Thursday, May 30, 2024

Top 22 Film Commentary Tracks That Would I Would Like to Listen to

 Top 22 Film Commentary Tracks That Would I Would Like to Listen to

22. Shazam Fury of The Gods

21. Shazam

20. Inception

19. Shutter Island

18. Guardians of The Galaxy Vol 3

17. Doctor Strange in The Multiverse of Madness

16. Parasite

15. Swiss Army Man

14. The Planet of The Apes Trilogy

13. The Goonies

12. Goodfellas

11. Moonlight

10. Zodiac

9. Ex Machina

8. Oppenheimer

7. Donnie Darko

6. Bubble Boy

5. Knives Out

4. The Lion King 2019

3. Iron Man 3

2. Uncharted 

1. The Lighthouse

Top 20 Best Villains of The 2000s

 Top 20 Best Villains of The 2000s

20. A.U.T.O from WALL-E 

19. V.I.K.I from I,Robot

18. Kazar from The Wild

17. Mr Chairman from Looney Tunes Back In Action

16. Jackson Rippner from Red Eye

15. Shaw from Open Season

14. Chef Skinner from Ratatouille

13. Tank Evans from Surf's Up

12. Whitey and Spike from Flushed Away

11. The Toad from Flushed Away

10. Ta Lung from Kung Fu Panda

9. Sir Trenton From Racing Stripes

8. The Caller from Phone Booth

7. Randall Boggs from Monsters Incorporated

6. General Thade from Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes

5. Iron Monger from Iron- Man 

4. The Fairy Godmother from Shrek 2

3. Captain Barbosa from Pirates of the Caribbean The Curse of the Black Pearl

2. Green Goblin from Spider-Man

1. Magneto from X-Men 

Here is My Villain Review of General Thade


Here is My Villain Review of General Thade

Now I'm going to discuss the character of General Thade who is the main villain in 2001's Tim Burton's Planet of The Apes and explain why he is the best part of the film and as well as one of the most entertaining villains of the 2000s. 

Character- Now the character of General Thade is very interesting because right from the start General Thade Is showed to be very scary and intimidating because To the point that he really kills two of his henchmen in the woods with their own weapons. He is also shown to betray his own kind by torturing Ari Because she turned against him and allied herself with the humans. I think the film does a fantastic job of showing off how threatening and intimidating General Thade Is as a villain. 

Motivation- Now General Thade´s Motivation is that he wants to destroy all humans and steal their technology so he can make the apes more  intelligent than the humans. I think the film does a terrific job of giving general Thade a very powerful and incredible motivation because he wants to make his kind that being the apes more intelligent than the humans that they can overthrow the humans and rule the world. 

Best Scenes- Now General Thade has a lot of powerful and entertaining moments in the film. But if I had to pack my favorite moment in the film. It would be the scene where General Thade threatens  to arrest Ari for not obeying his orders and not only was it  really suspenseful but made sense because Ari Was trying to turn against him and ally herself with the humans. It is probably the most disturbing moment in the film and it is all thanks to Tim Roth´s chilling and nail biting performance. 

Evil Deeds- Now General Thade has done a lot of evil things in the film. Like he branded Ari as a punishment for disobeying his ordered interning against him an outline with the humans instead of the apes. He tried to exterminate all humans on earth and steal their technology to make the apes more intelligent. He also kidnapped a lot of humans and put them in cages and enslaved them to do what he wanted.  I think the Film does a remarkable job of making General Thade really scary and really intelligent at the same time. 

Conclusion- General Thade Is a very interesting villain because he wants to kill all the humans and steal their technology to make the apes more intelligent. I also like how he doesn't crack jokes and keeps him really serious throughout the whole film. His motivation is really interesting because you want to advance the apes  and make them more intelligent by stealing all the human technology to achieve that mission. The scene where General Thade threatens to arrest Ari for not obeying his order and turning against him and siding with the human is a  very dark and scary but very entertaining  it all thanks to Tim Roth´s chilling and nail biting performance. I'm going to give General Thade a 10/10. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Why Do I Think The MCU Ruined The Abomination


Why Do I Think The MCU Ruined The Abomination

Now I'm going to explain how the abomination went from awesome and threatening villain to just a watered down family friendly character. 

