Saturday, April 30, 2022

Here is My Movie Review of Polar

Here is My Movie Review of Polar 

So basically what happens is that you have this guy named Duncan Vizla/ The Black Kaiser Who is retired and had 8 million but then he has to come out of retirement to take down this Ruthless gang Led by mister Blut To sell his company and make money and It is up to Duncan Vizla/The Black Kaiser Take down Mr. Blut And get his money back. That is basically what the story is obviously this storyline is awful it's just a rip off to John Wick but the only difference is that that movie had much better storyline because John Wick wide revenge on the gang that killed his dog and stole his car.

    Now the acting Is awful because most of the actor that just really overdoing it or their sleepwalking throughout there performances. This movie is probably up there with Rim of The World as one of the worst acted films of 2019

 However the worst performance In the film I'm sorry to say to Mads Mikkelsen Is awful in this film as Duncan Vizla/The Black Kaiser because it just feels like he has sleepwalking through his performance. What is really disappointing is that Mads Mikkelsen Is a really terrific actor in fact he was really great in Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny from 2023 as Doctor Voller. But in this film again it did doesn't feel like he give the shit he just did this for money. But the character of Duncan Vizla/The Black Kaiser Horrible because all he does is kill people and he tried to be like Keanu Reeves in John Wick but the only difference being that John Wick went through a character arc but with this character he really does not have a character arc at all. The scene where Duncan Vizla/The Black Kaiser Way start having flashbacks of has passed and having PTSD is just a rip-off to Logan/wolverines ptsd from x2 X-Men United because that film did it a lot better because he was experimented on by the weapon X program. But in this film it's just not interesting and just serves to Pat out the runtime. The chemistry between him and Vanessa Hudgens and Matt Lucas Is average.

Vanessa Hudgens plays Camille In the film. I have to say she still does a horrible job as his character. Now Camille as a character is really bad because all she is he had to do throughout the film is just give Duncan Vizla/The Black Kaiser boring expedition And just is his Love Interest throughout the film and that's it that's all her character that gives expedition. the scene where she tells Duncan Vizla/The Black Kaiser that he has to come out of retirement to kill this game that comes off at the very filler heavy and not interesting in the slightest. Although the themes were they are bonding i'm not really interesting because the way they fall in love with each other that comes out really rushed and not interesting at all. The chemistry between her and Mads Mikkelsen is okay.

Matt Lucas gives the second worst performance as Mr. Blut because he is so over the top and cheesy to the point that you can't take him seriously in the film at all. But the character Mr. Blut Is awful because he just is really crazy psycho deaths enjoys killing people he had the weird obsession with fingernails and wants to have 8 million in that is a whole motivation which is just so dumb and uninteresting. the scene where mister Blut explains that assassins retire at the age of 50 so they can keep their money and use it it just comes off as just boring exposition in just one of dumbest scenes of the entire film. he is probably up there with the Supreme intelligence from Captain Marvel and one of the worst villains of 2019. the Rivalry between him and Duncan Vizla/The Black Kaiser it's horrible because they don't have much screen time together so they don't even build up there hatred towards each other really well at all. the chemistry between him and Mads Mikkelsen is okay.

The directing by Jonas Akerlund is really bad because he tried to make this movie like John Wick with all the blood and Gore with a lot of action scenes but the difference being that John Wick yes it was all about the action but also about character development how John Wick grew as a character because he is also a retired assassin who does want to settle down with his dog but as soon as his dog gets killed he's fixed revenge on the gang that responsible for the death of his dog. so John Wick does have a reason to seek vengeance. But Duncan Vizla/The Black Kaiser does not go through a character cat on because all he does is kill throughout this whole film. The overall he did a terrible job directing the film because he also trying to rip off Punisher War Zone with all the blood and violence but again punisher warzone with a lot better written and a lot better because It had way better action sequences.

So in conclusion i still don't like this film because the storyline is that they allow the rip off to John Wick with a character trying to seek Vengeance on a gang that had wronged him but the only difference again that John Wick were the interesting character. But Duncan Vizla/The Black Kaiser doesn't have a Character ark because he just kills people. This is definitely up there with Rim of The World as one of the worst films of 2019. This is also up there with War Machine and one of the worst Netflix original films This is probably in my top five worst films of 2019. This will probably be in my top 30 least favorite film of all time because of how boring and uninteresting this film is. To be honest as much as I didn't like it I would rather re-watch Napoleon with Joaquin Phoenix because as bad of that film was at least it had decent action sequences and it had a good concept but it didn't execute it really well at all. The only thing I liked in this movie was the dog because it was really cute. But overall just skip this film and go on to John Wick with Keanu Reeves because it has way better character and had way better actions and the storyline is actually very interesting. I give this movie a 1/10.


