

31.  Nicolas Cage

30. Matt Stone and Trey Parker

29. Brian Cox

28. Liev Schreiber

27. Jude Law

26. Michael Keaton

25. David Bowie

24. Duncan Jones

23. Alec Baldwin 

22. Daniel Katz

21. Ben Mendelsohn

20. Jimmy Fallon

19. Ian McKellen

18. Kevin Bacon 

17. Bryan Cranston 

16. Stan Lee and Jack Kirby

15. Samuel L Jackson

14. Joel Kinnerman

13. Gary Oldman

12. Liam Neeson

11. Seth MacFarlane

10. David Harbor 

9. Ken Watanabe 

8. Chris Evans 

7. Gerard Butler 

6. Jake Gyllenhaal 

5. Patrick Stewart 

4. Eddie Izzard 

3. Paul Rudd 

2. Christopher Walken 

1. Robert Patrick 

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Here is My Tv Show Review of The Shrink Next Door


Here is My Tv Show Review of the Shrink Next Door 

 The show  is based off  of a true story and it tells the story of Morty Who has not having that great of a life he is having relationship problems so he decides one day to visit this therapist named Dr Ike who agrees to make his life a lot better. But then as he and the therapist start to spend time together Dr Ike is rowing his life by throwing parties destroying his  Pink Cedar Three and Marty have enough event of it and decides barn of Dr. Ikes stuff to get revenge on him for really his life.  That is basically what the story is for this show 

The acting in this show Is astonishing. I think everyone does an amazing job playing that characters.  Also I can tell everyone is having fun as that characters.

Kathryn Hahn plays Martin Marty Markowitz's sister Phyllis Shapiro In the show. I have to say she still does a tremendous job as the character. What makes Phyllis Shapiro such an incredible character is that you feel bad for her because her Martin Marty Markowitz brother Is not Doing really well because she's not running his company the way that he is taking horrible advice from Dr Ike Herschkopf and not spending enough time with her. Probably the best moment Phyllis Shapiro is when she calls out Her brother Martin Marty Markowitz for Train her like garbage at his worksite and not only was it really intense but it made sense because she didn't really respect her when they were talking and it's probably the most intense moments of the show. The chemistry between her and Will Ferrell, Paul Rudd, and Cass Wilson is really spectacular.

    Cass Wilson plays Bonnie In the show. I still think she does a terrific job as the character. What makes
Bonnie Search the incredible character that she really cares about her husband Dr Ike Herschkopf to make him happy. Probably the best moment with Bonnie is where she and Dr Ike Herschkopf are reminiscing about have first Bar Mitzah and not only was it really beautiful but it made sense because they really love each other. It is probably the most Wonderful moment of the entire show. That chemistry between her and Paul Rudd is installing.

Will Ferrell plays Martin Marty Markowitz In the show. I have to say he still does a remarkable job as the character. No this is a very different Will Ferrell performance because usually he goes over the top and cracks a lot of jokes but in this show he is more subtle and more serious in the role. What makes Martin Marty Markowitz Such a marvelous character is that you feel bad for him because Dr Ike Herschkopf is ruining his life like having parties in his yard without his permission taking over his company. Probably the best moment with Martin Marty Markowitz Is where he exposes Dr Ike Herschkopf for all the bad things he's been doing to him and not only was it really intense but happened and related to the point that he lost his Therapy license. It is probably the most intense moment of the show. The chemistry between him and Paul Rudd is Is marvelous.

    However the absolute big stand out of the entire show is Paul Rudd as Dr Ike Herschkopf. Now the character of Dr Ike Herschkopf Is really interested because at first you think he is being this very nice therapist who wants to help Martin Marty Markowitz solve all his problems and make his life either but in reality he is pretending to do all that just so he can take over Martin Marty Markowitz. Probably the best moment with Dr Ike Herschkopf Is where he first meets Martin Marty Markowitz And tell them that he can help him with anything not only is it really powerful but it made sense because in real life Dr Ike Herschkopf Pretended to be all nice to him just so he can ruin his life and it is probably the strongest moment of the entire show that chemistry between him and Will Ferrell is spectacular.