Now The Abomination made his first MCU debut in 2008´s The Incredible Hulk. Now in The film The Abomination is introduced as the soldier named Email Blonsky who is tasked By General Ross to find and capture the Hulk. Then he gets Experimented on by Dr Samuel Stearns who tells him not to inject himself with too much gamma ray or else it will transform him so Email Blonsky does and then he turned into The Abomination and tried to kill the Hulk. I still think that the film did a fantastic job showing how intimidating and dark the abomination was and the character like he'll stop at nothing to kill the Hulk and he is played by Tim Roth who gave a tremendous performance. He was scary and he was very entertaining. 

Now I wish The Abomination could stay that way forever but unfortunately we there's She-Hulk and this was the nail in the coffin for this character because in the show The Abomination AKA email Blonsky is shown to be  cracking jokes and that's not how The Abomination should act The Abomination should still be vicious and scary and he's barely in the show and apparently according to Email Blocky he can control his powers which is just really stupid I wish he was more scary like how he was in that 2008 film. Not dimension he's barely in the show he don't even feel episode and then he doesn't really do it in the final episode and also the design of the abomination is really weird they give him the ears and I understand  He's supposed to look more comic book accurate but to be honest it looks really dumb and really weird. I  much preferred the movie design better because that one looked a lot scary without the ears. But the worst part about the abomination I'm sorry to say Tim Roth performance in the show is kind of bad because he is way too lay back in the sense he's supposed to be more intense when he's playing the character He is trying with the material he is given but it's just not enough to fix this blindness of this family friendly and watered down villain and he felt more like a hero than a villain and that's not how the abomination should be The Abomination need to be full on villain He's about to be scary and intimidating and very violent and  I'm going to say this as much as I don't Like Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes I'm going to say that Tim Ross give a better performance as General Thade. Also this is going to be a hot take. But I think General Thade was a better Abomination than the Abomination in the MCU because with that character he was threatening he was scary and that's what I  whatied the MCU to continue with The Abomination. But unfortunately they just made him into another Disney fined Marvel character who is just way too family-friendly. 

    So in conclusion this was a lot of fun to do. It was really fun to Discuss the rise and fall of The Abomination. How he went from a very intense and scary villain in the MCU to this down to earth family friendly joke of a character because unlike Ant-Man who can be family-friendly and it works because Ant-Man is really funny and it works perfectly. But with The Abomination it doesn't work because they just made him just water down and way too down to earth. He is supposed to be like Gore The God Butcher in terms of being scary Not like the wrecking crew and through the being too silly


Monday, May 27, 2024

Here is My Movie Review of Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes


Here is My Movie Review of Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes

So basically what happens is that you have this guy named Captain Leo Davidson who is this astronaut lived in our space and then he goes until a space pod but unfortunately he crashes onto this mysterious planet which is home to a bunch of apes and he is Kidnapped by them and before to be taken to the leader of the Apes known as General Thade who tell him that he invaded their territory and tell them to leave and they he needs the rest of the people who have been kidnapped by them and and up to  Captain Leo Davidson take down General Thade And got back to earth and that's basically what the story is for this movie. To be honest the storyline of this movie has to be the dumbest storyline out of all of  Planet of the Apes films because it doesn't make any sense. They do a lot of weird stuff that's not really interesting. 

Now the acting in this movie is so inconsistent because some of the performances are actually really awesome but particularly with the actors voicing the apes The actors do a tremendous job as characters. But the actors playing the humans it just feels like they're just sleepwalking throughout their performances. 

Now  Mark Wahlberg in the film plays  Captain Leo Davidson In the film. I have to say he was really bad as this character just feels he was sleep walking throughout his performance and to be honest him playing Captain Leo Davidson  is not really a performance because I don't really see the character I just see Mark Wahlberg as himself throughout this film. Now the character of Captain Leo Davidson is really boring to be like he is probably the worst main human character out of all the Planet of The Apes Films because he doesn't really develop much as character he's just to give exposition and that's all his character does. He does get slightly more interesting by the third act but even than he's just a really bland character. Fun fact actors like Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio, Harrison Ford, Patrick Swayze, and Kevin Costner were all considered to play Captain Leo Davidson. The chemistry between him and Tim Roth, Michael Clark Duncan, Paul Giamatti, Helen Bonham Carter, and Estella Warren Is decent. 