Here is My Movie Review of Moon


Here is My Movie Review of Moon 

So basically what happens is that you have this guy named Sam Bell who has been on the moon for 3 years and he is being looked after by the robot named Gerty And he find that one day that he has been cloned It is up to him to get back to plant earth and that is basically what the story is for this movie. 

Now the acting in this movie is a lot like the acting that I have mentioned in other movies they all have very few actors but yet the performances from the actors are so tremendous.

However the absolute big standout of the entire film is Sam Rockwell as Sam Bell Because he is a sensory playing two characters because he is also playing the younger clone of Sam Bell so he has to play off himself from the majority of the film he does such a tremendous job of doing that Now Sam Bell as the character is really interesting because you really feel bad for him because he really wants to get back to Earth. Probably the best moment with Sam Bell is when he sees the younger clone of him That is also on the moon. Not only was it really Suspenseful but it makes sense because Sam Bell did not know that he was cloned on the moon. It is probably the most shocking moment of the entire film.

The directing by Duncan Jones Is really interesting because for this being Duncan Jones ´ s directing debut. I have to say he still does a brilliant job directing this film because he does it Gloria's job of making the character of Sam Bell really sympathetic and really interested because this is a guy that found the moon for a very long time and he does not want to stay there anymore if you want to go back to Earth And be happy but I also like how he discusses the concept of what if the moon was inhabitable like what if we had to live on the moon if we are nowhere else to go in space awesome concept. I think it is really tremendous how he did that.

So in conclusion i still really enjoy this film because the storyline revolving around Sam now being stuck on the moon is really interesting the film handles that tremendously. Although the bonding that Sam Bell had with Gerty Is the strongest aspect of this entire film. Also this is still my favorite film of 2009. This movie is probably up there with Jarhead with Jake Gyllenhaal as one of the most underrated films of the 2000s. I highly recommend you watch this film especially if you like intense thrillers like Safe House with Denzel Washington. I give this movie a 10/10.


Thursday, April 28, 2022

Here is My Movie Review of X-Men First Class


    Here is My Movie Review of X-Men First Class 

    So basically what happened is that it showed you the origin story of Erik Lyncher and how He started to despise the human race and wanted mutants to be the dominant race And he's basically a Nazi hunter and he wants revenge on this Nazi named Klaus Schmidt later of the Hellfire Club for killing his mother and it also the origin of how Magneto and Charles became friends. and that's basically what the story is for this movie. 

    The acting in this movie is Good. But I think most of the actors really miss cast as these characters. 

    James McAvoy as Charles Xavier / Professor. I still think he does a good job as this character. I still think he is really smart. The chemistry between him and Michael Fassbender is probably the best thing about this movie.  But my problem is I think James McAvoy is too young to play Charles. I still think you need someone like Jude Law who is older to be Charles.  I don't like how in this movie they make Charles funny by making him crack jokes because Charles Is one of those  characters who is very very serious and doesn't crack any funny jokes. I would say the thing I enjoy the most in this movie is the friendship and then eventually rivalry between Charles Xavier and Magneto. 

   However the absolute big standout of the entire film is  Michael Fassbender as Erik Lyncher / Magneto. What makes Erik Lyncher / Magneto such a terrific character that you can understand what he's going through he had to watch his mother die in front of him by the hands of Sebastian Shaw and he believes that mutants should be the dominant race because humans are mistreating them by killing them and discriminating against them. Now is Michael Fassbender as good as Ian McAllen from the original X-Men movies? Well no because Ian McKellen would always be magneto to me. but I did think Michael Fassbender still does a terrific job as the character and you can tell he is having fun in the role.


   January Jones as Emma Frost. I don't think she did a great job as this character. I felt like she did this movie just so her character can look attractive. I just feel like January Jones is just bored in this movie. Emma Frost just feels bored with Sebastian Shaw's plans. 