    The directing by Michael Showalter and Jesse Peretz Is brilliant because What I like about their directing is that they pretty much got the life of Martin Marty Markowitz really accurate because all of the stuff involving him and Dr Ike Herschkopf really accurate because It really happened to him in real life because Martin Marty Markowitz lost his company and was manipulated by Dr Ike Herschkopf Multiple times throughout his life. Also in Real life Dr Ike Herschkopf Was pretended to be a therapist the whole time just to ruin Martin Marty Markowitz's life and took over his company and eventually he lost his therapy license. I still think it's really astonishing how they did that.

So in conclusion I still really enjoy this show because it does a tremendous job of getting the life of Martin Marty Markowitz completely accurate because everything that happens in the show happened to him in real life. I also like how it discusses the topic of therapy really well and takes it very seriously because therapy lets you mention some sensitive or dark topics best is a good thing to do if you're stressed out. I still think this show is up there with Wanda Vision as one of my favorite TV shows of 2021. I still think Will Ferrell and Paul Rudd play off each other really well. I still think more people should watch this show especially if you like the Apple TV plus show defending Jacob with Chris Evans. I give the show a 10/10.

Here is My Tv Show Review of Marvel's What If…?


Here is My Tv Show Review of Marvel's What If…? 

So basically what happens is That you have the water and he is watching over the multiverse and he tells different stories about ultra realities and he tells Captain Carter to recruit the guardian of the multiverse to take down this really big threat known as infinite Ultron is up to the guardians of the multiverse to take down infinite Ultron and save the multiverse and that's basically what the story is for the show. 

The characters/voice acting Is really interesting because it's actually most of the actors who have played the characters in live-action and even animation form everyone does a stellar job at the character that some of them actually improve their performances from the movies. 

However the absolute big stand out of the entire show is The watcher. No the water is essentially the one that is watching over the multiverse to make sure everything is in balanced and I like how the show build them up really good because the first couple episodes you just hear the voice and then you actually see them appear and it's very interesting how they build them up at the character probably the best scene with the watcher And then the final episode where she finds infant Ultron and not only was it really intense but it makes sense because he didn't want Infinite Ultron to destroy the multiverse But unfortunately he overpowered them and destroyed them and it is probably the most disturbing moment of the entire show.

Dr Steven Strange is still an awesome character. I still think he is really smart and really sympathetic because In the episode What if Doctor Strange Lost his Heart Instead of His Hands basically what happens is that He and his girlfriend Christine are on a date however she dies in a car accident and this devastates him so he decides to go back in time and try to save her the time stone. But then due to him going back in time over and over he creates an evil clone of himself called Dr. Steven Vincent Strange. Probably the best scene with Is where he tells Dr Steven Vincent strange that if you keeps going back in time it would just destroy the timeline and not only was it really intense but it makes sense because he is trying to tell him that it won't not bring back Christine despite him trying multiple times It is probably the darkest moment of the entire show. He is voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch and he does a fantastic job voicing the character. He also does the voice of Dr. Steven Vincent Strange and  he still does a brilliant job voicing that character as well. 

Klaul even though he's not in the show that much He is still basically the same like how he is in the movie he has kill mongers henchmen and I find it funny that even animation qua cannot escape death because Erik Kilmonger just shoots him in the head and he dies he is voice by Andy Sircus and he still does a terrific job as the character.

The Collector is really interesting character because I found him really boring in Guardians of the Galaxy you're just a very branded one-dimensional character but I have to say this show takes the Collector And it makes him a lot more comic book accurate and more threatening. Now The Collector's motivations are like how it is in the comic books he wants to capture every living creature or a human and put it in his collection and probably the best Moment with The Collector is where he is fighting T´Challa/Star-Lord. Not only was it a really Intense moment but it makes sense because he wanted the kill the members of the guardians of the galaxy and it's probably the most powerful moment of the entire show. He is voice by Benicio Del Toro and he actually gave a very solid and intense performance at the character.

Kurt Is introduced in the show. No Kurt as a character is relatively the same of how he was in Ant-Man The Lost He still is a friend of Baba Yaga and it's funny how they brought that moment back in the show and his motivation that he has tasked of helping the remaining Avengers take down all the zombies. Probably the best moment with Kurt is where he mentions Baba Yaga and not only was it really funny but it was a interesting callback in Ant-Man wasp where he was afraid of that spirit and it is probably the funniest moment of the entire show. He is voiced by David Dastmalchian and he still does an incredible job at the character.