Estella Warren  plays Daena In the film. I have to say well her performance isn't as bad as Mark Wahlberg In the film. She is really flat as this character because it just feels like she's just going through the motions. It doesn't feel like she's actually giving  a performance. It feels like she just did this for a paycheck. Now the character Daena  Is so flat and unnameable she's just here to Captain Leo Davidson's love interest throughout the film That's it That's all she is just there to be she is there for them to Fall in love with each other. She does get a little bit better in the third act but again  she is just completely flat and unmemorable. The chemistry between her and Mark Wahlberg is okay. 

Helen Bonham Carter voices Ari In the film. I have to say she does a fantastic job as this character. Now the character of Ari is really interesting because at first she wants to follow General Thade´s orders but add the film goes on if you start to see how evil and cold hearted he is  she decides to ally herself with the humans and now the very entertaining character for her. Probably the best moment with Ari is when she asked General Thade To forgive her but when doing he brings her with the mark of the apes and not only was it really dark and disturbing but it makes sense because he punished her for disobeying his orders it Is probably most entertaining moment of the entire film. Fun fact actresses like Rachel McAdams, Naomi Watts, Rachel Weisz, Renee Zellweger, Cate Blanchett, Lucy Punch, Joanna Lumley, Maya Harrison were all considered to voice Ari. The chemistry between him and Mark Wahlberg is decent. 

Paul Giamatti voices Limbo in the film. I have to say he does a remarkable job as the character. What makes limbs such an interesting villain is that he wants to do everything in power to impress his boss General Thade by ensuing all the humans. Probably the best moment with Limbo is where he mentioned that he wants to buy one of the humans and not only was it really really shocking but it made sense because the apes want to enslave the humans. It is probably the most entertaining moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Mark Wahlberg is fine. 

Michael Clarke Duncan voices Attar In the film. I have to say he does a terrific job as the character. What makes Attar a remarkable villain is that she would do anything in his power to help his leader General Thade Kill the humans and steal all their technology so he can make The Apes more intelligent. Probably the best moment with Attar Is where He and General Thade are about to ambush the humans and not only was it really shocking but it makes sense to get the apes to wage war on the humans. It is probably the most intense moment of the entire film. Fun fact actors Djimon Hounsou and Ron Perlman were both considered to voice Attar The chemistry between him and Mark Wahlberg is decent. 

However the absolutely big standout of the entire film is Tim Roth as General Thade. Now even know a lot of people who don't like this film still praise Tim Roth´s performance because he is very entertaining as the character. What makes General Thade such a tremendous villain is that he wants to kill all the humans and steal their technology to make him and the other apes more intelligent. Also General Thade is so terrifying  That he will go as far as to kill his hatch men to get what he wants. Probably the best moment with General Thade is when he threatens to arrest Ari for interacting with the humans and not only is it really dark but it makes sense because General Thade despises  humans. It is probably the most disturbing scene of the entire film. The rivalry between him and Captain Leo Davidson is fine. Fun fact actors Gary Oldman, Johnny Depp and Daniel Day-Lewis were all considered to voice General Thade. The chemistry between him and Mark Wahlberg is average. 

But  the worst thing about the film is the directing by Tim Burton because I don´t know what he wants this film to be did he wants this to be on sci-fi action film or do you want it to be a romantic drama film though I will give him credit for one thing the cinema photography that he is in the film is amazing all the sets and locations look really beautiful and looks like something of Batman 89. But he doesn't develop the characters really well except for the apes though they are the only characters that he puts any effort in developing. I feel like James Cameron would have done a much better job directing this film. So overall I think he did a sub-par job directing this film. 