    Jennifer Lawrence as Raven Dark Heart /Mystique. I still think she does a really bad job as this character. The biggest problem that I have with mystique is that they make her way too nice in the movies and that's not what Mystique is.  Mystique is supposed to be a violent/seductive villain. the original Mystique played by Rebecca Romijn was so much better because she was scary and seductive at the same time. 

    Caleb Landry Jones. Cassidy / Banshee. I still think he tries his best to give a good performance. But I think he was miscast because Banshee is not supposed to be American. He's supposed to be Irish. I think the studio should have cast Colin Farrell as Banshee in this movie because he is Irish in real life and he can use his Irish accent in the film. 

    Kevin Bacon plays Sebastian Shaw In the film. I have to say he did an okay job as the character. But The problem is they get the character of Sebastian Shaw completely wrong because in this film they make him into a Nazi which that did not happen in the original comics he was not German He was actually from Massachusetts. Also for some reason his accent kind of goes back and forth 1 minute he had the German accent and then the next minute he had like a southern accent and I'm here thinking are they trying to cast Billy Bob Thornton as Sebastian Shaw because I feel like that's what they were trying to do while making the film. Now I will say this he is not as bad as Ewan McGregor Black Mask from Birds of prey because at least Kevin Bacon was trying to give a good performance unlike Ewan McGregor who wasn't even trying with his performance. I still think they should have casted Liev Schreiber in the role because I think he looks like Sebastian Shaw in real life He would have fit the character perfectly and he probably would've given a much better performance than Kevin Bacon did in the film. Now I will admit the scene where Sebastian Shaw dies was a really great scene with Magneto sending the coin through Sebastian Shaw's head and Killian in the process that is one of the best X-Men movie villain deaths ever.  Fun fact actors like Bryan Cranston and Colin First were both considered to play Sebastian Shaw.

    The directing by Matthew Vaughn. I do have mixed feelings about his directing I still think He does a great job of expanding Magneto's origin. But I wish that he made Sebastian Shaw more accurate to the comics.  

So in conclusion I do still think this is a very overrated marvel film but at the same time there are some stuff I enjoy about it like the friendship between Charles Xavier and Magneto is the highway of the entire film. I do think the climax of this movie was really fun. But in my opinion I don't think it is as good as the final battle in X-Men or even X2 X-Men United. but again Kevin Bacon as much as he is trying as Sebastian Shaw he is still not the right choice to play him I think that should have some like Brian Cranston or Liev Schreiber. I still think if you enjoy x-Men Days of Future Past you might enjoy this one For me I think this film is decent I give this movie a 7/10.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Top 20 Underrated Sci-FI Films

 Top 20 Underrated Sci-Fi Films 

20. 65

19. The Tomorrow War

18. Morbius

17. Lightyear

16. Gravity

15. Extinction

14. Venom 

13. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 

12. Reminiscence

11. Upgrade

10. Ender's Game

9. Venom Let There Be Carnage 

8. Ant-Man 

7. Ant-Man and the Wasp

6.  Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantum Mania

5. Ready Player One

4. Mute 

3. Chappie 

2. Moon 

1. Self/Less

Here is My Movie Review of Ender's Game

Here is My Movie Review of Ender's Game 

So basically what happened is that you have these aliens called the Formices Who want to take over Earth. Then you have these two people named Hyrum Graff and Maj. Gwen Anderson and they recruit this kid named Ender and they tell him to help them take down the aliens and save the galaxy. That is basically what the story is for this movie. 

Now a lot of people say that the acting in this movie is average but to be honest I still think everyone gives very powerful and entertaining performances. to be honest there are films that have the worst acting such as suicide Squad from 2016 because that film has really bad acting there only two good performances the acting and that movie is way worse than the acting this film.