Hank Pym in the show has to be one of the second darkest characters in this show because in the episode What if the World Lost its Mightiest Heroes. Hank Pym wears The Yellow Jacket suit and kills all the first Avengers because shield didn't save his daughter Hope and that is why he is getting revenge on shield for his daughter's death. Now this Hank Pym is very different from the Hank Pym found in the Ant-Man movies because that one was more light-hearted and a bit grumpy because he misses his wife. But in this show he is unstable and he is crazy. It has to be one of the darkest What If…? Episodes Probably the best moment with Hank Pym is where he tells Nick Fury that his fault that his daughter died on that mission and not only was it really disturbing but it makes sense because he really loved his daughter hope and he had to lose her and it's probably one of the most shocking moments of the entire show. He is voiced by Michael Douglas and he still does an excellent job of voicing the character. 

Scott Lang Is introduced in the show and he is relatively the same as his live-action counterpart She cracks a lot of jokes to really stress and in the episode what if zombies he has tasked with the rest of the remaining Avengers 2 take down all the zombies. Probably the best moment with Scott Lang is where heSays to the other avengers that Then one end not only was it really funny but it made sense because he thought they won but unfortunately he jinxed it and it's probably one of the funniest moments of the entire series He has voiced by Paul Rudd and even animation he still does a tremendous job as the character.

Ultron in the show is probably the most improved character from the movie because Ultron in the original movie was really disappointing and way too silly to take him seriously as a villain. But that's not the case here because Ultron in this show is downright menacing like how he is supposed to be. I also like how he did´t make any stupid jokes and keeps it  completely straight throughout the series. I also like how he looked way more comic book accurate than how he was in the  movie. The design was rather boring and  not comic book accurate. But in this show he is just like how his design is from the comics and that is really cool. He is voiced by Ross Marquand and he actually does a far better job of voicing The character than James Spader did in the movie. Probably the best moment was Infinity Ultron is where he is fighting the watcher and not only is it really intense but it makes sense because he actually wants to destroy the multiverse and he actually succeeded probably one of the best actions sequences of the entire show. The three part finale to Season 1 Are probably my favorite episodes from season 1. I like how it builds up Ultron. I also like the fight scene between the Watcher and Infinity Ultron because you think the watcher can beat Ultron but he fails because Ultron has all the infinity stones and he becomes infinite Ultron  actually wins because he ends up destroying the entire universe with the infinity stones. Also his motivation is basically the same like it is in the movie where he wants to transfer his mind into Vision's body but in the film his plan failed. But in the show he actually succeeds because he managed to take over Vision's body. I'm going to say that this is Avengers Age of Ultron done right because that film was overly silly. Well these last three episodes of season 1 are actually really dark and chilling. I would love to see infinite Ultron in a live-action Marvel Cinematic Universe movie down the road. I think Infinity Ultron is probably up there with Ikris  as one of my favorite Phase 4 villains of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 

The directing by Bryan Andrews And incredible because why I like about him directing that he does a incredible job of taking some of the weaker MCU characters and villains and improves upon them exponentially and makes them better such as the collector who was really boring in live-action but somehow he made him a lot more entertaining and more engaging at a character in this show I think it did really excellent of how he did that.

So in conclusion this is my favorite Marvel Disney Plus series tell the really interesting storylines that would happen in a different reality with the MCU characters all the like how it took some of the more boring or bland MCU characters and make them a lot better and a lot more entertaining to watch. But the thing I loved the most about this show and how it brought back most of the actors who played the characters in live action and they still all give entertaining performances. Also Infinity Ultron is up there with Ikaris from Eternals as one of the best phase 4 villains. I still think he is also up there with The High Evolutionary from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 as one of the best villains of the 2020s. I still think if you are a fan of Loki with Tom Hiddleston then you'll definitely enjoy the show. I give this show a 10/10.


Here Is My Movie Review Of Beau Is Afraid

  Here Is My Movie Review Of Beau Is Afraid  Now when I saw the trailer for this movie I legitimately thought I was high  because of all the...