So In conclusion, I don't think this film is  awful. It's still not a good film. But that being said it is a million times better than Madam Webb because that film is more unwatchable than this one. But the storyline is really dumb the human characters are boring. Now there are things that I like about this movie: the cinematography and The Ape characters and they  are the best characters in the film. Tim Roth as General Thade is one of the best villains of the 2000s. Also Michael  Clarke Duncan makes a really great secondary villain. To be honest the movie is bad but it is really entertaining to watch. But it is Weakest in the Planet of The Apes franchise. I say watch it if you like Tim Roth as an actor. But otherwise I say skip this film  If you don't like the storyline and the human characters go watch War For The Planet of The Apes with Woody Harrelson because  that one has way better human characters and a way better storyline Then this one. I give this movie a 5/10. 

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Here Is Part 3 of My 2000s Avengers Trilogy Called Avengers Doomageddon


Here If part 3 of My 2000s Avengers Trilogy Called Avengers Doomageddon 

So basically what happened is that it takes place after the Second film left off and you Iron Man and  he is having this weird vision of this mysterious villain who called himself Victor Von Doom attacking Avengers Tower and wants to harness the power of the  Celestials in order to Kill the Avengers and become  a god so he decides to recruit Ultron and make him his servant and mutate Klaw into being his second and command So he can tear the Avengers apart physically and emotionally so he can become Emperor of the Universe and Take  over the multiverse. so the Avengers have to Ally themselves with some of their greatest villains to take down victim klaw and Ultron and talk to the Avengers and the villains to all team up to take down Victor Von Doom, Klaw, Ultron and save the universe once and for all Now I like the last two films that have really Big stories this one had the biggest story in the Whole trilogy because it basically Avengers Endgame. But if Avengers Endgame had a Much more powerful and dangerous villain than Thanos. 

Now out of all the three movies this will have the biggest cast out of all of these films. Everyone's coming back along with a lot of new characters and Some of the villains from the first two films. 

Tom Cruise will come back as Ironman in this film and this will probably be his best appearance in the trilogy because Iron Man the character has been developed of the previous films that first he didn't want to be part of team but he became a leader of the Avenger then the second film he had to face his demons he  had to learn to be more of a team leader and in this film it's no different this one he has put to the ultimate test of proving that here they tremendous leader and Has to take down Victor Von Doom Klaw and Ultron with the help of the Avengers. There could be a very dark scene where Victor Von Doom kills Moon Knight and Iron Man screams no and tries to blast  Dr Doom. but Doctor Doom overpowers him and destroys his suit. Not only will it be very dark and shocking, they'll prove how much of a big threat Dr Doom is as the villain. It can be one of the most shocking moments in the entire film. 

Sebastian Stan will also come back as Captain America In the film. Now come to America and the character has really developed In the first two films in the first film he had to learn to become a member of a team in the second film he has to help the Avengers take down nightmare and in this film it's no different he has to do everything is power to take down Victor Von Doom and save the entire universe There could be a really awesome scene where Dr Doom comes through the portal with an army of alternate universe variance of the villains that he has found throughout the multiverse and Captain America says Avengers Assemble and not only Would be a very powerful thing to be a great way to start off the big final climate battle in the film and there'll be probably one of the most powerful and one of the strongest moments in the entire film. 

Live Schreiber well come back as the Hulk in the film. Now the Hulk as a character has developed a lot in the past to films He has learned to control the motions known to when or not to let the Hulk out and in this one he is Put to the test to control an emotions and only use the Hulk's powers when needed And help the rest of the Avengers take down Dr. Doom. There could be a really powerful scene where Dr Doom puts the Hulk under his control and he says ¨Find the rest of the Avengers Kill them and it can lead to a really Intense fight between him and Captain America it could be one of the best Action sequences in the entire film. 

Alexander Skarsgard will come back as Thor In this film. Now Thor in the film It's going to be just like how he was in the previous film The only a lot more serious He's not going to crack on a ton of jokes there will be moments with cracks a few jokes but mostly he could be very serious and wants to do everything his power to protect as guard and the rest of the universe from Dr Doom. There could be a really dark and disturbing scene where Dr Doom kills Odin by  having asgard´s castle collapse and crushes Odin in the process which kill them and Thor in a fit of rage tries to kill Dr Doom with his hammer but talk to him overpower them and takes his power the way and breaks his hammer. Not only would it be really morbid and disturbing but it'll show how dangerous and how powerful Dr Doom is  as a villain. 