Asa Butterfield plays Ender Wiggin In the film. I have to say he still does a remarkable job as the character. What makes Ender Wiggin such a tremendous character is that it is desperate to help Colonel Hyrum Graff Take down the aliens known as Formices and save planners from being invaded. Probably the best scene with Ender Wiggin Is when he Explains the way the program works is that they recruit the smartest kids to fight back against the aliens and not only was it really incredible but it made sense because it foreshadowed the events later on and the film that he had the lead his army to take down the aliens it is probably the most important moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Harrison Ford, Viola Davis, Hailee Steinfeld, and Moises Arias is still excellent

Harrison Ford plays Colonel Hyrum Graff. In the film. I have to say he still does a fantastic job as the character. Now the character of Colonel Hyrum Graff Is really strict because he doesn't want anyone to mess up this mission he wants everything to go according to plan and he wants everyone to follow his orders when they're told to do something. Probably the best moment with Colonel Hyrum Graff Is when he recruits endure with him to help him take down the aliens and not only that really powerful but it makes sense because according to him he is the smartest kid on the team. It is probably the strongest moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Asa Butterfield is still terrific.

Hailee Steinfeld plays Petra Arkanian In the film. I have to say she still does a Brilliant job as the character. What makes Petra Arkanian such an incredible character that she wants to help Ender Wiggin To become a Later that can help them take down all the aliens and return home from Earth. Probably the best moment with Petra Arkanian is when she first meets Ender Wiggin. Not only was it really strong and emotional but it means that because she wants to help him become a really awesome leader. It is probably the most powerful moment of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Asa Butterfield is perfect.

Viola Davis plays Maj-Gwen Anderson In the film. I have to say she still does a spectacular job as the character. Now unlike Colonel Hyrum Graff Who is Intense and very strict Maj-Gwen Anderson Is a lot more down to Earth and more calm but still much like him she also wants The mission to be done in stop all the aliens from invading planet Earth. Probably the best moment with Maj-Gwen Anderson Is when she Explains to Colonel Hyrum Graff That in order for Ender Wiggin to become a good leader he has to control his emotion then only was it a very powerful moment but it makes sense because in order to become a leader you have to have all your emotions in check and it is probably the most important moment of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Asa Butterfield is astonishing.

However the absolute big stand out of the entire film is Mouses Arias as Bonzo Madrid. What makes Bonzo Madrid such an interesting villain is that right from the start he doesn't like Ender Wiggin he doesn't believe that he can be a leader. He doesn't want him to ruin the mission he wants everything to go the way he wants it to go. Probably the best moment with Bonzo Madrid Is the way he tells Ender Wiggin to not train with Petra Arkanian Not only was it really dark but it made sense because he wanted him to follow his orders exactly it is probably the most suspenseful scene of the entire film.

The directing by Gavin Hood Is really incredible because what I like about his directing he give Ender Wiggin really powerful and very interesting character arc because at first he doesn't know how to lead an army to fight the aliens but by multiple training and mentorship and advice from has team he eventually learned how to be a fantastic leader I think it is really Incredible of how he did that.

So in conclusion i still think this is a very underrated science fair and film I like the character arc that Ender Wiggin goes through he goes from new student to brilliant leader. i think the film handled that really well. This movie is up there with Ready Player One as One of the most underrated films of the 2010s. Also Asa Butterfield and Harrison Ford playoff each other tremendously they have such interesting and spectacular chemistry. I think more people should watch this film especially if you like the film Chappie with Hugh Jackman. I give this movie a 10/10.


Saturday, April 23, 2022

Top 15 Most Disturbing Movies

 Top 15 Most Disturbing Movies 

15. The Voices 

14. Mute

13. It Chapter 2 

12. It 2017 

11. Misery

10. Don't Breathe 

9. Shutter Island

8. A Clockwork Orange 

7. Hereditary

6. Falling Down 

5. The Shining

4. Doctor Sleep 

3. Watership Down

2.  Buried 

1. ARQ

Here is My Movie Review of Buried


Here is My Movie Review of Buried 

So basically what happens that you have this truck driver named Paul Conroy and he gets kidnapped by these terrorists and he gets stuff in a coffin in the desert and he tries to get out. That is basically what the story is for this movie. 

The acting in this movie is incredible because even though it's just one actor He still gives a really powerful and tremendous performance in the film it's kind of up there with Swiss army man and one of the best acted films of the 2010s.