Dylan O'Brien will come back as Ant-Man in the film now unlike the first two movies where Ant-Man was really funny this one he could be a lot more serious but he'll have a few funny moments because Because he and the Avengers are going up against a really big threat Against Dr Doom and Ant-Man has to be really serious. There can be a really dark end messed up scene where Ant-Man has a confrontation with Dr Doom and Dr Doom says to Ant-Man ¨ Here is my little secret I killed Moon Knight¨ Then Ant-Man says Says why did you kill him then Dr Doom left and says do you really think that MoonKnight was not powerful enough to defeat me no  because I am more powerful more advanced and he has the technology in the advances to travel through the Multiverse and with all of that I can travel through time and kill everyone that you know and care about.¨ Not only would it be really dark and disturbing but it'll show how far Dr Doom will go to get his goals.¨ 

Johnny Depp will come back as Doctor Strange in the film. And in this film Dr Strange is relatively the same as he was in the first two but in only the first two movies where he did crack a few drugs This one he won't crack a lot of jokes mostly be serious There could be a really dark scene where Doctor Strange tells the Avengers ¨I saw something Something I was afraid that we'll destroy the universe and not only would be very disturbing but it'll foreshadow the arrival of Dr Doom and it's going to be one of the most important moments of the entire film.

Ke Huy Quan will Come back as Shang Chi In the film now in the first two movies Shang Chi had  some funny jokes. But in this film he's going to be mostly serious because he is determined to take down Dr Doom and save not just his home world of Ta La but the entire universe. There can be a really powerful and emotional moment during the final battle of the film where Shang Chi gets biting up by Dr Doom and Shang Chi almost gets kills by Dr Doom until His dad The Mandarin says ¨No one is allowed to kill my son except for me and not only would be very powerful and really dark but it'll make sense because as much as Xu Wenwu doesn't like his son He is willing to put his differences aside when the world is in danger. It could be one of the most beautiful and emotional scenes of the entire film. 

Anne Hathaway will come back as The Scarlet witch In the film. Now the character The Scarlet Witch in the first two films was really serious and here is no difference. She has to do everything in our power to help the Avengers take down Dr Doom and save the entire universe. There can be a really dark and powerful moment where the Scarlet Witch confronts Ultron and And he says to her your team is losing Now I just want you to watch them fall apart and then The Scarlet Witch slams Ultron into the wall and says ¨No but you'll have and then Ultron says what¨ The Scarlet Witch obliterates him. But unfortunately It only killed them temporarily because the doctor didn't either the timestone to reverse time to bring Ultron back to life and not only would be very dark and very shocking but it will show how powerful and intelligent Dr Doom is as a villain. 

Keanu Reeves will come back as Ghost Rider In this film. Now the character of Ghost Rider in the first two films was very serious and very tragic and in this movie He's virtually the same. He is trying to move past his father's death and he has to help the Avengers take down Dr Doom and save the entire universe. There can be a really dark scene where Dr Doom says to Ghost Rider Turn the final battle On the film He says Do you know how many multiverse is I have Conquered.¨ How many wars I have fought and won How many Avengers variants I have killed and you think all of you can defeat me ¨I am Dr Doom. Not only Would be very shocking and surprising but it'll make sense because it'll show how intelligent and scary Dr Doom is. 

Anthony Mackie will come back as Black Panther in the film and much like the last two films of Black Panther and the character was really serious and this film is no different. He wants to help the Avengers take down Dr Doom save every inch of the universe. There could be a really dark moment where Black Panther encounters Klaw and Klaw says to him ¨ Can the black panther come out the play and call blast him and says Maybe if you were tough enough Maybe your father was still with you.¨ Then Black Panther in a fit of rang tries to kill him but Klaw launches  a sound wave which causes Black Panther to To fly back in become unconscious as a result and not only would be a very cool though and confrontation but it'll make sense because Klaw has very powerful sound wave that can Take out his opponents whoever he has the chance and that could be a really awesome Action sequence  in the film. 

Anya Taylor-Joy will come back as The Wasp in the film. Now in the first two films Show the very Serious but very Powerful but caring character and in this movie it's no different. She still shows compassion towards her teammates and wants to do everything in her power to take down Dr. Doom and save The entire universe. There can be a really Dark scene where Ultron says to The wasp you may not remember but your father Hank Pym made me To protect humanity. But I didn't want to do that.¨ So without warning I slaughtered your father and killed him.¨ Then The Wasp says you're lying.¨  Then Ultron smiles demonically saying ¨You humans are so  Inferior to machines onice  Dr Doom is done destroying the multiverse I will rebuild it That Machines Enslaving the humans.¨ Not only would it be really dark but it makes sense because of how sidestick and scary Ultron is as character it could be one of the most terrifying moments in the entire film. 

Jake Gyllenhaal will come back as Spider-Man In the film. Now unlike the first two films where he cracks a few jokes In this film he's going to be mostly serious because he and the rest of the Avengers are facing  a very big threat that is Dr Doom. There could be a really Suspenseful moment where Dr Doom says to Spider-Man I can get you to a universal way you can be with your Uncle Ben and your whole family if you help me.¨ So what's it going to be Spider-Man.¨Not only will it be a very suspenseful moment because Dr. Doom is manipulating Spider-Man into helping him destroy the rest of the Avengers and it could be one of the darkest moments of the entire film because it'll show how dark and intelligent Dr Doom is and the villain. 

Michael Fassbender will come back as MoonKnight in this film. Now much like the second film he will be really serious he will want to try to help the Avengers take down Dr Doom and save the entire universe. There could be a very dark and disturbing moment where Dr Doom says to moon night Maybe if you didn't kill you little brother maybe your mother will still love you.¨Now this Causes is Moon Knight to snap and try and kill Dr Doom but Dr Doom overpowered him by grabbing of his hands and breaking both of his arms and ripping his head off which kills him and not only would be very disturbing but it'll show how violent and disturbing and how far Dr Doom will go to complete his mission. It'll probably be one of the most shocking deaths in the entire film. 

Now let's talk about the newer characters: The newer members of the Avengers and some of the villains that the Avengers will be in this film. 

First up is Adam Warlock and I'm going to pick Jude Law Because he is shown to be very intelligent and emotional in movies like The Nest and A.L. Advance Artificial intelligence. Now the character Of Adam warlock will show the beginning noble and very heroic and kill what to help the Avengers take down Dr Doom and save the entire universe. 

Red Guardian will be coming back in the film and David Harbor will come back as the character now in the second movie Red guardian dead crack a few jokes Well being serious and in this film you're going to be mentally serious because he and all the other Avengers are going up Against a really big threat not being Dr Doom. There could be a really powerful scene where red guardian says the Captain America that together we can take down Dr Doom and save every variant Of the Avengers and not only would be a very powerful speech but it makes sense because red Guardian wants to Help Captain America and the rest of the Avengers save the entire universe from Dr Doom. 

Nicolas Cage will come back as M.O.D.O.K In the film. Now in the first film M.O.D.O.K was really funny and very entertaining and here there is no difference He is still going to be very entertaining and there could be a very powerful but funny moment where M.O.D.O.K sacrifices himself to save Iron Man from Dr Doom and Dr Doom gets knocked out temporarily in M.O.D.O.K is just laying there dying and he says ¨Well at least I died as an the Avenger then Iron-Man says yeah sure and not only would be really funny but it'll make sense because Iron Man doesn't fully believe that M.O.D.O.K has truly changed as a character and it could be one of the funniest moments of the entire film. 

Chaw-Yun-Fat will come back as The Mandarin. Now much like in the first film The Mandarin AKA Xu Wenwu With known to be a very fierce and powerful warrior and very serious and here's no different because at first he refuses to help the Avengers but after finding out that Dr Doom is going to evade Ta la he decided to team up with them anyway not because he wants to but he wants to just because he wants to save and his son´s home for from Being destroyed. There can be a very powerful moment where The Mandarin says to Iron Man I refuse to join you after almost witnessing the death of my mother in the hands of Galactus and not only would be a very powerful callback to the first film but it'll be very emotional because he blames himself for the death of his wife who is also Shang Chi´s mother. It could be a very powerful and tragic moment between The characters. 