However the absolute big standout of the entire film is Ryan Reynolds as Paul Conroy. Now the character of Paul Conroy is really interesting because you really feel sorry for him because he really wants to get out this coffin and you can tell he is freaking out he is very claustrophobic and he also provides the line Nail by the and suspenseful scenes. Probably the best moment with Paul Conroy is where he is in the coffin and he is freaking out and he is tapping on the wood trying to break the coffin open and not only that really suspenseful and really disturbing but it makes sense because he is freaking out he doesn't want to be in the coffin anymore and it's probably one of them of creepy moments of the entire film. This is probably Ryan Reynolds darkest performance he had ever done and he does such a tremendous job Conveying really good emotions as the character because if you're a situation like that you have every right to panic because you're worried that you'll never get out of fed tight spot or something that you get stuck in. Fun fact in real life Ryan Reynolds is claustrophobic still when he did this movie he would often get pack attacks of being stuck in the coffin on set and he even sent it an interview I will never want to do this movie again.

The directing by Rodrigo Cort ´ es is really excellent. What I like about his directing is that he takes this simple concept of someone being trapped in a small space and is able to make it work and provide layers to the story and also making the main character Paul Conroy really smart and sympathetic because he just want to get out of the coffin you can see and try desperate things to try to get out such as trying to unscrew the nails trying to call for help and it gets worse he has a lot of anxiety start to have a lot of Panic attacks. I think it is really terrific of how he did that

So in conclusion I still really enjoy this movie. The storyline is really simple. I still think that feels like in A24 film even though it's not but I feel like it is because it has a really simple story. I still think this is the second most disturbing movie ever made. This movie is probably up there with Zodiac as one of my favorite films for a long time. This movie is still in my top 10 best films of 2010. I still think it has one of the most disturbing Ryan Reynolds movies ever made. I highly recommend you watch the film especially if you enjoy claustrophobic films like Phone Booth with Colin Farrell. I give this movie a 10/10.

My Ranking of all 22 Actors that were Considered for the Role of Mumble Ranked from Least Likely to Most Likely to Voice Him

 My Ranking of all 22 Actors that were Considered for the Role of Mumble Ranked from Least Likely to Most Likely to Voice Him 

22. Christian Bale

21. Casey Affleck

20. Jesse Eisenberg

19. Ryan Gosling

18. Charlie Hunnam 

17. Paul Walker

16. Chris Evans

15. Freddy Prinze Jr

14. Justin Timberlake

13. Tom Hardy

12. Tim Roth 

11. Colin Hanks 

10. Jake Gyllenhaal

9. Kenneth Branagh 

8. Chris Pine

7. Ryan Philippe 

6. Joseph Gordon-Levitt

5. Heath Ledger 

4. Joseph Fiennes 

3. Leonardo DiCaprio 

2. Ewan McGregor 

1. Hugh Jackman 

My Ranking of All 6 Actresses That were Considered For the Role of Carmen Ranked from Least Likely to Most Likely to Voice Her

 My Ranking of All 6 Actresses That were Considered For the Role of Carmen Ranked from Least Likely to Most Likely to Voice Her 

6. Anna Kendrick 

5. Bryce Dallas Howard 

4. Emma Stone 

3. Jenny Suite 

2. Karen Gillian

1. Awkwafina 

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Top 10 Comedic Actors

 Top 10 Comedic Actors 

10. Ed Helms 

9. Zach Galifianakis

8. Bradley Cooper 

7. Tom Holland 

6. Mark Wahlberg

5. Mike Myers

4. Steve Carell 

3. Ryan Reynolds

2. Matt Stone and Trey Parker 

1. Paul Rudd 

Here is My Movie Review of Majora's Mask Terrible Faint


Here is My  Movie Review of Majora's Mask Terrible Faint 

So basically what happens to the origin story of how Skull kid got possessed by Majora's Mask and that's basically what the story is for this movie. 

The voice acting in this movie is still great. But I don't have too much to say about it. 

Joe Zieja as Skull Kid. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really cute and really horrifying. My favorite part of the movie is when you think that Skull Kid is going to be all happy. But once he gets possessed by Majora's Mask he goes crazy. 

The animation in this movie is really great. It really feels like  What a real theatrically released Legend of Zelda animated movie would look like. 

The directing by Mike Gtier. I still think he does a great job directing this movie. What I like about his directing is that he makes you think that it's in the light-hearted movie but then later on becomes the super supernatural horror movie. 

So in conclusion if you like fan films. Then I think you'll like this one. I give this movie a 10/10.   



Here Is My Movie Review Of Beau Is Afraid

  Here Is My Movie Review Of Beau Is Afraid  Now when I saw the trailer for this movie I legitimately thought I was high  because of all the...