Gary Oldman will come back as Gorr The God Butcher. Now much like in the first film Gore the God Butcher was shown to be very tragic but yet very intimidating and very brave as a warrior and this film it's no different he doesn't like Thor but they had to put their differences aside In order to Take down Dr Doom with the help with the rest of the Avengers. There could be a very powerful scene where Gore the God Butcher says to Thor ¨ I won't I almost destroy half of New York I would hate to cause the death of people throughout the multiverse. Not only would it be really sad but it'll make sense because Gore the God Butcher is having PTSD from Galactus destroying his home. It'll probably be in the most heartbreaking scene of the entire film. 

Tony Leung will come back as Attuma In the film. Now much like the first film Attuma It sounded to be a very fierce and powerful warrior. Now in this film Attuma Much like the rest of the villains have to team up with the Avengers to take down Dr Doom and save the entire multiverse. There can be a very awesome and powerful scene were Attuma Meets Black Panther and says to him ¨I know The Atlanteans and the Wakandans don't really get along but maybe we should put our differences aside and save the universe together and not only would be a very powerful moment but it'll show that Someone as evil as Attuma really showed that he deeply cares about the universe and doesn't want to be destroyed.¨ It'll probably be one of the best hero villain confrontations in the entire film. 

Now let's talk about the villains in the film. 

Now Ultron as of the character in MCU was really bad he cracked a lot of jokes but luckily in this movie he going to be downright terrifying and I'm not even going to cast an actor I'm going to just use a artificial intelligence to do the voice because that will make him a lot more scary Now Ultron in this film is essentially Dr. Doom's henchmen and bodyguard that he sends after the Avengers to kill them and there could be a very powerful scene where  Ultron Invades Avengers Tower and grabs Spider-Man by the neck and almost chokes him to death and Spider-Man told the rest of the Avengers to run But Iron Man flies and saves Spider-Man and black Ultron out of the window and not only would be really dark though show how dark and scary Ultron is as a villain. It'll be probably the darkest accent sequence in the entire film. 

Next is Klaw Now  MCU was fun to watch but he wasn't fully utilized because they killed him off in Black Panther. But luckily in this film he is going to be just like his comic book counterpart he'll be the one that's responsible For the death of Black Panther's dad he'll be muted by Dr Doom Into solidified sound. There can be a really dark theme where claw invades Wakanda and kills half of the continents by using some of Dr Doom's technology and not only would be really intense and very disturbing but it will show how desperate Klaw is to please his master Dr Doom. It'll probably be one of the most nail-biting scenes of the entire film. 

Now let's talk about the big villain in this film now in the first film is Galactus. The second film had  Nightmare as the big villain. That's one it is the most dangerous and one of the most powerful Marvel villains in the world and that is Dr Doom. As for casting Doctor Doom this is really difficult because I want this casting to go down one of the best super villain casting choices of all time. I'm going to pick Mads Milkkelsen because he is European in real life. I think a lot of people will Say that this is the best supervillain casting choice. Now Dr. Doom's motivation is that he wants to harness the power of the celestial so he can Destroy the multiverse and the universe and kill all the Avengers. So he can view himself as a guy and out of the three villains in this trilogy Dr. Doom probably has the darkest motivation out of all of them. There can be a very dark and disturbing but awesome know introduction to seeing where Dr Doom Ambushes  Avengers Tower and then Iron Man says Vector and then Dr Doom says ¨Vector is dead You can call me Dr Doom and he starts attacking the Avenger they not only would be very A very badass villain introduction seeing but it'll make sense because he wants to kill all the Avengers by using the celestial powers to accomplish that and destroy the entire universe. It'll probably be one of the best villain introduction scenes.

So in conclusion I think it would probably be the best one out of the trilogy because it has one the best villains that being Dr Doom played tremendously by Mads Milkkelsen. The storyline will be Much more darker and probably out of the trilogy This film will have the best storyline out of all of them. Much like the first two films, this film will be PG-13 for strong language. Strong action and violence and disturbing imagery the movie will be 2 hours and 49 Minutes.  

Here Is My Movie Review Of Beau Is Afraid

  Here Is My Movie Review Of Beau Is Afraid  Now when I saw the trailer for this movie I legitimately thought I was high  because of all the...